October 12, 2018 Meeting



Friday, October 12, 2018

Cougar Room

10:00 am – 11:00 am

 1. Strategic Enrollment Management Workshop – Jennifer Altenhofel

 2. Other



Friday, October 12, 2018

Cougar Room

10:00 am – 11:00 am

Attendees: Breanna Payne, Jennifer Altenhofel, Sharyn Eveland, Severo Balason, Vicki Jacobi, Juana Escobedo, Candace Duron, Shelley Getty, Whisper-Lynn Null, Windy Martinez, Danielle Vohnout (recorder)

 Strategic Enrollment Management Workshop – Jennifer Altenhofel

 Jennifer Altenhofel and Jennifer Strobel attended the SEM workshop in Fresno. Jenn Altenhofel shared handouts from the workshop. The first page includes a questionnaire that people can take back to their divisions for discussion.

Jenn emphasized page 3: Re-Evaluate Past Practices and Adapt Them to Best Practices. Jenn stated that almost all advice given was the opposite of what we currently do. For example: don’t roll the schedule from semester to semester, don’t look at waitlists, and have a more holistic approach.

The advice from the workshop was to look at courses in the following order:

  1. The golden four; 2. General education patterns, 3. What education plans tell us, 4. Transfer degrees, 5. Local degrees & certificates

SEM requires an institutional approach instead of by department or division. Also programs need to meet instead of divisions to plan scheduling. There needs to be a top down approach. Often times counselors have suggestions for first time freshman, but those courses aren’t in the schedule.

Juana brought up backwards mapping – which is looking at past graduating class to see what courses they took and what their schedules were.  Juana and Candace are planning on working on backwards mapping the top 3 degrees in their areas.

Changes to the funding formula also need to be taken into consideration. We get the most money for students who receive transfer degrees. Students must also finish their transfer level math and English course in one academic year (not calendar year).

Juana showed the group the Bakersfield College example of meta majors. It would cost $50,000 to be a part of the project. There is a need for a tool to help with SEM. Starfish would be the most beneficial because of the analytics. It was also discussed that ed plans can be pulled from DegreeWorks, and Alvin can do that. Jenn will be emailing Alvin regarding that.

Jenn and Vicki will present to the Governance Council on 10/26 regarding SEM

The November Access committee will meet for 2 hours: November 9th 10am-12pm.

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