February 27, 2013 Meeting


Strategic Planning Committee
Agenda for Regular Meeting
1:30 p.m., Wednesday, February 27, 2013
Cafeteria Conference Room

To: Sam Aunai, Darcy Bogle, Diana Duran, Val Garcia, Vicki Herder,
David Layne

From: Eric Berube, Chair

Date: February 22, 2013

Recorder: Debi Wooley

Timekeeper: TBD



1. Review and approval of minutes of the February 1, 2013 meeting – 5 minutes
2. Governance Council Update – Val – 5 minutes
3. Budget Committee Update – Val – 5 minutes
4. Report on Action Items from the Previous Meeting – Eric – 5 minutes
5. Campus-wide Reporting/Technology Use/Customer Satisfaction – Eric – 5 minutes

Objective: Update only

6. Program Review Process and the Strategic Planning Process – Eric – 1 hour

Objective: List of processes that need to be improved with options for each process

7. Other Items – 5 minutes
8. Adjournment




Minutes of the Strategic Planning Committee
1:30 p.m., Wednesday, February 27, 2013
Cafeteria Conference Room

Members Present: Sam Aunai, Eric Bérubé, Darcy Bogle, Diana Duran, Vicki Herder, David Layne, Val Garcia

Members Absent: None

Chairperson: Eric Bérubé

Timekeeper: Debra Wooley


1. Review and approval of minutes of the February 1, 2013 meeting – 5 minutes

The minutes were approved by consensus.

2. Governance Council Update – Eric – 5 minutes

A standing agenda item will be added to the Governance Council meetings for Accreditation Updates at Dena’s request.

Dena led a presentation on the budget regarding state funding.

Brock gave an update on safety protocol and mentioned employee training in the near future.

Dena spoke about a plan to restructure the Budget Committee and utilized a PowerPoint presentation that she prepared.

Action Item: Ask Dena for an electronic copy of the PowerPoint presentation and Eric will put it on the Institutional Research website.

3. Budget Committee Update – Val – 5 minutes

Dena led a presentation on the budget regarding state funding at this meeting as well.

4. Report on Action Items from the Previous Meeting – Eric – 5 minutes

Previous Action Item: The updated timelines will be distributed at the next Governance Council meeting on Friday, February 8, 2013.

This task was completed.

Previous Action Item: The campus-wide reporting needs survey will be further developed at the next meeting of the SPC.

The survey is on the agenda for the meeting today as an update only.

5. Campus-wide Reporting/Technology Use/Customer Satisfaction – Eric – 5 minutes

Objective: Update only

Dena would like the new Vice President of Instruction, Mark Williams, to be involved with the Campus-wide Reporting survey, so that portion will not be distributed until he is here and has had a chance to review it. The other two portions, Technology Needs (developed by Dan Hall), and Information Technology Customer Satisfaction (developed by Adrian Agundez) can be administered now.

6. Program Review Process and the Strategic Planning Process – Eric – 1 hour

A discussion ensued regarding the new accreditation standards, goals for student achievement, how you set the goals, and the plan for achieving them. The committee also discussed the April Governance Council retreat, and the survey regarding the strategic planning process that has been distributed to SPC members and will be distributed to the Governance Council. The necessity for the college to create benchmarks was mentioned. Eric informed the committee that a dashboard with Key Success Indicators has been added to the IR website. During the discussion the following action items were created:

Action Item: Bring evaluation comments from the Annual Program Review to the next meeting on April 5, 2013 and add it as an agenda item.

Action Item: Eric asked Brandy to call eLumen support to request that a field for distance learning course coding be added to the database.

Action Item: Eric will meet with Jason to discuss “timing out” on the IR website when people are entering their program reviews, possibly incorporating an auto-save function.

Action Item: Eric will gather electronic copies of all campus plans that have been published and put them on the IR website under the “Planning” tab.

Action Item: Eric will replace the “N/A” choice on the Strategic Planning Survey with “IDK” at David Layne’s request.

Action Item: Include “Customer Satisfaction Surveys” on the agenda for the April 5, 2013 meeting.

7. Other Items – 5 minutes

Vicki presented information regarding an issue with assessing Student Learning Outcomes for Westec courses due to the courses being added to the schedule after the fact. It was agreed that this issue should be addressed by the Vice Presidents and President.

8. Adjournment

The meeting adjourned at 3:00 p.m.


Debra Wooley
