May 03, 2013 Meeting


Strategic Planning Committee
Agenda for Regular Meeting
9:00 a.m., Friday, May 3, 2013
Cafeteria Conference Room

To: Sam Aunai, Darcy Bogle, Diana Duran, Val Garcia, Vicki Herder,
David Layne

From: Eric Berube, Chair

Date: April 30, 2013

Recorder: Debi Wooley

Timekeeper: TBD



1. Review and approval of minutes of the April 5, 2013 meeting – 5 minutes
2. Governance Council Update – Val – 5 minutes
3. Budget Committee Update – Val – 5 minutes
4. Report on Action Items from the Previous Meeting – Eric – 5 minutes

Previous Action Item: Eric will put together a formal recommendation to the Governance Council to address the committee’s concerns regarding Customer Satisfaction Surveys. The recommendation will be reviewed by the SPC as an agenda item at the next meeting.

5. Strategic Planning Survey Results – Eric – 30 minutes

Objective: Identify areas for improvement and make recommendations to the GC.

6. Annual Program Review Evaluations – Eric – 30 minutes

Objective: Update only

The data was presented at the April 5 meeting but it is being presented again today clustered into categories including one for “Incorrect Assumptions.”

7. Other Items – 5 minutes
8. Adjournment




Minutes of the Strategic Planning Committee
9:00 a.m., Friday, May 3, 2013
Cafeteria Conference Room

Members Present: Eric Bérubé, Darcy Bogle, Vicki Herder, David Layne

Members Absent: Sam Aunai, Diana Duran, Val Garcia

Guests Present: Brandy Cramer

Chairperson: Eric Bérubé

Timekeeper: Debra Wooley



1. Review and approval of minutes of the April 5, 2013 meeting – 5 minutes

The minutes were approved by consensus.

2. Governance Council Update – Vicki – 5 minutes

The Governance Council Retreat was held on Friday, April 26, 2013. Laura Hope, Dean of Instructional Support at Chaffey College, was the guest speaker. She gave a presentation outlining Chaffey’s model to improve student success (Success Centers). The rest of the meeting time was spent looking at the new accreditation standards with regard to student success, and the Taft College scorecard, which is available on the IR website. Scorecards for other colleges are available on the Chancellor’s Office website.

3. Budget Committee Update – David – 5 minutes

The committee is waiting on the release of the final budget from the State. State revenues are coming in higher than anticipated, and it is possible that a COLA might be included.

Dena brought the prioritization list for program review goals to the meeting and mentioned that 3-4 of the items had been approved for funding, but that consideration of the other items will be delayed until after the May revise of the State budget.

4. Report on Action Items from the Previous Meeting – Eric – 5 minutes

Previous Action Item: Eric will put together a formal recommendation to the Governance Council to address the committee’s concerns regarding Customer Satisfaction Surveys. The recommendation will be reviewed by the SPC as an agenda item at the next meeting.

Eric took the information to the Governance Council on Friday, April 12, 2013. It was not a separate agenda item, but an “Other” item. The council is now aware of it and will take it up at a future meeting.

5. Strategic Planning Survey Results – Eric – 30 minutes

Objective: Identify areas for improvement and make recommendations to the Governance Council.

The survey showed that generally people feel there is a disconnect between planning and budget. Specifically they are concerned about the absence of information regarding prioritization of goals and status of requests for resources. It was suggested that the information be posted on the internet, and that a spot on the website be reserved to house minutes from all committees on campus. Currently Governance Council and Strategic Planning Committee agendas and minutes are posted on the IR website, but people aren’t aware of this because it is not a place they think of to look for records of committee activities.

The survey also brought forth the suggestion that the timeline for the prioritization of goals process be defined further with dates included, especially with regard to the end of the process when funding is approved. The feeling is that the information should be posted campus wide on a specific timeline and that it be easily accessible.

Action Item: These two items will be brought back to the committee at the next meeting in order to put together recommendations for the Governance Council.

6. Annual Program Review Evaluations – Eric – 30 minutes

Objective: Update only

The data was presented at the April 5 meeting but it is being presented again today clustered into categories including one for “Incorrect Assumptions.”

One of the issues identified was a recommendation that the timeline be pushed back to change the due date for finishing program reviews to the fall rather than the spring. Some people felt that by finishing in spring it is possible to become confused and add in fall data with last year’s data. It is not likely that the timeline will be moved back because it is set up around the budget cycle. If programs would like to finish early they do have that option.

Another concern is the time it takes to assess SLOs. Vicki is going to change the “course” SLOs to “section” SLOs resulting in section improvement plans. She feels the section improvement plans can be utilized during comprehensive program review and assist with updating course outlines of record. It was also noted that SLO data generated from eLumen will be included on the CD and on the website for the next annual program review cycle.

Action Item: These two items need to be brought back to the next meeting as an agenda item and the committee needs to put together recommendations for the Governance Council.

7. Other Items – 5 minutes

Vicki mentioned development of a Comprehensive Program Review schedule that would break the task up to ensure that programs are not overwhelmed and would allow time for course outlines to be reviewed and updated to meet the deadline for inclusion on the CID. Many courses are due for updating and it is a huge task. She is concerned that trying to do too much at once will result in the course outline updates being delayed.

Action Item: Bring this item back as an agenda item for the next meeting.

8. Adjournment

The meeting adjourned at 10:30 a.m.


Debra Wooley,
