May 10, 2019 Meeting


Access Committee Meeting Agenda

Friday, May 10, 2019

Cougar Room



  1. Equity Planning


Access Committee Meeting Minutes

Friday, May 10, 2019

Cougar Room



Attendees: Leslie Minor, Shelley Getty, Jennifer Altenhofel, Juana Rangel- Escobedo, Candace Duron, Danielle Vohnout (recorder)

  1. Equity Planning

Leslie presented to the group NOVA data from the Chancellor’s office. Our current DI group is white males. This is the only group that needs to be addressed in the Equity plan. The definition from the Chancellor’s office is that this group is not completing. This group may be WESTEC students who are taking one-day skill building courses and therefore defined as “not completing”. The Equity plan would include outreach to WESTEC to encourage students to complete a certificate/degree.

Other groups can also be addressed in the Equity plan. The group discussed the following groups, services currently provided, and potential services:

Foster youth – dorms have been secured, deadline for dorm applications created, fee waived for application. Potential way to measure: We have X number of dorms, we want to see X% filled with foster youth. The group discussed the Next Up funding which is a part of EOPS that would pay for housing for foster youth. This could be a goal in the Equity plan. Bus vouchers could also be included in the plan as a goal.

Veterans – Some goals related to the veterans’ population include mental health counseling for veterans by veterans through the VA; increase school counseling hours; professional development for faculty related to PTSD; outreach day specific to veterans. The usage data from the Veterans’ Center could be used in the Equity Plan.

All Males – The group discussed expanding the DI group to include all males. Potential interventions include networking events that include people who look like them (males, people of color, etc); current CTE industry panels held at TC could also be held at WESTEC; job fairs; alumni participation as panel guests or mentors.

Leslie stated she will begin writing and will send it out to the group. The Equity Plan is due at June 30th.

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