October 04, 2013 Meeting
Strategic Planning Committee
Agenda for Regular Meeting
8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m., Friday, October 4, 2013
Cafeteria Conference Room
To: Sam Aunai, Darcy Bogle, Brandy Cramer, Vicki Herder, David Layne, Mark Williams
From: Eric Berube, Chair
Date: October 3, 2013
Recorder: Debi Wooley
Timekeeper: TBD
1. Review and approval of minutes of the September 6, 2013 meeting – 5 minutes (8:30
am-8:35 am)
2. Governance Council Update – Vicki – 5 minutes (8:35 am-8:40 am)
3. Budget Committee Update – David – 5 minutes (8:40 am-8:45 am)
4. Report on Action Items from the Previous Meeting – All – 5 minutes (8:45 am-8:50 am)
Previous Action Item: Eric will revise the “How To Guide for Annual Program Review for 2014-15 and will make corresponding changes to the web form prior to fall 2014. Eric will send to the program leads the rubrics used by the Governance Council and the Academic Senate to prioritize non-personnel and personnel requests.
The “How To Guide” is being updated but will not be utilized until fall 2014.
Previous Action Item: Members will bring their notes for Comprehensive Program Review content to the next meeting. Vicki will bring a draft of a proposed CPR schedule, and Darcy will bring some examples ofmaster plans from other colleges for review.
The draft of a proposed CPR schedule will be presented at today’s meeting, and discussion will continue today regarding the entire CPR process.
5. Comprehensive Program Review – Eric – 60 minutes (8:50 am-9:50 am)
Objectives: (1) Determine content; (2) Determine process, including identifying which programs
undergo review; (3) Determine a timeline; and (4) Products (Reports)
6. Other Items – All – 10 minutes (9:50 am-10:00 am)
7. Adjournment
Minutes of the Strategic Planning Committee
8:30 a.m., Friday, October 4, 2013
Cafeteria Conference Room
Members Present: Eric Bérubé, Darcy Bogle, Vicki Herder, David Layne, Mark Williams
Members Absent: Sam Aunai, Brandy Cramer
Timekeeper: Eric Bérubé
1. Review and approval of minutes of the September 6, 2013 meeting – 5 minutes (8:30 am-8:35 am)
The minutes were approved by consensus.
2. Governance Council Update – Vicki – 5 minutes (8:35 am-8:40 am)
September 13, 2013 Meeting:
A new student committee member was introduced. The discussion continued on the Governance Council Charter and the Governance Council Resource Allocation Process. Dena introduced the need for an Educational Master Plan.
September 27, 2013 Meeting:
Recommendations for Student Access and Student Success Committees were discussed. Adrian Agundez demonstrated the Centralized Intranet Site for TC Committees. Sheri Horn-Bunk updated the Council on the TC Foundation “West Kern Petroleum Summit.” Dan Rosenberg, College Brain Trust, gave a PowerPoint presentation demonstrating the process and how his company would assist the college in developing an Educational Master Plan.
3. Budget Committee Update – David – 5 minutes (8:40 am-8:45 am)
The final budget was Board approved and there is a hard copy in the library.
4. Report on Action Items from the Previous Meeting – All – 5 minutes (8:45 am-8:50 am)
Previous Action Item: Eric will revise the “How To Guide for Annual Program Review for 2014-15 and will make corresponding changes to the web form prior to fall 2014. Eric will send to the program leads the rubrics used by the Governance Council and the Academic Senate to prioritize non-personnel and personnel requests.
The “How To Guide” is being updated but will not be utilized until fall 2014. The rubrics were sent out.
Previous Action Item: Members will bring their notes for Comprehensive Program Review content to the next meeting. Vicki will bring a draft of a proposed CPR schedule, and Darcy will bring some examples of master plans from other colleges for review.
The draft of a proposed CPR schedule was presented at today’s meeting, and discussion continued today regarding the entire CPR process.
5. Comprehensive Program Review – Eric – 60 minutes (8:50 am-9:50 am)
Objectives: (1) Determine content; (2) Determine process, including identifying which programs will undergo review; (3) Determine a timeline; and (4) Products (Reports)
Eric led a discussion on the elements of the Comprehensive Program Review. Some of the items mentioned included:
- Expenditure data
- Samples from other colleges, and do they include budget information?
- Stronger delineation of basic skills from transfer level
- RP Group Definitions
- CCSSE Survey
- Hope Scale
- Early alerts not early enough
- Riverside Valley College census process that incorporates an early alert system
- Socio-economic status, family income, Expected Family Contribution
- Technology: Do students have access to computer, laptop, smart phone?
- Coordinate with areas that are required to do an independent review
- Identify CTE, include corrections, ECEF certificates on Vicki’s draft schedule
- Would like to add student support data
- Student Services and Instruction require different types of data in their program reviews
- Eric and Darcy need to meet regarding program review for Student Services
- SLOs and eLumen data in the future
It was determined that the discussion would be continued at the next meeting of the committee.
6. Other Items – All – 10 minutes (9:50 am-10:00 am)
Vicki reported that the Annual Student Learning Outcomes Report 2012-2013 is completed.
Darcy had a question for Eric regarding progress on access to the National Student Clearinghouse.
7. Adjournment
The meeting adjourned at 10:00 a.m.
Debra Wooley