January 09, 2020 Meeting


Committee members: Jennifer Altenhofel (co-chair), Leslie Minor (co-chair), Candace Duron, Shelley Getty, Vicki Jacobi, Windy Martinez, Breanna Payne, Juana Rangel-Escobedo

Recorder: Danielle Vohnout


  • Student Progress Report
  • Current Student Enrollment


Committee members Present: Jennifer Altenhofel (co-chair), Leslie Minor (co-chair), Shelley Getty, Vicki Jacobi, Windy Martinez, and Juana Rangel-Escobedo

Recorder: Danielle Vohnout

Committee members absent: Candace Duron, and Breanna Payne.

  • Student Progress Report

Jennifer asked the group if the report was helpful/used by faculty in scheduling. Feedback was that areas where there are many choices, that the report is too broad, but that it is helpful for degrees that have no options.

Jennifer will send the reports to division chairs and programs leads to see if they want the report in the future.

Discussion was also had regarding education plans. Counselors have built ed plan templates for all transfer degrees. Education plans need to be built into Degree Work. This would provide better predictions for scheduling. Incentivizing education plans was also discussed – including tying them to a class every student needs – for example English 1500. This will be discussed in division chairs and communicated to Kamala.

  • Current Student Enrollment

Leslie provided two handouts – the Enrollment Summary & Schedule Action Worksheet. She said that enrollment is more optimistic than it was earlier in the semester. Enrollment has been slow. The Schedule Action Worksheet shows enrollment for each course in the schedule. The group also looked at Cougar Tracks and how a student searches for a course and how MWF & MW classes sometimes conflict.

Other: Leslie also gave an update that signs have been placed around the community regarding enrolling in Spring courses. Students are also being contacted either by email or phone to encourage them to sign up for spring classes.
