January 20, 2012 Meeting


Strategic Planning Committee
Agenda for Regular Meeting
10:00 a.m., Friday, January 20, 2012
Cafeteria Conference Room

To: Sam Aunai, Michelle Beasley, Eric Berube, Darcy Bogle, Val Garcia, Vicki Herder,
Carolyn Hosking, Velda Long

From: Debra Wooley, Secretary

Date: January 18, 2012

Facilitator: Eric Berube

Timekeeper: Debi Wooley


1. Review and approval of minutes of the December 16, 2011 initial meeting.
2. Discussion of Previous Meeting/Clarification of Role of Committee
3. Report on Educational Master Plan Components
4. Review Program Review Evaluation Comments
5. Committee Meeting Schedule
6. Elect a Chairperson



Minutes of the Strategic Planning Committee
10:00 a.m., Friday, January 20, 2012
Cafeteria Conference Room

Members Present: Sam Aunai, Michelle Beasley, Eric Berube, Darcy Bogle, Val Garcia, Vicki Herder

Members Absent: Carolyn Hosking, Velda Long

Guests Present: Brandy Cramer


1. Review and approval of minutes of the December 16, 2011 initial meeting.

The minutes were approved on a motion by Vicki, seconded by Val.

2. Discussion of Previous Meeting/Clarification of Role of Committee

Current Action Item: The committee needs to put together a step-by-step chart of flow for prioritization of program goals and send it to the Governance Council for approval.

Future Action Item: The committee needs to develop a process that includes a form to provide justification for replacement of positions, new positions, or unfilled positions based on program review that is separate from the annual program review process.

Future Action Item: The committee needs to discuss a Comprehensive Program Review schedule, possible triggers, and the process.

Future Action Item: The committee needs to discuss a process for eliminating a program.

Future Action Item: The committee needs to develop a process for approval of plans for new buildings, etc. so decisions are made in the Governance Council, rather than the Facilities Committee.

Future Action Item: The committee needs to look at including a field to categorize budget items (i.e. personnel, equipment, technology, buildings, etc.).

Future Action Item: The committee needs to look into the possibility of adding a report on support personnel who work for the program in the Program Summary portion of the Annual Program Review.

Future Action Item: The committee needs to establish how the status of Program Goal approvals or denials is publicized to the college community.

Future Action Item: The committee needs to look at Key Success Indicators, the Dashboard, and funding for COGNOS software in order to monitor the measures we’ve developed.

Current Action Item: The committee needs to establish a timeline. Debi will bring a draft to the next meeting.

3. Report on Educational Master Plan Components including Safety Plan, Technology Plan, and Facilities Plan

Eric has met with the people in charge of those plans. Adrian Agundez has a plan from another college and is adapting it to Taft College. They’ve looked at several other colleges and it is not uncommon for people to do that, it happens all the time. They are working on it, it is coming along, and they should have it done by the deadline, the beginning of September. For the Safety Plan, their approach is a little bit different. They have a template from the Chancellor’s Office for an Emergency Operations Plan and they are looking at the template to see what is applicable to Taft College. The template is being adapted to Taft College and they will have it done in time also. TC already has a Facilities Plan but it wasn’t tied to the Educational Master Plan because the Facilities Plan came before the Educational Master Plan. That poses a little bit of a cause and effect problem. Brock McMurray and Eric will be meeting with the AP Architects to discuss the Facilities Plan. Basically the direction it is going is the data that are driving the Facilities Plan are the same data that are driving the Educational Master Plan, so there is a linkage there. It’s just that it needs to be flushed out to make it more obvious. These three plans will be finished and included in the next Educational Master Plan.

Future Action Item: Follow up on submission of the three plans by the deadline.

4. Review Program Review Evaluation Comments

Current Action Item: The committee needs to go through the Program Review Evaluation to address comments. The committee members should look the comments over and jot down ideas for the next meeting. Vicki says she will have answers at the next meeting regarding concerns specifically tied to SLOs.

5. Committee Meeting Schedule

The committee decided by consensus to meet from 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. on the first Friday of the month in the Cafeteria Conference Room.

6. Elect a Chairperson

The committee decided by consensus to have a rotating facilitator, and elected Eric as the liaison between the SPC and Governance Council. Val will be the liaison to the Budget Committee. Anyone can submit agenda items. Michelle reports to the Academic Senate, and Velda reports to the classified employee unit.

7. Adjournment

The meeting adjourned at 11:30 a.m. The next meeting will be from 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. on Friday, February 3, 2012 in the Cafeteria Conference Room. Vicki will be the facilitator, and Debi will be the timekeeper.


Debra Wooley
