January 18, 2019 Meeting


Access Committee Meeting Agenda

Friday, January 18, 2019




Attendees: Jennifer Altenhofel, Severo Balason, Juana Rangel-Escobedo, Candace Duron, Breanna Payne, Shelley Getty, and Danielle Vohnout (recorder)

  1. Welcome

Severo welcomed the committee and spoke about the new VPI, when announced, will lead the committee.

  1. Review Data regarding HS applicants

Jenn worked with programmer Kevin Kasper to gather data regarding high school applicants. The report received were special-admit students (student currently enrolled in high school and taking TC classes). Juana explained how the goal listed and the degree may be related.

  1. Compose list of questions for data to answer

The group put together a list of questions for Jenn to take to IT to get a new report with additional information. Data will be gathered from Summer and Fall applications in 2018 to create a baseline. The report will also include HS graduation year and attempted units.

  1. Review Access Committee Charter

No changes were made at this time.

  1. Set spring meeting schedule

The Spring schedule will remain the same – 2nd Friday from 10:10-11:00am.

  1. Set spring goals

Although no formal goals were created, the group reviewed the Trullo tasks for the Access Committee. The goals that were kept under Access are to develop a 2 year schedule and enrollment management. Also a disproportionally impacted goal will be added in Trullo.


Other: The group decided Jennifer Altenhofel will co-chair the committee.

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