December 07, 2020 Meeting


December 7, 2020, Monday, 4:00-5:00 p.m.

  1. Review Minutes from November 2, 2020 Meeting
  2. Record the meeting, especially discussion?
  3. ITS /DE Technology updates
  4. Discuss/Review AP 3720 Computer and Network Use Policies to reflect the language of using CCLC’s recommendation

Next Meeting: February TBD, 2021


The Information Technology Committee serves as the central focal point to examine technology planning and operations at Taft College. The Committee provides a forum for input from all campus constituents and acts as a resource with regard to technology planning and operational effectiveness. The Committee receives input, recommends areas of interest, analyzes technology effectiveness, and makes recommendations regarding technology-related matters including training needs. The Committee leads the development of the Technology Master Plan and provides annual updates to the plan.

Members Present:

Xiaohong Li (Chair), Marianne Castano-Bishop (Co-Chair), Amar Abbott, Rafael Andrade, Nikki Crane, Sharyn Eveland, Mark Gibson, Gus Gonzalez, Jessica Grimes, Dana Hicks, Abbas Jarrahian, Leslie Minor, David Reynolds, Tiffany Rowden

Members Absent:   

Severo Balason, John Dodson

Student Representative:

Zachary Carter – Absent 


Xiaohong Li


Dana Hicks

Meeting Called to Order:

The meeting was called to order at 4:10 p.m.

  1. Review Minutes from November 2, 2020
  • The committee approved the minutes from the November 2, 2020 meeting with no modifications.
  1. Record the meeting, especially discussion?
  • The committee approved recording of meetings especially discussions to help with minute recording with the conditions they will not be kept indefinitely or shared.
  1. ITS / De Technology updates
  • ITS Updates:
  • Classroom AV Project
  • Li mentioned bids have been collected. Subcommittee members include members from the ITC Committee and will be meeting this Wednesday to review proposals.
  • Virtual Machine
  • Li mentioned the college is in process of collecting vendor quotes. The campus needs at least three bids to proceed and are currently waiting for the third vendor’s response. If the campus does not hear from the third vendor, a campus representative will reach out.
  • Distance Education Updates
  • IssueTrak
  • Castano-Bishop mentioned Distance Education received permission to utilize IssueTrak as their request system. This system is the same ticketing system IT and Facilities utilize. The office will need training prior to use.
  • Proctorio & ConexED
  • Proctorio and ConexED have been submitted to be a part of the STACS (System-Wide Technology Access Collaborative) Program.
  • Position Vacancy
  • Castano-Bishop mentioned Nicole Avina is no longer with the organization and worked with Human Resources to revise a new position description to hire a replacement.
  • Early Canvas Access
  • Faculty have been inquiring when they will have early access to their Canvas Shells to prepare for Spring Semester. Kevin Kasper, Kelly Nichols (Canvas), and Distance Ed. staff have been working on early access ability.
  1. Discuss / Review AP 3720 Computer and Network Use Policies to reflect the language of using CCLC’s recommendation
  • The committee discussed and reviewed AP 3720, which is to be done every two years.
  • Eveland provided some background information about last year’s discussion and how the prior version submitted by Prestage was not approved due to verbiage used in the policy.
  • Li asked the committee for recommendations of how to incorporate information from CCLC’s AP 3720 into the College’s current document.
  • The College will borrow Topic #V, “Appropriate Use / Guidelines” information from CCLC’s version. Per Minor, the League’s version will be safer for use since information was reviewed by legal counsel.
  • Eveland mentioned from what she can tell from looking at CCLC’s version of AP 3720, there will be no kickback from Academic Senate verses what was presented one year ago.
  • Li asked the committee for input if we should just use the CCLC’s document and the College’s own version and insert the college’s name where needed.
  • Eveland mentioned that the AP 3720 document will need to be forwarded to Academic Senate and Governance Council and depending on which version is approved by this committee, may or may not need to be approved by Senate. If the “10 +1” version is approved by this committee approves, the Senate and Council will need to approve, if it’s not the “10 +1” version, the document will be reviewed as an informational item.
  • The committee voted to approve adopt CCLC’s version as the College’s own version with modifications only to add the College’s / District’s name where needed.
  • Voting also brought a discussion of who Committee voting members are and how the committee will continue to vote either by consensus or other way. Grimes pointed out how the guild charter does not outline voting procedures and who are voting members. The committee will continue discussion at a later meeting.

The meeting concluded at 5:00 p.m.

Reviewed and approved by the committee as written with no modifications on 2/1/2021.
