February 21, 2020 Meeting


  1. Review Minutes from January 24, 2020
  2. Distance Education
  3. Annual Committee Review Self‐Evaluation, Goals for 2019‐20
  4. Student Concerns – WiFi Performance
  5. Cybersecurity Awareness: Have I Been Owned?
  6. Review of 2019‐20 Program Goals from ITS
  7. Progress Update: Accreditation Technology Subcommittee
  8. Other
    Next Meeting: Friday, March 20, 2020


Members Present:

Andrew Prestage (Chair), Nicole Avina, Shelley Getty, Mark Gibson, Gus Gonzalez, Jessica Grimes, Dana Hicks, Abbas Jarrahian, James May, David Mitchell, David Reynolds, Tiffany Rowden, Josh Vasquez (Student Representative)

Members Absent:  

Severo Balason, John Dodson, Leslie Minor

Other Attendees:

There were no other attendees at the meeting.

Student Representative:

Josh Vasquez


Andrew Prestage facilitated the meeting.


Dana Hicks was meeting recorder.

Meeting Called to Order:

The meeting called to order at 10:10 A.M.

  • Andy took a moment and introduced Josh Vasquez who is replacing Whisper as the student representative for the ITC committee.
  1. Review Minutes from January 24, 2020
  • The committee reviewed and approved the minutes from the January 24, 2020 ITC meeting as written. 
  1. Distance Education
  • Avina distributed a handout that summarized how the Distance Education department supports the student population. She briefly summarized the different statistics outlined in the handout such as Distance Education enrollment and Course Offering data spanning Spring 2015 – Spring 2020. 
  1. Annual Committee Review Self-Evaluation, Goals for 2019-20 
  • Prestage and committee members discussed the distributed self-evaluation form for 2018-2019.
  • Recommendations were made to move around the 2019-2020 goals listed on the form.
  • The goal for improving data security will be included with Cybersecurity improvements.
  • The goal for improving classroom audiovisual tech. was moved to be part of wireless infrastructure improvements.
  • Prestage will work on the changes and email committee members for approval. 
  1. Student Concerns – WiFi Performance
  • Gibson briefly summarized solutions for WiFi performances.
  • The VP of Student Services will be providing $25,000 in funding to help with procuring needed infrastructure equipment such as WiFi access points for the “G” buildings.
  1. Cybersecurity Awareness: Have I Been Owned? 
  • Prestage shared a website, haveibeenpwned.com , where users can search across multiple data breaches to see if an email address has been compromised. 
  1. Review of 2019-20 Program Goals from ITS  
  • Due to time, Prestage briefly listed the 18+ program goals he summitted from ITS. 
  1. Progress Update: Accreditation Technology Subcommittee 
  • Topic was not discussed due to time constraints 
  1. Other
  • Due to time constraints, no other topics were discussed. 

The meeting concluded at 11:00 a.m.

Next Meeting: Friday, March 20, 2020 (Meeting cancelled due to COVID-19 campus closure)

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic campus closure, minutes approved by the Committee via Email on April 17, 2020.
