September 23, 2020 Meeting


Access Committee

Via Zoom


Committee members: Leslie Minor, Candace Duron, Shelley Getty, James May, David Mitchell, Kyle Webster

Recorder: Danielle Vohnout

  1. Review charter
  2. Review / comments from online webinar last month, RP Group, topic: Strategic Enrollment Management

  1. Committee evaluation
  2. Discuss focus of this year’s committee work.


Access Committee

Via Zoom



Attendees: Leslie Minor, Candace Duron, Shelley Getty, James May, David Mitchell, Kyle Webster, Susan Groveman, Danielle Vohnout (recorder)

  1. Review charter

The group reviewed the charter and made some changes to purpose. The group decided to change ‘assessing’ to ‘monitoring’ in the 3rd bullet point and added ‘planning; to ‘effective enrollment management.’ Leslie will take the changes to Governance Council for approval.

  1. Review / comments from online webinar last month, RP Group, topic: Strategic Enrollment Management

Leslie reviewed the webinar from the RP group regarding strategic enrollment management. She also went over that Taft College is attracting freshman students – but not retaining them. She also reviewed current enrollment trends, stating that TC’ enrollment is down double digits. The group discussed surveying students, as that was a strategy mentioned in the webinar. We do not currently survey students semesterly, but that is doable. The group agreed to work on creating a student survey at the October Access committee.

  1. Committee evaluation

The committee will go through an evaluation process through the Governance Council. This is a reminder that this happens annually.

  1. Discuss focus of this year’s committee work.

After a lengthy discussion about student surveys- targeting different groups of students, trying to reach students prior to a potential drop, reaching students who have already dropped- it was decided that the focus of the committee work will be to create student surveys and implement those this semester.
