September 28, 2012 Meeting


September 28, 2012
12:10 pm – 2:00 pm
Cougar Room
Facilitator: Velda Long
Recorder: Dena Maloney
Timekeeper: Debra Ekdahl
Minutes: Melissa Blanco
1. Approval of Minutes of September 14, 2012 —5 minutes
2. Continued Discussion and consensus on Prioritization Rubric (led by Val Garcia) – 20 minutes
3. Continued Discussion of Prioritization Process (led by Val Garcia) – 30 minutes
4. Budget Committee Report (led by Ron Errea) – 15 minutes
5. Strategic Planning Committee Report (led by Val Garcia) – 15 minutes
Next Meetings:
October 12 at 12:00 pm in the Cougar Room (standing meeting)
October 26 at 12:00 pm in the Cougar Room (if needed)



September 28, 2012 12:10 pm – 2:00 pm Cougar Room

Members Present:      Kanoe Bandy, Debra Ekdahl, Ron Errea, Sharyn Eveland, Greg Golling, Sandi Graham, Vicki Herder, Velda Long, Brock McMurray, Dena Maloney, Jim Nicholas, and Sonja Swenson

Members Absent:       Patti Bench, Kamala Carlson, Fernando Lara, and Tony Thompson

Guests:                            Brandy Cramer and Val Garcia

Facilitator: Velda Long Recorder: Dena Maloney Timekeeper: Debra Ekdahl Minutes: Melissa Blanco



The minutes of the meeting held September 14, 2012 were approved by consensus.



(Led by Val Garcia, Dean of Instruction)

  • Val distributed the “Process for Annual Program Goal Resource Prioritization (copy attached to official minutes)
  • The recommendation from SPC is to use the flowchart for the prioritization process
  • Dena indicated her goal was to have one list of priorities


CONSENSUS A motion was made by Brock McMurray, seconded by Sandi Graham and carried unanimously to approve the Annual Program Goal Resource Prioritization Process developed by the SPC.

  • Velda indicated a new Classified Staffing Committee will be formed and stated the Classified Bargaining Unit will work on putting it together.

Governance Council September 28, 2012

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PRIORITIZATION RUBRIC (Continued Discussion)

(Led by Val Garcia, Dean of Instruction)

  • Val distributed two versions of the Annual Program Goal Resource Prioritization Rubric Fall 2012 (copy attached to official minutes):
    • Version #1-includes a category called “Measureable Outcomes” and includes up to 60 points
    • Version #2-does not include this category and includes up to 40 points
  • Val explained “Measurable Outcomes” is a duplication and is already considered in the Annual Programs Reviews.
  • After further discussion, the group voted to adopt Version #2.


CONSENSUS The Governance Council agreed to adopt the Version #2 “Annual Program Goal Resource Prioritization Rubric Fall 2012”.

  • Val distributed a revised “Annual Program Goal Prioritization Worksheet Fall 2012” (copy attached to official minutes)
  • The revised “Annual Program Goal Prioritization Worksheet Fall 2012” prioritized the Annual Program Goals in the following three categories:
    • “Pink” Sheet – Annual program goals identified as “Other”
    • “Green” Sheet – Annual program goals identified as “Faculty”
    • “Blue” Sheet – Annual program goals identifies as “Staff”
  • Based on the decision today, the Faculty Annual Program Goal Prioritization Worksheet (green sheet) and the “Staff” Annual Program Goal Prioritization Worksheet (blue sheet) will be sent to either the Senate or the Classified Staffing Committee.
  • The Governance Council will rank the “Other” Annual Program Goal Prioritization Worksheet (pink sheet) which deals with one-time requests.
  • It was noted that some annual program goals were on the prioritization worksheet that needed to be removed. GC members were asked to email Debbie Wooley by next Tuesday.
  • Governance Council members score the one-time requests and turn it in to Debra Wooley for consolidation by Wednesday, October 10.
  • The Governance Council will review the results at the October 12 meeting, discuss, and make recommendations.
  • The Governance Council was asked to prioritize without cost information since the Budget Committee will not have the costs ready until October 12.
  • Not having the cost information might lead to a richer conversation on the 12th and this process could help us prioritize initially based on need and then when we have cost information, we can then figure out what is possible and when it is possible – setting some priorities for the future when there is more funding.
  • GC members wanted to make sure that we are not confusing people if their proposal is #1 before we look at costs and do a final ranking of requests.
  • GC has the flexibility once they meet on the 12th to change the rankings through the process of discussion.
  • The Budget Committee will provide costs to the annual program goals to Eric by Thursday, October 11.
  • The Governance Council will discuss the results and finalize their recommendations at the next meeting on October 12.
  • Suggested to proceed with this ranking process and then evaluate how well it worked and make changes to the rubric if necessary.
  • It was suggested to also have GC look at grant positions and review options as to continue with the positions or not.



Budget Committee Report

(Led by Ron Errea, Vice President of Administrative Services)

Committee Report Update:

  • The Budget Committee has been working on verifying costs for annual program goals.
  • They reviewed and separated the annual program goals into two groups – goals which have costs (copied on green sheets) and those that do not (copied on white sheets).
  • During this process the BC has been working on creating general cost assumptions to assist in determining costs for program goals.
  • Ron distributed a handout titled “Estimated 5-Year Cost for New Faculty – September 28, 2012” which establishes some “general assumptions” for salary costs and start-up costs (computer, printer, phone, etc.) when hiring faculty. The BC will also be adding one-time HR costs when hiring faculty such as physical, TB test, etc., to this worksheet. This will serve as a base-line cost for salary faculty positions.
  • The Budget Committee is also looking at the one-time costs and for some goals such as special dental equipment or software and will have to rely on the costs as submitted by the program leads as they have specialized knowledge of particular software or equipment.



Governance Council September 28, 2012

  • It was asked if the Budget Committee will provide possible sources of funding such as grant funding for these annual program goals. Ron stated the BC is struggling with this task and welcomes everyone’s input.
  • The BC will have a cost summary for each annual program goal submitted to Eric to add to the “cost” column on the Prioritization Annual Program Goal Worksheet for the GC to review at the October 12th



Strategic Planning Committee

(Led by Val Garcia, Associate Dean of Instruction)

Committee Report Update:

  • Val stated the discussions above on the Prioritization Rubric and the Prioritization Process, along with the distribution of the “Fall 2012 Annual Program Goal Prioritization Packet” is the update on the work SPC had been doing.
  • The “Fall 2012 Annual Program Goal Prioritization Packet” contains the Taft College Strategic Plan: 2011-2016, Timeline for Prioritization of Annual Program Goals, Annual Program Goal Prioritization Worksheets Fall 2012, and a CD with resources and electronic copies of handouts.




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  • Kanoe announced that October 12– 19is Breast Cancer Awareness Week and the TC Volleyball Team will be hosting a “Dig for a Cure” Volleyball match on Friday, October 12, 2012. Admission to the game is a donation.
  • In addition, they will also be doing a couple of raffles to help raise money for the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation.
  • Wear pink to show your support.


Facilitator: Tony Thompson Recorder: Jim Nicholas Timekeeper: Greg Golling

Next Meeting: Friday, October 12, 2012 at 12:10 pm in the Cougar Room Meeting Adjourned: 1:30 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by:

Melissa Blanco
