January 24, 2020 Meeting


  1. Review Minutes from October 18, 2019
  2. Distance Education
  3. Annual Committee Review Self-Evaluation, Goals for 2019-20
  4. Student Concerns – WiFi Performance
  5. AP 3720 – Computer and Network Use Procedure
  6. Other


Next Meeting: Friday, February 21, 2020


Members Present:

Andrew Prestage (Chair), Adam Bledsoe (Acting Co-Chair), Shelley Getty, Mark Gibson, Gus Gonzalez, Dana Hicks, Abbas Jarrahian, James May, David Mitchell, David Reynolds, Tiffany Rowden

Members Absent:

Nicole Avina, Severo Balason, John Dodson, Jessica Grimes, Leslie Minor, Whisper-Lynn Null (Student Representative)

Other Attendees:

Marty Morales, Brandy Young

Student Representative:


Andrew Prestage and Adam Bledsoe facilitated the meeting.


Dana Hicks was meeting recorder.

Meeting Called to Order:

The meeting called to order at 10:11 A.M.


  1. Review Minutes from November 15, 2019
  • The committee reviewed and approved the minutes from the November 15, 2019 ITC meeting as written.

2. Distance Education

  • Bledsoe will continue to act as Co-Chair until new Director of Distance Education is hired.
  • The Canvas shells has been successfully rolled over with the help of Morales.
  • OEI update: Due to funding being cut for both Proctorio and Name Coach plugins, the plugins will no longer be utilized after Spring 2020 semester. Distance Education will be investigating other options to replace the plugins.
  • Preferred Name Update: The Distance Education office is continuing to help ensure preferred student names match both Gradebook and Banner programs. Students are urged to also contact Admissions and Records office of any name changes.
  1. Annual Committee Review Self-Evaluation, Goals for 2019-20
  •  Young visited the meeting to go over the Committee Self-Evaluation form she distributed to committee members.
  •  The Self-Evaluation is required to be completed annually since the ITC committee reports to the Governance Council.
  •  The last committee self-evaluation performed by the ITC committee was during the 2016-2017 academic year.
  •  Prestage will be sending the form electronically via email to all committee members to help assist in completing the form.

4. Student Concerns – WiFi Performance

  • Gonzalez reported that he and Gibson were late to today’s meeting due to rebooting the firewall. Today’s instance wasn’t the first time the firewall needed to be rebooted. Gonzalez and Gibson will be researching the cause of the Firewall’s frequent reboots and possibly contacting our vendor (Cisco) to further investigate the cause. Gonzalez added that device firmware for the firewall will need to be downloaded and installed in the future but done early in the morning before campus staff report to work.
  •  Gonzalez reported that WiFi issues students are facing may be due to the various models of access points installed around campus. Each model authenticates differently from each other possibly causing slow connections and / or forcing students to log back into the WiFi. IT is working on obtaining quotes on new infrastructure equipment.
  • Gonzalez added that the Wildcat Way dorms WiFi went out due to aging equipment. IT staff worked with the vendor to bring the system back up.
  1. AP 3720 – Computer and Network Use Procedure
  •  The committee continued AP 3720 discussion from November’s meeting. Prestage informed the committee that he reviewed the draft policy with Governance Council at the November meeting.
  •  There was a lengthy discussion about the policy and many recommendations for changes and modifications were made. The committee members agreed to continue reviewing the document outside of meeting time and submit changes electronically to Prestage.
  •  When ready, the committee members will also vote electronically in order for Prestage to present the policy at the next Governance Council meeting for adoption.

6. Other

  • Due to time constraints, no other topics were discussed.

The meeting concluded at 11:02 a.m.

Next Meeting: Friday, February 21, 2020

Approved by the ITC Committee, as written, on 2/21/2020.
