February 03, 2012 Meeting


Strategic Planning Committee
Agenda for Regular Meeting
10:00 a.m., Friday, February 3, 2012
Cafeteria Conference Room

To: Sam Aunai, Michelle Beasley, Eric Berube, Darcy Bogle, Val Garcia, Vicki Herder,
Carolyn Hosking, Velda Long

From: Debra Wooley, Secretary

Date: January 31, 2012

Facilitator: Vicki Herder

Timekeeper: Debi Wooley


1. Review and approval of minutes of the January 20, 2012 meeting.
2. Assignment of Planning Agendas to Committee Members for Follow-up – Eric – 20 minutes
3. Program Review Evaluation Results Analysis – Eric – 15 minutes
4. Supplementary Questions for California Survey of Student Engagement (CCSSE) – Eric
– 20 minutes
5. Governance Council Update – Val – 20 minutes

a. Chart for Prioritization of Program Goals

6. Timeline for Strategic Planning Committee – Debi – 5 minutes

7. Other – Vicki – 10 minutes

a. Future Agenda Items
b. Revisit Meeting Schedule

8. Adjournment



Minutes of the Strategic Planning Committee
10:00 a.m., Friday, February 3, 2012
Cafeteria Conference Room

Members Present: S. Aunai, E. Berube, V. Garcia, V. Herder, V. Long

Members Absent: M. Beasley, D. Bogle, C. Hosking

Guests Present: B. Cramer

Facilitator: V. Herder

Timekeeper: D. Wooley

1. Review and approval of minutes of the January 20, 2012 meeting.

The minutes were approved on a motion by Val Garcia, seconded by Sam Aunai.

2. Assignment of Planning Agendas to Committee Members for Follow-up – Eric – 20 minutes

Eric presented a list of Planning Agenda Items compiled from the 2009 Self Study Report. The Mid-term Report is due to the Accrediting Commission in October 2012, and Taft College’s progress on all of the planning agenda items must be addressed in the report. The list included notations for the items that Eric was certain had been accomplished. The committee’s task was to assign the remaining items to individual committee members to follow up and report on progress made. The committee reviewed the entire list and all items were assigned. The committee members will report on and present written updates to the committee on progress made on their assigned planning agendas at the February 24, 2012 SPC meeting. It is not expected that all will be completed on February 24, but each committee member should be prepared to provide a status update for the items that are in progress. The written updates for the Planning Agenda Items will continue to be an agenda item until they are all finished.

Current Action Item: Work on your assigned Planning Agendas for first report on February 24.

3. Program Review Evaluation Results Analysis – Eric – 15 minutes

Eric referred to the handout distributed at the January 20 meeting showing a list of comments from the evaluation portion of the web-based program review form. The committee members were asked to review the comments and bring suggestions to today’s meeting. Items from the “What Went Well” section do not need to be addressed. The committee feels the Governance Council should receive a copy of the report as an informational item.

The comments break out into two areas: (1) Program review process and content, and (2) SLO process. All of the program review evaluation comments were addressed individually. The SLO comments will be addressed collectively: people’s concerns will be addressed through individual
contact, through workshops, through seminars, via Division Chairs. All of the SLO comments were also addressed in the most recent SLOASC meeting.

Current Action Item: Present list of Program Review evaluation comments to the Governance Council as an informational item.

4. Supplementary Questions for California Survey of Student Engagement (CCSSE) – Eric – 20 minutes

The CCSSE is going to be conducted this semester in March and/or April, and we have space on the CCSSE questionnaire to add 20 additional questions. This is the opportunity for the college to customize questions regarding campus climate, library, SLOs, classroom needs, facilities, etc. The questionnaire and examples of past supplementary questions will be emailed to the committee members.

Current Action Item: Review past CCSSE survey questions and CCSSE questionnaire and bring suggestions to the February 24 committee meeting for new questions for this year.

5. Governance Council Update – Val – 20 minutes

a. Chart for Prioritization of Program Goals
The draft “Prioritization of Program Goals and Timeline for Spring 2012” was presented to the Governance Council on January 27, 2012. The Council requested the timeline be revised to coordinate with the Budget Development Calendar for the 2012-13 Fiscal Year. It is believed that the Governance Council misunderstood that the goals requesting resources completed in spring 2012 are to be considered for the 2013-14 budget planning process, not the 2012-2013 fiscal year. The committee will revise the Prioritization of Program Goals and Timeline to clarify the correct fiscal year and present it again on February 10 to the Governance Council.

Current Action Item: Revise the Prioritization of Program Goals and Timeline to present to Governance Council on February 10, 2012.

b. Coordination Between Committees

A second issue regarding strengthening coordination between the “planning committees” was discussed. Eric suggested the following to facilitate coordination of the activities of the Governance Council, Budget Committee, and Strategic Planning Committee:

1. Designate liaisons to the Budget Committee and to the Governance Council, members of the SPC who are also on those committees;
2. Have a standing agenda item for updates from the liaisons where important issues from those committees will be shared with the SPC;
3. All SPC members will be required to read the most recent minutes from the Budget Committee and the Governance Council prior to the SPC meeting; and
4. The SPC will ensure that the minutes of the SPC meeting are made available to the Budget Committee and the Governance Council so they can review and discuss any concerns with the liaisons.

The SPC members unanimously approved the four suggestions. Velda was appointed as liaison to Governance Council and Val as liaison to the Budget Committee because they are members of those groups.

Current Action Item: Present the four suggestions regarding coordination between committees to the Governance Council on February 10, 2012.

c. Other

The committee also recognizes the need for a process to address short term goals where the need is immediate, and possibly a holding pattern for goals that are awaiting availability of funding. It was agreed that this important task would be resolved in a future meeting.

Another issue was raised by Val regarding tying grant funds and Foundation projects to Strategic Planning. Val distributed an “Initial Grant Proposal Information” form that he created in the past. He would like the committee to review it and make suggestions for revision at a future meeting to align with current Program Review processes. This is a timely request considering that the site team for accreditation specifically asked for information about grants and how they’re tied to the planning process. It was agreed by the committee members that the SPC will refine the process of how grant applications are linked to planning and this process should include additional funding acquired by other sources such as the Foundation.

Further discussion regarding how to tie grants to strategic planning ensued. Val suggested that the link between grants and planning was at unmet goals. That is, during each cycle of program review there will be goals from program review and strategic planning that are not addressed. Grant funding would be a natural to use for those unmet goals.

Other discussion pointed out the need for good conversation so departments could consolidate and agree on goals. People need to be educated on how to write program goals and be encouraged to work collaboratively when they’re creating their goals.

Future Action Item: Create process to address short term goals that require funding in a shorter timeframe than two years in the future.

Future Action Item: Create process to link grant and Foundation funding to the planning process.

Future Action Item: Facilitate education and awareness of all participants in the program review process.

6. Timeline for Strategic Planning Committee – Debi – 5 minutes
Tabled until the next meeting.

7. Other – Vicki – 10 minutes

a. Future Agenda Items
b. Revisit Meeting Schedule

It was agreed that there is not enough time to address all of our Action Items. Vicki suggested delegating items to small groups. It was suggested that the committee should meet every two weeks even if we do delegate items. An email needs to be sent to committee members to notify them that the meeting schedule has tentatively been changed to every two weeks. The next meeting will be from 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m., February 24, 2012, in the Cafeteria Conference Room where we will continue discussion on set meeting times.

Current Action Item: The committee needs to prioritize the list of Action Items.

c. Action Items List (attached)

8. Adjournment

The meeting adjourned at 11:30 a.m.

Debra Wooley
