November 02, 2020 Meeting


Information Technology Committee

Meeting Agenda

November 3, 2020, Monday, 4:00-5:00 p.m.

Zoom Meeting

  1. Welcome new member: Zachary Carter (ASO committee member)
  2. Review Minutes from October 5, 2020 Meeting
  3. ITS /DE Technology updates
  4. Final review and approve Committee Annual Self Evaluation
  5. Discussion: removing admin access from end users (security requirement)

Next Meeting: December 7, 2020


The Information Technology Committee serves as the central focal point to examine technology planning and operations at Taft College. The Committee provides a forum for input from all campus constituents and acts as a resource with regard to technology planning and operational effectiveness. The Committee receives input, recommends areas of interest, analyzes technology effectiveness, and makes recommendations regarding technology-related matters including training needs. The Committee leads the development of the Technology Master Plan and provides annual updates to the plan.

Members Present:

Xiaohong Li (Chair), Marianne Castano-Bishop (Co-Chair), Amar Abbott, Rafael Andrade, Severo Balason, Nikki Crane, John Dodson, Sharyn Eveland, Mark Gibson, Gus Gonzalez, Jessica Grimes, Dana Hicks, Abbas Jarrahian, Leslie Minor, David Reynolds, Tiffany Rowden

Members Absent:   

No members were absent.

Student Representative:

Zachary Carter 


Xiaohong Li


Dana Hicks

Meeting Called to Order:

The meeting was called to order at 4:01 p.m.

  1. Welcome new member: Zachary Carter (ASO committee member)
  • Zachary introduced himself to the committee as the student representative.


  1. Review Minutes from October 5, 2020
  • The committee reviewed the minutes from the October 5, 2020 meeting and made a minor modification to add discussion detail regarding Balason to seek additional representation from other Student Services areas with final determination of no need to keep committee membership to a minimum.
  • The committee approved the remaining minutes with no further modifications.
  1. ITS / DE Technology Updates
    1. ITS Updates:
  • Virtual Machine
  • Li mentioned a new virtual machine is in process of being purchased.
  • Extra Hardware: we are at the max of what our current solution can support
  • Li mentioned a new server was recently purchased.
  • Classroom Audiovisual project
  • Li mentioned the proposal went out for bid last week and proposals are being collected. Li would like the committee members to help evaluate the proposals. Project start date goal is during Spring Semester.
  • Long Distance Phone System
  • Li updated the committee members with the status of the long-distance calling issue. The issue with the campus’s inability of placing long distance calls was caused by the long-distance vendor used by the campus. Gonzalez spent quite a few weeks working with the vendor and getting issue resolved.
  • Acceptable Use Policy (AUP)
  • Li mentioned the committee will need to review the AUP during a future meeting. She will be emailing the current policy to the members for review.
  1. Distance Education Updates
  • Classic Quizzes
  • Castano-Bishop mentioned faculty has been using Canvas Classic Quizzes but will need to begin using the new version, New Quizzes. There are faculty concerns about starting from scratch when faculty will need to migrate to New Quizzes.
  • Canvas Studio
  • Distance Education staff will be holding training on Canvas Studio on Wednesday. There will be self-paced training available for those who are interested.
  • Proctorio Funding
  • Castano-Bishop mentioned the CCC Chancellor’s office is determining whether or not to continue funding Proctorio. Respondus is being considered as a replacement for Proctorio. Castano-Bishop to update committee as she learns of news.
  • Training Survey
  • Castano-Bishop will be sending a survey to faculty requesting suggestions for the type of training they’d like to see for various software and applications.
  • Reynolds stated he will forward Castano-Bishop webinar information he received from CCC Connect about possibly replacing 3CMedia
  1. Final Review and Approve Committee Annual Self Evaluation
  • The committee continued the Self Evaluation discussion from last month’s meeting briefly reviewing Section V. After the brief discussion the committee made a motion to pass with 14 votes in favor of approving Section V as drafted with the one goal of improving data security as part of Cybersecurity improvements.
  1. Discussion: Removing Admin Access from End Users (Security Requirement)
  • The committee discussed the topic at length. The topic was not received well by committee members. Concerns were made by Jarrahian, Abbott about contacting IT for assistance for every issue that pops up while performing job responsibilities. There were also concerns expressed by Reynolds about IT staffing availability outside of regular hours.
  • Gibson stated his goal is for minimal impact on faculty while also meeting federal security requirements. This topic is in early stages of discussion and will take a while to implement due to research of 2FA tokens (i.e. Microsoft / Google Authenticator Apps) for allowing admin rights, testing such tokens and bring back to committee for review.
  • Eveland inquired where verbiage of agenda topic stemmed from. Per Gibson, Prestage wished to completely remove admin access but that was not possible.
  • Abbott inquired and would like to view mandates requiring disable of admin access; Li will research and forward.
  • Balson asked for list of software that will need SSO / 2FA. Eveland added she thinks a single solution will not be a good fit for this topic and pleads for certainty before presenting. Li shared an approved software website from Sam Houston State University as an example for a way to install approved software on accounts with no admin access.
  • Abbott inquired if any research was done in obtaining a Deep Freeze district license; per Gibson research was done problem was cost. In 2019, estimated cost for district wide license was $25,000.

The meeting concluded at 5:01 p.m.

Minutes approved by Committee as written on 12/7/2020.
