March 30, 2020 Meeting



MONDAY, MARCH 30, 2020




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Call to Order

 Public Commentary

 Action Items

  1. Approval March 02, 2020 Meeting Minutes (3 minutes) ACTION


  1. Superintendent/President Update (5 minutes) INFORMATION/DISCUSSION
  2. Congratulations to newly tenured faculty (3 minutes) INFORMATION

Old Business

  1. Administrative Procedure 7120 Recruitment and Hiring Procedure draft (5 minutes) ACTION

New Business

  1. ACCJC Annual Report (15 minutes) ACTION
  2. Recommendation of Dual Enrollment Course Offerings for AY 2020-2021 (15 minutes) ACTION

Information/Discussion Items

  1. COVID – 19


  1. NONE

Open Forum for Announcements


The next meeting of the Academic Senate Council is Wednesday April 15, at 12:00pm. Location TBA

The next meeting of the Academic Senate-of-the-whole is Monday May 4th, at 12:00pm. Location TBA.


MONDAY, MARCH 30, 2020 12PM TO 1PM
Attending Senators:
Amar Abbott, Jennifer Altenhofel, Kelly Kulzer-Reyes, Mariza Martinez, Janis Mendenhall, Tina Mendoza, Michelle Oja, Ruby Payne, Robin Polski, Debora Rodenhauser, Lori Travis, Adam Bledsoe, Nathan Cahoon, Joe’ll Chaidez, Bill Devine, Shelley Getty, Vicki Jacobi, Mike Jiles, Lori Travis, David Mitchell, Darcy Bogle, Jill Brown, Kamala Carlson, Becky Colaw, Candace Duron, Sharyn Eveland, Julian Martinez, Jason Page, Juana Rangel-Escobedo, Joy Reynolds, Steve Lytle, Terri Smith, Lori Sundgren, Chris Taylor
Debra Daniels, Jessica Grimes, Xiaohong Li, Leslie Minor, Veronica Van Ry, Hector Leonzo, Reginald Clemons
Call to Order 12:11 pm
Public Commentary
Action Items
Approval March 02, 2020 Meeting Minutes (3 minutes) ACTION
Approval of minutes was complicated in the Zoom format, a roll call vote ensured we had quorum for this meeting.
Motion to approve the minutes with noted changes: Oja
Second: Altenhofel
Minutes were approved by roll call vote. Kulzer called the roll.
26 Ayes
0 Nays
7 Abstentions
1. Superintendent/President Update (5 minutes) INFORMATION/DISCUSSION
Dr. Daniels expressed gratitude for the hard work transitioning to online instruction. She stated that few drops have occurred in the process.
Right now, it’s time to keep the budget moving forward.
Dr. Daniels will be sending a message this week about extending the stay-at-home order and this spring’s commencement. She mentioned that we will have a commencement ceremony, but it might not occur in May at the currently scheduled time.
2. Congratulations to newly tenured faculty (3 minutes) INFORMATION
Congratulations were extended to faculty who recently met the requirements for tenure. Formal conferral of tenure resides with the Board of Trustees.
Old Business
3. Administrative Procedure 7120 Recruitment and Hiring Procedure draft (5 minutes) ACTION
President Eveland shared version 9 of AP 7120. The concerns that Eveland took to Dr. Daniels were
reflected in this version. The areas of 10+1 have been addressed, and this document reflects current practice.
There were concerns from a few senators about how the document could be confusing.
R. Payne explained the reason to include claims of equivalency is to ensure we do not exclude potential candidates.
M. Oja requested clarifying language to address the minimum number of faculty to serve on full time faculty screening committee as a minimum is noted for adjunct faculty screening committees.
Motion to pass with the addition of clarifying language about minimum qualifications. Oja
Second. Jacobi
Because we must run meetings in Zoom at present, Eveland requested that we use the “yes”, “no” and applause feature (for abstentions) to vote. Kulzer-Reyes did her best to capture votes in this format. [The Zoom feature allowing capture of voter names aligned with individual votes was used for this process.]
28 Aye/yes votes
2 No votes
2 abstentions
Motion passed.
New Business
4. ACCJC Annual Report (15 minutes) ACTION
Annual report- all items in the report are the same as last year using MS and live data.
Motion to approve. Oja
Second: Jacobi
Motion carried by unanimous consent.
5. Recommendation of Dual Enrollment Course Offerings for AY 2020-2021 (15 minutes) ACTION
Following discussion, a motion was made to approve the recommendation for dual enrollment course offerings for AY 2020-2021. The motion was seconded. However, a count showed a quorum was no longer available to vote on the motion. Therefore, this item will be on the May 4th agenda.
Information/Discussion Items
6. COVID – 19
Not discussed – Preempted by adjournment.
Open Forum for Announcements Adjournment
Meeting adjourned at 1:02 pm.
The next meeting of the Academic Senate Council is Wednesday April 15, at 12:00pm. Location TBA The next meeting of the Academic Senate-of-the-whole is Monday May 4th, at 12:00pm. Location TBA.
