April 12, 2019 Meeting


Access Committee Meeting Agenda

Friday, April 12, 2019

Cougar Room


  1. Data Review


Access Committee Meeting Minutes

Friday, April 12, 2019

Cougar Room


Attendees: Juana Rangel-Escobedo, Candace Duron, Shelley Getty, Jennifer Altenhofel, Leslie Minor, and Danielle Vohnout (recorder)


  1. Data Review


The group discussed data that was compiled by Juana and Alvin from IT which showed the major courses or Math/ENGL courses that a student who is getting an ADT still needs to complete. Counselors discussed some general feedback regarding scheduling: students gravitate towards online, counselors would like time blocks so classes stack but don’t overlap.

General education courses are not typically a problem when it comes to scheduling because there are many options. The roadblocks are from major courses. Also local degrees are harder to map because there are so many options in the major. That is one reason the group started with students who have declared an ADT as a major.

Discussion of varies degree areas was had and the roadblocks in those areas. Also discussion was had regarding improving communication with students which options work best for their path.

Leslie also sent the committee a link regarding the overview of strategic enrollment for them to review.

The goal is to use the data to give to division for scheduling.
