March 13, 2020 Meeting


Committee members: Leslie Minor (co-chair), Candace Duron, Shelley Getty, Vicki Jacobi, Windy Martinez, Juana Rangel-Escobedo

Recorder: Danielle Vohnout

  1. Review the TC submission for IEPI Strategic Enrollment Management yearlong program.

IEPI 2020–2021 Strategic Enrollment Management (SEM) Program Application SEM Program Overview


IEPI 2020–2021 Strategic Enrollment Management (SEM) Program Application The following electronic signature is an acknowledgment by the person completing this application that this

  1. Discuss elements of the plan that can be implemented now, toward a draft SEMl pan.


Committee attendees: Leslie Minor (co-chair), Candace Duron, Shelley Getty, & Juana Rangel-Escobedo

Recorder: Danielle Vohnout

Committee members absent: Vicki Jacobi & Windy Martinez


  1. Review the TC submission for IEPI Strategic Enrollment Management yearlong program.

IEPI 2020–2021 Strategic Enrollment Management (SEM) Program Application SEM Program Overview


IEPI 2020–2021 Strategic Enrollment Management (SEM) Program Application The following electronic signature is an acknowledgment by the person completing this application that this


The State opened another one-year IEPI program for Colleges to apply to for a one year IEPI program. It would include conferences, events, and visits by an IEPI team. We should know by the end of March if we are selected. Leslie reviewed what our TC SEM Alignment Project Proposal.

  1. Discuss elements of the plan that can be implemented now, toward a draft SEMl pan.

Leslie asked the committee to review the plan and provide feedback to her regarding what we are currently doing/what can improve. This will help with future discussions with the IEPI group.
