October 27, 2020 Meeting


Access Committee Agenda

Committee members: Leslie Minor, Candace Duron, Shelley Getty, James May, David Mitchell, Kyle Webster

Recorder: Danielle Vohnout


Access Committee Minutes

Committee attendees: Leslie Minor, Candace Duron, Shelley Getty, James May, David Mitchell, Kyle Webster, Tiffany Payne, Windy Martinez

Recorder: Danielle Vohnout

  • Approval of Minutes

The minutes were approved by consensus.

  • Select Faculty Senate Co-chair

David Mitchell volunteered to be the faculty co-chair, and the group supported that.

  • Revise charter after GC review

Leslie brought back feedback provided by the Governance Council regarding the charter. Feedback included aligning the Access committee more closely with the Student Success Committee – clarifying that the two committees will work in conjunction. The group again made additional changes to the ‘purpose’ portion of the charter expanding on its role in the discontinuation process, adding in data collection, and aligning work with Student Success Committee. The new draft will go back to the Governance Council

  • Review AP 4021 – Discontinuation Policy

The group reviewed a copy of the AP 4021. In the AP, the Governance Council has a role. So as a subcommittee of the Governance Council, Access also has a role in the AP.

  • Student Surveys

The counselors created a draft of questions for a survey to be sent out to students. Leslie asked the group to look at the questions and provide feedback ASAP as the survey needs to be sent out in early November.
