August 17, 2020 Meeting





10:10AM TO 11:00AM



Roll call voting is required in meetings conducting through Zoom.

Zoom etiquette for this meeting: Raise hand and wait for acknowledgement to avoid talking over others.

State your name when making motions and seconds as those speaking may not be seen on all attendees monitors.  Remember this is a public forum meeting under the Brown Act.


Call to Order

Public Commentary on Action Items

Approval of the Minutes

  1. Approval April 22, 2020 Minutes (3 minutes) ACTION

Informational Items:

  1. Role/Responsibilities of Academic Senate Council Representatives (3 minutes) DISCUSSION
  2. BP/AP/Catalog Language Consistency INFORMATION


  1. Equity, Anti-Racism, Inclusivity INFORMATION
  2. Guided Pathways Progress, Institutionalization, and Academic Senate INFORMATION
  3. Committee Charter Reviews INFORMATION
  4. Committee Assignments (3 minutes) DISCUSSION


Old Business: Assignment of Responsibility for Development and/or Recommendation to Senate of the Whole for Action

  1. NONE

New Business: Assignment of Responsibility for Development and/or Recommendation to Senate of the Whole for Action

  1. Recommendation to Academic Senate: Creation of Professional Development Committee ACTION
  2. Recommendation to Academic Senate: Form Ad Hoc Committee in Response to ASCCC/CCCCO Call for Action on Institutionalized Racism ACTION


Public Comment on Non-Agendized Items (Limitation of 1 minute per speaker.)





MONDAY, AUGUST 17, 2020 10:10AM TO 11:00AM



Roll call voting is required in meetings conducting through Zoom.

Zoom etiquette for this meeting: Raise hand and wait for acknowledgement to avoid talking over others.

State your name when making motions and seconds as those speaking may not be seen on all attendees monitors. Remember this is a public forum meeting under the Brown Act.


Call to Order

Public Commentary on Action Items

Approval of the Minutes

  1. Approval April 22, 2020 Minutes (3 minutes) ACTION Motion to approve the April 22, 2020 minutes: B. Devine

Second: M. Jiles

Roll call vote: motion passed unanimously.


Informational Items:

  1. Role/Responsibilities of Academic Senate Council Representatives (3 minutes) DISCUSSION


President Eveland wants to ensure ASC members speak up in subcommittee meetings to remind the group of the role of the Academic Senate. Comment from Jacobi and Dyer: The Taft College Academic Senate Constitution has specific information about the role of the ASC.

Per Taft College Academic Senate Constitution:


Section 3. Functions of the Academic Senate Council



The Academic Senate Council meets in advance of the Senate-of-the-whole to initiate and review proposals, recommendations, policies, resolutions, and other potential action items of the Academic Senate. Officers and representatives bring requests for such action to the Academic Senate Council and relay information from Academic Senate Council meetings back to their areas in advance of Senate-of-the-whole meetings. Members of the Academic Senate Council are charged with staying apprised of actions of the Chancellor’s Office, legislature, California Community Colleges Board of Governors, accrediting agency for California community colleges, and the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges (ASCCC).Eveland requesting shared perspective to ensure AS speaks with one voice.


Council members questions:

Q: Are we missing representation from divisions?

Q: Are we missing representation from subcommittees?

SLOASC? ADC? DLEC? DE? Professional Development (PDC)? And so on.


Discussion of shifted to divisions

President Eveland requests that all Academic Senate Council members remind participants of the Academic Senate

responsibilities in subcommittees. Suggested language for this could include: “This sounds like a topic that falls within the 10+1. I’d like to take this back to the Academic Senate to weigh in.” Eveland expressed concern that as we are working remotely, 10+1 issues need additional attention from senators.

  1. BP/AP/Catalog Language Consistency INFORMATION

Reminder that there are BPs and APs that are not currently consistent in their language. Aligning the BPs and APs is an on-going area of emphasis for the Taft College Academic Senate.



  1. Equity, Anti-Racism, Inclusivity INFORMATION

Faculty and students can be involved in actively becoming an anti-racist institution. This is an active process, not a passive one.

  1. Guided Pathways Progress, Institutionalization, and Academic Senate INFORMATION

Eveland recognized Vicki Jacobi for her hard work on Guided Pathways and its institutionalization. Jacobi will be giving a presentation on Guided Pathways at Faculty Reports on Tuesday, August 18th.

  1. Committee Charter Reviews INFORMATION

Request to encourage subcommittees of the Academic Senate to lead discussions of the 10+1 in committee charter reviews.




  1. Committee Assignments (3 minutes) DISCUSSION

Committee assignments are the responsibility of the Academic Senate and the CIO. In the past, most faculty requests have been honored. This year, the committee charters were examined to ensure that all required participants were accounted for on committees per the committee charter.


Old Business: Assignment of Responsibility for Development and/or Recommendation to Senate of the Whole for Action

  1. NONE


New Business: Assignment of Responsibility for Development and/or Recommendation to Senate of the Whole for Action

  1. Recommendation to Academic Senate: Creation of Professional Development Committee ACTION

In the discussion about the PDC, Eveland stated that Professional Development is an area where the Academic Senate is “relied upon”. Having a professional development committee focused on the 10+1 seems reasonable. Discussion included funding and


Motion The Academic Senate Council recommends the Academic Senate to create a Professional Development Committee if the current PDC is dissolved: G. Dyer

Second: B. Devine

Roll call vote: Passed unanimously.

  1. Recommendation to Academic Senate: Form Ad Hoc Committee in Response to ASCCC/CCCCO Call for Action on Institutionalized Racism ACTION


Motion The Academic Senate Council recommends the Taft College Academic Senate form an Ad Hoc Committee in Response to ASCCC/CCCCO Call for Action on Institutionalized Racism: B. Devine

Second: M. Jiles.

Roll call vote: Passed unanimously.


Public Comment on Non-Agendized Items (Limitation of 1 minute per speaker.) Adjournment

Motion to adjourn this Academic Senate Council meeting made at 11:05 am: J. Altenhofel Second: A. Abbott
