April 09, 2018 Meeting




Monday, April 9, 2018

Cougar Room

11:00 am – 12:00 noon


  1. Review minutes

  1. IEPI SEM Submitted, March 30, 2018
  • 10 Cross-functional team members

*Severo Balason

*Danielle Vohnout

*Shelly Getty

*Jennifer Altenhofel

*Vicki Jacobi

*Dan Hall

*Oleg Bespalov

*Jennifer Strobel

*Joanne Dumbrigue

*Breanna Payne


  • Requirements to participate:

*2-day IEPI SEM Academy on June 1-2, 2018

*Hosting 2 milestone visits by IEPI SEM coach

*Mid-point convening, January 2019

*Final convening, June 2019


  1. SEM Institutional Self-Assessment


  1. Other




Monday, April 9, 2018

Cougar Room

11:00 am – 12:00 noon


Attendees: Severo Balason, Dan Hall, Breanna Payne, Shelley Getty, Vicki Jacobi, Kayla Meyer, Jennifer Altenhofel, and Danielle Vohnout (recorder)


  1. Review minutes

The group reviewed the minutes from the March 12th meeting. The group did meet on March 23rd to review the IEPI proposal, but no minutes were taken. No changes were made to the March 12th minutes.


  1. IEPI SEM Submitted, March 30, 2018


  • 10 Cross-functional team members

*Severo Balason

*Danielle Vohnout

*Shelly Getty

*Jennifer Altenhofel

*Vicki Jacobi

*Dan Hall

*Oleg Bespalov

*Jennifer Strobel

*Joanne Dumbrigue

*Breanna Payne


  • Requirements to participate:

*2-day IEPI SEM Academy on June 1-2, 2018

*Hosting 2 milestone visits by IEPI SEM coach

*Mid-point convening, January 2019

*Final convening, June 2019


Severo reviewed the IEPI requirements to participate if Taft College is selected to participate. 15 out of the 114 community colleges will be selected. We should hear in April whether we have been selected or not. If we are not selected we will continue the work of creating a Strategic Enrollment Management plan.


  1. SEM Institutional Self-Assessment

Each member received an SEM Institutional Self-Assessment. Severo asked that each group member fill out the survey and send it to him. Severo will compile, and the results will be discussed at the next meeting.


  1. Other

Discussion was also had regarding data including our current limitations and the need for a dashboard. Severo stated he would like to see a dashboard similar to the data mart at the Chancellor’s office, but one that would allow us more flexibility in use. The group also asked what the Cognos Group is working on. Severo stated he will invite Oleg and Andy to the next Access meeting to discuss the dashboard and Cognos project.

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