November 09, 2018 Meeting



Friday, November 9, 2018

Cougar Room

10:00 am – 11:00 am

  1. Continued discussion regarding Strategic Enrollment Management



Friday, November 9, 2018

Cougar Room

10:00 am – 11:00 am

 Attendees: Severo Balason, Jennifer Altenhofel, Julie Marty-Pearson, Vicki Jacobi, Shelley Getty, Breanna Payne, Windy Martinez, Juana Rangel-Escobedo, Danielle Vohnout (recorder)


  1. Continued discussion regarding Strategic Enrollment Management

 Jennifer Altenhofel presented data that she worked with Alvin Bunk (programmer assigned to Student Services) to get.

First page was a list of every degree awarded in May broken down by degree type (ADTs, AA/AS, Certificates of Achievement, and Local Certificates). A few corrections were made to the list: Industrial Health and Safety should be listed under AA or AS, Recreation was moved to AA/AS).

Second page was a number of ADTs awarded in May 2018 by ADT type.

Third page was a list of Golden 4 courses and the number of ADT awardees who took the course in a given semester, going back 3 years.

Discussion was had regarding why there may be discrepancies in the numbers:

  • Students take classes here and transfer before graduation
  • Student took Golden 4 courses at other schools and transferred here
  • The way we extract data skews the data

Jennifer also provided the group with the counseling planning information and the transcripts of ADT awardees broken down by which award they received. The group looked at individual students to see what courses they took and when. The objective is to backwards map to see what path successful students took. Juana mentioned the backwards mapping that counseling had worked out. They looked at Business Administration among others. She also mentioned some bottlenecks that currently exist and suggest we start there.

Two targets have been identified: placing incoming students on a successful path and removing roadblocks for those who are close to graduating.

Jennifer is going to work on getting a report of ADT students who have completed 45+ units and contacting them regarding schedules for the fall 2019.  Discussion was also had about developing flexible schedules for students in days/times, and 4 week blocks.

Access will not meet in December. We will meet during in-service and Jennifer will contact the Professional Development Committee to get on the schedule.

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