October 11, 2019 Meeting


Committee members: Jennifer Altenhofel (co-chair), Leslie Minor (co-chair), Candace Duron, Shelley Getty, Vicki Jacobi, Windy Martinez, Breanna Payne, Juana Rangel-Escobedo

Recorder: Danielle Vohnout



Attendees: Leslie Minor (co-chair), Candace Duron, Shelley Getty, Breanna Payne, Danielle Vohnout (Recorder)

Committee members absent: Jennifer Altenhofel (co-chair), Vicki Jacobi, Windy Martinez, Juana Rangel-Escobedo

  • Annual Committee Self-Evaluation

The group discussed the self-evaluation. In November, the group will review the peer form. Strategic Enrollment Management (SEM) planning

  • Strategic Enrollment Management (SEM) planning

Leslie reviewed and trained the group regarding what SEM is and how it can be done. She reviewed constructing an SEM plan and conducting a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) analysis prior to beginning.

The group reviewed the COCC example as well as the linked examples from other CCCs. The group discussed how those plans relate to current TC plans and processes and how the group envisions TC’s SEM plan.

  • Begin to identify SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) basics for TC

This item will be discussed during the November meeting.

  • Discuss framework for SEM within Guided Pathways
    • file:///C:/Users/lminor/Downloads/11-01-2019%20Bay%20Area%20SEM_Agenda%20(002).pdf

This item will be discussed during the November meeting.
