December 14, 2012 Meeting


December 14, 2012
10:00 am – 11:15 am
Cougar Room

Facilitator: Sharyn Eveland
Recorder: Sonya Swenson
Time Keeper: Patti Bench
Minutes: Melissa Blanco
1. Approval of Minutes November 9, 2012 —5 minutes
2. Proposition 30 Update led by Dena Maloney) – 15 minutes
3. 2015 Accreditation Planning (led by Eric Berube) – 15 minutes
4. Timeline for Comprehensive Strategic Plan Update (led by Eric Berube) – 15 minutes
5. Student Equity and Demographic Profile of the Community (led by Eric Berube) – 15 minutes
6. Strategic Planning Committee Update (led by Val Garcia) – 10 minutes
Next Meeting:
January 11, 2013 12:10 – 2:00 pm



December 14, 2012 10:00 am – 11:15 am Cougar Room

Members Present:      Kanoe Bandy, Patti Bench, Kamala Carlson, Debra Ekdahl, Sharyn Eveland, Greg Golling, Sandi Graham, Vicki Herder, Fernando Lara, Brock McMurray, Dena Maloney, Jim Nicholas, Sonja Swenson, and Tony Thompson

Members Absent:       Velda Long

Guests:                            Eric Bérubé and Brandy Cramer

Facilitator: Sharyn Eveland Recorder: Sonja Swenson Timekeeper: Patti Bench Minutes: Melissa Blanco



The minutes of the meeting held November 9, 2012 were approved by consensus with correction to membership attendance.



(Led by Dena Maloney, Superintendent/President)

  • Dena distributed a handout titled “Proposition 30 Passage Next Steps and Impact on the West Kern Community College District” (copy attached to official minutes).
  • She reviewed the details behind Proposition 30 along with the current impacts and future outlook for the District.
  • With the passing of Proposition 30, the District is fortunate to not have to use reserves.
  • Cash flow will continue to be a problem and be difficult because deferrals occurring at the very end of the fiscal year.
  • Dena plans to conduct more informational meetings to keep staff and faculty up to date on the budget status.
  • Dena stated we all need to be careful with all expenditures.




(Led by Eric Bérubé, Coordinator of Institutional Assessment, Research, & Planning)

  • Eric Bérubé distributed a handout titled “Tentative Timeline and Process for 2015 Accreditation

Governance Council


December 14, 2012

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Self Evaluation” (copy attached to official minutes).

  • The finalized Self Evaluation Report is due in the Fall of 2015 to ACCJC.
  • Eric stated he would like the District to start this process one semester earlier which would be Spring 2013.
  • Starting earlier would give the District time to organize its committees with members and tasks so they are ready to work when Fall 2013 arrives.
  • Eric stated Strategic Planning Committee members will chair the committees and will begin there recruitment by appointing members and asking for volunteers.
  • It was suggested the Tentative Timeline be broken down further into specifics such as deadline for tasks.




(Led by Eric Bérubé, Coordinator of Institutional Assessment, Research, & Planning)

  • Eric Bérubé distributed a handout titled “Taft College Strategic Plan Timeline” (copy attached to official minutes).
  • Eric reviewed the timeline of May 2009 through May 2014 and the various tasks accomplished with each date.
  • May 2011 the Mission Statement and Strategic Plan were finalized and a decision was made to revisit these items every three years for updates or revisions.
  • It was noted that other pieces were missing from the strategic plan such as economic and environmental scans.




(Led by Eric Bérubé, Coordinator of Institutional Assessment, Research, & Planning)

  • Eric Bérubé distributed a handout titled “Population and Taft College Demographics Comparison
    • 2000 and 2010” (copy attached to official minutes). He stated this was only a preliminary draft.
  • Eric stated the submission of a Student Equity Plan is a requirement by the Chancellor’s Office.
  • Student Equity is an examination of how well we serve the students in the surrounding community and how successful they are while considering gender, ethnicity, etc.
  • The handout includes communities outside of the District’s boundaries because in the last report we were criticized for our mission statement being limited to only our district boundaries.
  • This data is extracted out of Banner.
  • Eric pointed out that some ethnic groups tend to not fill out the race information which can hurt us in applying for grants.



Governance Council December 14, 2012

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  • Eric also stated the CCSSE survey data will be discussed further in the Strategic Planning Committee and brought back to the Governance Council soon.
  • This information helps the District set goals to improve on equity for race, gender, age, ethnicity, and disabilities.
  • Members requested this information to be in an electronic format for easy review and access.




(Led by Eric Bérubé, Coordinator of Institutional Assessment, Research, & Planning)

  • The group has spent considerable time reviewing their charter and how it relates to the Governance Council.
  • They have concluded their charter is good, but time is a major issue and concern to accomplish all the objectives and duties established in the charter.
  • The SPC would like input as to the necessity of having a board member on the committee since the group is a recommending body or have the District Board amend the requirement of board member to be on the SPC.


Facilitator: Tony Thompson Recorder: Greg Golling Timekeeper: Dena Maloney

Next Meeting: Friday, January 11, 2013 at 12:10 pm Meeting Adjourned: 11:15 am

Respectfully submitted by:

Melissa Blanco
