September 14, 2018 Meeting



Friday, September 14, 2018

Cougar Room

10:00 am – 11:00 am

 Attendees: Severo Balason, Jennifer Altenhofel, Windy Martinez, Juana Rangel-Escobedo, Shelley Getty, Breanna Payne, and Danielle Vohnout

 Introduction of Members (New)

 Windy Martinez, Dean of Student Success, was welcomed to the committee.

  1. Review of Access Committee Charter

No changes to the charter were made.

 3. SEM Institutional Assessment

 Severo provided copies of the SEM Institutional self- assessment that was completed late last spring. Most of the responses to the survey were in disagreement or somewhat agree/disagree in most of the categories of the survey. This survey should provide motivation to the committee in regarding to development of a strategic enrollment management plan.

 4.SEM Workshop for CVHEC, Sept. 21st, Fresno, CA

 Severo provided a flyer for a SEM workshop in Fresno on September 21st. Interested members should complete the travel paperwork and give it to Severo’s office ASAP. Jennifer Altenhofel was interested in attending. Jessica Grimes and Jennifer Strobel may also be invited to attend.


  1. Annual Committee Review Self-Assessment Form

 Severo will send out to the committee the annual committee self-assessment form. This is a form developed by the IR office. Each committee is to do a self-assessment that outlined our goals  from 17-18 and what we were able to achieve. There is also a peer review process involved.


  1. Other
  • Severo shared that we have been selected by the CSU system for the California Academic Partnership Program and given $12,000 for a 5-month planning grant. This is to assess our alignment and partnership with area high schools. We also will have the opportunity to write a proposal for an additional $50,000 grant. Possible activities include team building, professional development, intersegmental alignment of courses with the high school, more formalized outreach, and specific needs of the both the HS and College can be addressed.
  • Juana mentioned an email from Bakersfield College regarding an opportunity to collaborate with them and have our curriculum built into their mapper system. Juana has been tasked with taking a closer look.
  • It was mentioned that outreach and someone from IT or IR should be members of the access committee
  • A discussion of the software Starfish was had. This would replace the DegreeWorks program that has been operational. It would allow students to have control over a dashboard that would plan their educational plans as well as analytics for planning purposes. Severo provided a breakdown of the costs. Starfish would replace DegreeWorks as well as SARs grid. We have also received $90,000 as rural school for technology assistance. Some of the remaining funds may be used for the startup of Starfish.

Supporting Docs

