March 12, 2018 Meeting


Access Committee Meeting Agenda

Monday, March 12, 2018

Cougar Room

11:00am – 12:00pm


  1. Introduction of Members
  2. Review of the 12-8-17 Minutes
  3. Review of Access Committee Charter
  4. Peer Assessment Review
  5. SEM – Organizing Framework
  6. Other


Access Committee Meeting Minutes

Monday, March 12, 2018

Cougar Room

11:00am – 12:00pm

Attendees: Primavera Arvizu, Severo Balason, Breanna Payne, Vicki Jacobi, Kayla Myer, Lourdes Gonzalez, Jennifer Altenhofel, Shelley Getty, and Danielle Vohnout (recorder)

  1. Introduction of Members

The group briefly introduced themselves.

  1. Review of the 12-8-17 Minutes

The group reviewed the minutes from December. No changes were requested.

  1. Review of Access Committee Charter

The group reviewed and discussed the current committee charter. The activities listed under purpose were reviewed. A brief history was provided by several members regarding what the committee has accomplished in the past. One purpose of the committee is to consider new programs/certificates. It was stated that the committee has never done this, and currently, those items are approved by the Curriculum & General Education committee. Enrollment management is also listed as a purpose on the charter, but the committee hasn’t had any traction with that.  Severo shared his experience implementing an enrollment management plan at a previous campus. The committee agreed that an enrollment management plan is important and should be a focus of the committee. The committee also agreed that Taft College should apply for the Strategic Enrollment Management Program through the Institutional Effectiveness Partnership Initiative (IEPI). Severo will discuss this with Deb.

  1. Peer Assessment Review

This item was not discussed.

  1. SEM – Organizing Framework

Severo provided a handout from IEPI called “ASK-SEM Organizing Framework.” The committee reviewed the document and agreed we can continue to discuss the framework going forward.

  1. Other

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