February 03, 2020 Meeting






Call to Order
Public Commentary

Action Items

  1. Approval January 16, 2019 Meeting Minutes (3 minutes) ACTION

Information/Discussion Items


  1. Superintendent/President Update (10 minutes) INFORMATION/DISCUSSION
  2. Officer and Academic Senate Council Representative Nominations and Voting (10 minutes) ACTION
    1. Vice President –Vicki Jacobi
    2. CTE Liaison – Mike Jiles
    3. Learning Support Senate Council Representative – Amar Abbott
    4. Math/Science Senate Council Representative – Greg Golling
    5. Social Science Senate Council Representative – TBA


  1. Resolution 20-01: Acknowledge Extended Opportunity Programs and Services’ 50 Years of Student Success and the Leadership of Lourdes Gonzalez  (10 minutes) ACTION
  2. Charter revision: Curriculum and General Education Committee (10 minutes) ACTION
  3. Charter revision and Change of Name: Distance Education Committee (10 minutes) ACTION


Information/Discussion Items

  1. None


Open Forum for Announcements                                                                     No Discussion/No Action


The next meeting of the Academic Senate Council is Wednesday, February 19, at 12:00pm in the Cafeteria Conference Room.

The next meeting of the Academic Senate-of-the-whole is Monday, March 2, at 12:00pm in the Cougar Room.


Monday, February 3, 2020
Members present:
Ruby Payne, Shelley Getty, Mariza Martinez, Janis Mendenhall, Debora Rodenhauser, Danielle Kerr, Becky Colaw, Michelle Oja, Jennifer Altenhofel, Tina Mendoza, Adam Bledsoe, Vicki Jacobi, Geoffrey Dyer, Mike Jiles, Amar Abbott, Lourdes Gonzalez, Lori Travis, Lori Sundgren, Candace Duron, Juana Rangel-Escobedo, Kristi Richards, Tori Furman, Antonio Alfaro, Darcy Bogle, Joy Reynolds, Nathan Cahoon, David Mitchell, Sharyn Eveland
Severo Balason, Deb Daniels
Call to Order
12:10 pm
Public Commentary
No public commentary
Action Items
1. Approval of the Minutes
Minutes revised to reflect Jiles instead of Giles, Motion by M. Jiles and second by D. Rodenhauser. All in favor, no opposed or abstained.
Information/Discussion Items
1. Superintendent/President Update (10 minutes)
a) Saturday Taft College hosted 55 middle school students with a visit to Taft College, including tour of Chevron building and Art Gallery followed by dinner and then boarded busses to the Bakersfield Symphony. This is part of the project to increase invites to the campus.
b) Enrollment is up in headcounts and even for full time equivalencies. Unknown why there was an increase, BC also up in enrollments. Maybe due to the economy or additional marketing. Perhaps survey students to see how they learned about Taft College.
c) Update on evacuation is on-going. Somethings went well where others did not. Messaging from county needs review. Administration is listening to the feedback. Email her directly if you have additional feedback. We’ll be seeing updates in the future as well as additional training and drills.
Action Items
2. Officer and Academic Senate Council Representative Nominations and Voting(10 minutes)
President Eveland called for additional nominations for each of the position individually.
a) Vice President
No new nominations for Vice President. President Eveland thanked Dr. Vicki Jacobi to continue serving as Vice President of the Academic Senate.
b) CTE Liaison
President Eveland thanked Tori Furman for her service as CTE Liaison. No new nominations in the area of Career and Technical Education. Dr. Mike Jiles to serve as CTE liaison.
c) Learning Support Senate Council Representative
President Eveland thanked Juana Rangel-Escobedo for her service as Learning Support Senate
Council Representative. No new nominations. Dr. Amar Abbott to serve as Learning Support Senate Council Representative.
d) Math/Science Senate Council Representative
No new nominations. President Eveland thanked Dr. Greg Golling for his willingness to continue serving as Math/Science Senate Council Representative
e) Social Science Senate Council Representative
Mike Jiles nominated Tina Mendoza. Mendoza was not present to accept the nomination. Senator Mendoza declined the nomination. Call for new nominations. Dr. Jennifer Altenhofel accepted the nomination. President Eveland thanked Dr. Mike Jiles for his service on the Senate Council. Dr. Jennifer Altenhofel to serve as Social Science Senate Council Representative.
Terms for newly elected representatives and position begin next Academic year fall 2020.
3. Resolution 20-01: Acknowledge Extended Opportunity Programs and Services’ 50 Years of Student Success and the Leadership of Lourdes Gonzalez (10 minutes)
President Eveland read the Resolution 20-01, the Resolutions was accepted without amendments or changes. Motion by Jacobi and seconded by Abbott to accept the resolution by acclamation. All in favor, no nays, or abstains. Resolution accepted by acclamation. Senator Gonzalez accepted the resolution and thanked the Senate, stating staff and counselors play a major role in making the success happen.
4. Charter Revision: Curriculum and General Education Committee (10 minutes)
R. Payne asked that in the future, documents be sent with bold and strike through so the body can know what the changes were. Jacobi read the changes made to the charter. Motion made by M. Jiles and second by J. Altenhofel to accept charter. No discussion. Motion carried.
5. Charter Revision and Change of Name: Distance Education Committee (10 minutes)
A. Bledsoe advised body of the changes in the charter and name change from DE to Distance Learning & Education (DLE) to avoid confusion with Dual Enrollment Committee. Motion by V. Jacobi and second by G. Dyers. Discussion as to whether all instances of DE should be changed to DLE. Following discussion, it was decided to keep the term and acronym DE in the body of the charter document, irrespective of proposed name change, as DE is in the Federal Code of Regulations under Education guidelines. Motioned passes, all in favor, with no nays or abstains.
Information/Discussion Items
No discussion or informational items
Open Forum for Announcements
J. Altenhofel reminded the body to encourage students to attend her talk on Wednesday. Asked if it could be taped. Altenhofel was not opposed but would look into it.
G. Dyer reminder the body that Spring Plenary session is April 16 to 18. Look under ASCCC.org for registration. Register early to get discount rate and room in hotel of plenary. Also Area A meeting in Madera Center soon to be its own college. Meeting is on March 27th. Wish Geoffrey (and Robin) happy 10th anniversary.
D. Bogle reminded the body that Dental hygiene students are always looking for patients this time of year and perhaps give students points for campus participation.
T. Furman reminded the body about the health scholarship opportunities for allied health students.
President Eveland advised the next Senate Council is on February 19th and Senate of the Whole on March 2.
Adjournment 12:41 pm Motion to adjourn by J. Altenhofel and second by M. Oja
The next meeting of the Academic Senate Council is Wednesday, February 19at 12:00pm in the Cafeteria Conference Room.
The next meeting of the Academic Senate-of-the-whole is Monday, March 2, at 12:00pm in the Cougar Room.
Respectfully submitted by V. Jacobi/ Vice President of Academic Senate
