March 30, 2012 Meeting


Strategic Planning Committee
Agenda for Regular Meeting
10:00 a.m., Friday, March 30, 2012
Cafeteria Conference Room

To: Sam Aunai, Michelle Beasley, Eric Berube, Darcy Bogle, Val Garcia, Vicki Herder,
Carolyn Hosking, Velda Long

From: Debra Wooley, Secretary

Date: March 2, 2012

Facilitator: Vicki Herder

Timekeeper: Debi Wooley



1. Review and approval of minutes of the February 3, 2012 meeting.
2. Governance Council Update – Velda – 10 minutes

a. Prioritization of Program Goals: Process and Timeline Approval
b. Coordination of Committees

3. Budget Committee Update – Val – 10 minutes
4. Supplementary Questions for (CSSE) California Survey of Student Engagement – Eric – 20 minutes
5. Planning Agendas Updates – Eric – 20 minutes
6. Timeline for Strategic Planning Committee – Debi – 5 minutes
7. Prioritization of Action Items – 10 minutes
8. Student Learning Outcomes 2012 Deadline – 15 minutes
9. Other Items
10. Adjournment



Minutes of the Strategic Planning Committee
10:00 a.m., Friday, March 30, 2012
Cafeteria Conference Room

Members Present: Michelle Beasley, Eric Berube, Darcy Bogle, Vicki Herder

Members Absent: Sam Aunai, Val Garcia, Carolyn Hosking, Velda Long

Guests Present: Brandy Cramer

Facilitator: Vicki Herder

Timekeeper: Debi Wooley


1. Review and approval of minutes of the February 3, 2012 meeting.

The minutes were approved on a motion by Vicki Herder, seconded by Eric Berube.

2. Governance Council Update – Velda – 10 minutes

a. Prioritization of Program Goals: Process and Timeline Approval
b. Coordination of Committees
Not addressed at this meeting.

3. Budget Committee Update – Val – 10 minutes

Not addressed at this meeting.

4. Supplementary Questions for (CCSSE) California Survey of Student Engagement – Eric – 20 minutes

CCSSE is piloting questions for future versions of the survey and we were not given the opportunity to create our own additional questions. The data from the CCSSE will be presented to the Academic Senate and the Governance Council in the future.

5. Planning Agendas Updates – Eric – 20 minutes

The committee should revisit this agenda item again in May with the goal being to be complete this project by the fall inservice.

Current Action Item: Committee members should continue to gather information regarding the status of Planning Agendas.

6. Timeline for Strategic Planning Committee – Debi – 5 minutes

The deadline for the Accreditation Annual Report changed to March 30, 2012 and it will be updated on the timeline.

Another item on the timeline that was discussed was the “All Planning Committees Retreat?” No committee members are aware of plans for a retreat and it was determined that this should be brought to the attention of the Governance Council as an agenda item. The retreat is an important annual event for members to present updates and to identify areas that are not working well.

The committee decided to change the date of “Form Accreditation Committees” to January Inservice 2013 rather than May 2013. Eric would like the members of the Strategic Planning Committee to act as chairs of the sub-committees. The SPC member chairs could recruit for the sub-committees. Accreditation has always been perceived as a report you send out every six years, but it’s not. It’s a process that we live every day and this would be the appropriate group to shepherd that process.

Current Action Item: Remind the Governance Council of the annual retreat.

7. Prioritization of Action Items – 10 minutes

This list is a compilation of agenda items that were designated as action items from previous SPC meetings. The committee members should review the list and we can discuss appropriate action and prioritization at the next meeting. We could note “addressed” or “sent to Governance Council” as status. We need to get an update on any items that have already been addressed in the Budget Committee or the Governance Council.

Current Action Item: Committee members should review the list of action items and be prepared to prioritize the items at the next meeting.

8. Student Learning Outcomes 2012 Deadline – 15 minutes

Vicki distributed a draft of a “How To” Guide for SLOs. A web resource page has been created and the electronic version contains a link that should be up and running soon. The guide provides contact information for assistance, a timeline, a list of the standards to explain why we’re doing this, and a list of who is actually doing a lot of this work. There is a list of standalone courses to be addressed. The guide also includes “The Road to Sustainability” which explains what needs to be accomplished, evidence towards accomplishment, and a timeline of additional activities to meet sustainability levels required by the ACCJC. The rubric from the Accrediting Commission is also included. There are examples, checklists, a conversation log, and a GANNT chart. The electronic version of the guide will also include a link to the PowerPoint presentation on eLumen. There are also plans to conduct training on how to generate reports from eLumen.

9. Other Items

No other items were addressed.

10. Adjournment

The meeting adjourned at 11:45 a.m.


Debra Wooley
