October 05, 2020 Meeting


Information Technology Committee

Meeting Agenda

October 5, 2020, Monday, 4:00-5:00 p.m.

Zoom Meeting

  1. Review Minutes from September 8, 2020 Minutes
  2. Review Updated Committee Charter
  3. Committee Annual Review
    1. Establish goals for 2020-2021 (based on Committee Charter, aligned with ACCJC Standards and the Strategic Action Plan
    2. Complete the ITC Annual Committee Review Self-Evaluation Form (see below)
  4. Classroom Project Review 

Next Meeting: November 2, 2020


Committee Members from Charter (Draft):

1 Xiaohong Li (Chair) Exec. Director, Information and Technology Services
2 Marianne Castano Bishop (Co-Chair) Director, Distance Education



3 Abbas Jarrahian Faculty
4 Amar Abbott High Tech Access Specialist
5 Dana Hicks Info and Tech Services Representative; Meeting Recorder
6 David Reynolds Faculty
7 Gustavo Gonzalez Info and Tech Services Representative
8 Jessica Grimes / Alissa Tweedy Career Technical Education Representative
9 John Dodson Transition to Independent Living (TIL) Representative
10 Josh Vasquez Student Representative
11 Leslie Minor VP Instruction
12 Mark Gibson Info and Tech Services Representative
13 Rafael Andrade Info and Tech Services Representative
14 Severo Balason VP Student Services
15 Sharyn Eveland Faculty
16 Nikki Crane Library Representative
17 Tiffany Rowden Human Resources Representative




2019-2020 Annual Committee Review Self-Evaluation Form


Name of Committee:   Information Technology Committee

Committee Website:   http://committees.taftcollege.edu/itc/


  1. Committee meetings (2019-2020)


Number of meetings scheduled 9
Number of meetings held 5
Number of meetings attended by as ASB representative 4
Meeting date when charter was last reviewed 9/8/2020


  1. Analysis of prior year goals


2019-2020 Goal Completed? Explanation for goals that are not completed
1. improving data security will be included with Cybersecurity improvements. ☐Yes       ☐No  
2. improving classroom audiovisual tech. was moved to be part of wireless infrastructure improvements. ☐Yes       ☐No  
3. ☐Yes       ☐No  
4. ☐Yes       ☐No  


III. Analysis of prior year recommendations


Prior Year Recommendation Resolved? Explanation for recommendations that are not resolved
1. ☐Yes       ☐No  
2. ☐Yes       ☐No  


  1. List of processes the committee oversees/facilitates (e.g. curriculum, resource allocation, etc.)


Process Clearly documented? Website where documentation is located
1. ☐Yes       ☐No  
2. ☐Yes       ☐No  


  1. 2020-2021 Goals based on Committee Charter, aligned with ACCJC Standards and the

Strategic Action Plan


2020-2021 Goal SAP Alignment Explanation of how the goal aligns with the SAP goal


  1. Committee’s membership for 2020-2021


Name (note if person is chair/co-chair) Constituency group Completed training on committee functions? (N/A-did not exist last year)
    ☐Yes       ☐No     ☐N/A
    ☐Yes       ☐No     ☐N/A
    ☐Yes       ☐No     ☐N/A
    ☐Yes       ☐No     ☐N/A
    ☐Yes       ☐No     ☐N/A
    ☐Yes       ☐No     ☐N/A
    ☐Yes       ☐No     ☐N/A
    ☐Yes       ☐No     ☐N/A
    ☐Yes       ☐No     ☐N/A
    ☐Yes       ☐No     ☐N/A
    ☐Yes       ☐No     ☐N/A
    ☐Yes       ☐No     ☐N/A
    ☐Yes       ☐No     ☐N/A
    ☐Yes       ☐No     ☐N/A
    ☐Yes       ☐No     ☐N/A


Members Present:

Xiaohong Li, Marianne Castano Bishop, Amar Abbott, Rafael Andrade, Severo Balason, Nikki Crane, John Dodson, Sharyn Eveland, Mark Gibson, Gus Gonzalez, Dana Hicks, Abbas Jarrahian, Leslie Minor, David Reynolds,

Members Absent:   

Jessica Grimes, Tiffany Rowden

Student Representative:


Marianne Castano Bishop


Dana Hicks

Meeting Called to Order:

The meeting was called to order at 4:05 p.m.

  1. Review Minutes from September 8, 2020
  • The committee reviewed and approved the minutes from the September 8, 2020 ITC meeting as written.

2. Review Updated Committee Charter (From September meeting)

  • The committee continued the Charter update discussion from last meeting. There were some minor modifications made including correction to the High-Tech representation title: High Tech Access Specialist or designee. Leslie also suggested to list the VP Instruction membership to be listed as “VP Instruction or designee.”
  • There was a brief discussion for Balason to look into additional representation from various Student Services areas. At conclusion of discussion the decision was made for Balason not to proceed with bringing additional representation in order to keep committee membership to a minimum.
  • Xiaohong will reach out to ASO for student representation.
  • The committee approved the remaining Charter sections with no further modifications.
  •  Charter will be forwarded to Governance Council for approval.

     3. Committee Annual Review

     a. Establish goals for 2020-2021 (based on Committee Charter, aligned with ACCJC Standards and the Strategic Action Plan    [SAP])

     b. Complete the ITC Annual Committee Review Self-Evaluation form

  •  The committee discussed some of the goals they wanted to establish as they reviewed the Self-Evaluation form.
  •  Some of the of the discussion covered topics such as:
    • Meeting date when charter was last reviewed for 2019-2020: 9/20/2019
    •  Status of 2019-2020 Goals:
      • Data Security improvements: Data Security was discussed very briefly in 2019 and is continuously in progress. Eveland asked if there is any data that can be provided for review – per Gibson, no but data can be gathered if requested.
      •  Classroom Audio Visual improvements: AV improvements was discussed very briefly in 2019 with plans for more discussion in 2020-2021. Lack of funds has always been an issue for improvements and was also why this goal was not addressed in 2019-2020. Classroom AV improvements was moved last year to be included as part of infrastructure projects instead of a stand-alone project. Reynolds inquired why the goal for Classroom AV was moved to be part of Infrastructure improvements and per Gibson, no known reason.
      •  A discussion about funding sources began based on the comment regarding lack of funding being an issue for any improvements. There are little to no additional funding sources available for this year due to the current budget state, but there should be funds built into the General account, otherwise there will be trouble. Li commented there are some funds reserved however not sufficient for current project needs. Li also stated that the top five program goals are IT related and will be reviewed by Dr. Daniels. Eveland reiterated Li’s statement about Dr. Daniels making infrastructure a top priority.
      •  The Committee also discussed the Goals for 2020-2021 based on the charter and aligned with ACCJC Standards and the SAP. One goal discussed was improving data security as part of Cybersecurity improvements, aligning with #16 of the SAP. This goal is also part of the Technology Master Plan. IT staff is continuously making data security improvements without direction by the Committee. 
  1. Classroom Project Review
  • Li briefly spoke of the project review and indicated everything looks good. Li advised that if anyone has any further input to forward to her. 

The meeting concluded at 5:02 p.m.

Minutes approved by committee on 11/2/2020
