November 09, 2012 Meeting





November 9, 2012 12:10 pm – 2:00 pm Cougar Room

Members Present:      Kanoe Bandy, Patti Bench, Kamala Carlson, Debra Ekdahl, Sharyn Eveland, Greg Golling, Sandi Graham, Vicki Herder, Velda Long, Brock McMurray, Dena Maloney, Jim Nicholas, and Sonja Swenson

Members Absent:       Kamala Carlson, Fernando Lara, and Tony Thompson

Guests:                            Eric Bérubé, Val Garcia, Sheri Horn-Bunk, and David Lane

Facilitator: Vicki Herder Recorder: Dena Maloney Timekeeper: Fernando Lara Minutes: Sandi Graham



The minutes of the meeting held October 12, 2012 were approved by consensus.



(Led Jim Nicholas, Director of Business Services)

  • Jim reviewed the budget development calendar. The calendar does not reflect all the steps, particularly those which are now in our process for prioritizing the recommendations from the program reviews.
  • We need to update the calendar to reflect the program review recommendations that have been prioritized by the Governance Council, the Academic Senate and the Classified Staffing Committee.
  • At this time the budget calendar reflects the guidelines of the state budget, but not including all our details of our new and approved processes developed through strategic planning.




(Led by Brock McMurray, Vice President of Student Services)

  • Brock provided an overview of the Plan, its scope, and the planning window (5 year plan). He explained how the college and the state Chancellor’s Office work together in submitting, reviewing, and approving construction projects.
  • Starting on page 3, the District hopes to capitalize on all state funding that is available to Taft College. We hope to capture up to a total of $120 million for improvements from 2004 to future project place holders.
  • Starting on page 4, there is data on the makeup of our enrollment patterns, number of sections offered, FTES generated, WESTEC offerings and FTES produced, headcount etc….
  • There was discussion on the growth projections on page 6. This document uses a simple approach but in preparing a more comprehensive Facilities Plan which looks beyond Measure A, we should really drill down in the data to identify our projected enrollment growth.
  • Page 7 identifies the WSCH per discipline.
  • Starting on page 21, the document outlines the projects completed with Measure A and state funds.
  • Starting on page 31, the document outlines campus recommendations and a description of future projects.
  • There was discussion on pedestrian access and suggestions for improvements in the parking lot and campus entrance.




(Led by Eric Bérubé, Coordinator of Institutional Assessment, Research, & Planning)

  • Community College Survey of Student Engagement is administered once every three years. We reviewed the data from the Spring 2012 survey.
  • The survey was developed by the University of Texas at Austin and examines factors that are highly related to factors for student success.
  • On page 3, there is a brief description of the five “benchmark” areas measured by CCSSE.
  • Data from the Spring 2012 survey indicates Taft College is above average for all five areas.
  • Page 4 shows us the highest scores for Taft College; four of the five are under the benchmark “Support for Learners”.
  • Page 5 shows the lowest scores for Taft College. Three of the five lowest scoring areas are in Student Effort.
  • Vicki discussed the example at Chaffey College, which includes a “Hope” scale in its placement test. It consists of 12 items which assess how hopeful students are regarding their ability to be successful in college.
  • Chaffey College uses this data to reach out to those students who score low on these factors and proactively assist these students in changing the mindset about their ability to be successful in college.
  • If we wanted to do this, we should really explore how we might want to approach this.


Governance Council November 9, 2012

Page 2

  • Page 6 details extra questions called “special focus items”. These questions measure other factors linked to student success.
  • Eric indicated that the CCSSE survey data will be discussed further in the Strategic Planning Committee and brought back to the Governance Council soon.




(Led by Val Garcia, Associate Dean of Instruction)

  • The Strategic Planning Committee has elected Eric Bérubé as their committee chair.
  • He provided an update on the Committee’s agendas over the past few meetings.


Facilitator: Sharyn Eveland Recorder: Patti Bench Timekeeper: Sonja Swenson

Next Meeting: Friday, December 14, 2012 at 10 a.m.-11:15 a.m. Meeting Adjourned: 2 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by:

Sandi Graham

Supporting Docs
