January 29, 2020 Meeting



Special Meeting
12:00PM TO 1:00PM


Call to Order


Public Commentary Action Items

Approval of the Minutes

1.      Approval January 14, 2020 Minutes (3 minutes)                                                     ACTION


Informational Items:

  1. Governance Council Collegiality in Action meeting INFORMATION

The Governance Council has a special meeting scheduled on January 29th from 1 to 3pm.  ASCCC President John Stanskas and CC League President Larry Galizio will lead Collegiality in Action training.  As always, the meeting is open for anyone who wishes to attend.


3.      Distance Education Committee Charter Revision                                                    INFORMATION

On Academic Senate agenda for February 2, 2020.

  1. Develop and Adopt a Timeline for Charters Approvals INFORMATION

Started, see attachment

  1. Legislative Committee Update INFORMATION


Old Business: Assignment of Responsibility for Development and/or Recommendation to Senate of the Whole for Action

6.      NONE                                                                                                                       NO ACTION

New Business: Assignment of Responsibility for Development and/or Recommendation to Senate of the Whole for Action

  1. Resolution – EOPS 50 Years of Student Success ACTION

A Resolution recognizing the value of Taft College EOPS is being worked on this week. As February is Awareness month and the ASCCC and Board of Governors have already marked the 50th anniversary of EOPS for special recognition, it seems appropriate for the Taft College Academic Senate to recognize the local EOPS during the month of February.

Action requested: Approve movement of a resolution honoring EOPS forward to the Senate-of-the-Whole with a Recommendation of Support.

  1. Guided Pathways Progress, Institutionalization, and Academic Senate ACTION

Activities begun under the Guided Pathways plans submitted by Taft College, with support from the Academic Senate, require institutionalization.

Discussion: What do members of the Academic Senate Council, Academic Senate, and Academic Senate committees need to have, see, hear, learn, and/or do to determine our responsibilities in moving Guided Pathways towards institutionalization?

What actions should be taken?

Action requested: Development of recommendation(s) to Senate of the Whole for actions to institutionalize Guided Pathways activities.

Discussion Items

9.      Upcoming Items

  1. Committee Membership – having enough representatives to be effective or at least meet the charter numbers (i.e. 3 identified faculty positions, 1 person with 3 hats)

  2. Meeting Committee Responsibilities in relation to 10+1 – effectiveness and member knowledge?





Call to Order 12:12 pm

Public Commentary Action ItemsApproval of the Minutes

1.      Approval January 14, 2020 Minutes (3 minutes)                                                     ACTION

Accepted by unanimous consent.


Informational Items:
  1. Governance Council Collegiality in Action meeting INFORMATION
th Updates:

3.      Distance Education Committee Charter Revision                                                    INFORMATION

  1. Develop and Adopt a Timeline for Charters Approvals INFORMATION
  1. Legislative Committee Update INFORMATION
  2. Kulzer-Reyes gave an update on the current bills to watch for the upcoming legislative cycle. None of these are laws. They are simply bills to watch. This included SB 291 (Leyva) and AB 1314 (Medina) – Financial Aid – students who qualify for California Promise could potentially earn a bachelor’s degree at no cost.

Old Business: Assignment of Responsibility for Development and/or Recommendation to Senate of the Whole for Action

6.      NONE                                                                                                                       NO ACTION

New Business: Assignment of Responsibility for Development and/or Recommendation to Senate of the Whole for Action

  1. Resolution – EOPS 50 Years of Student Success ACTION
Action requested: 
  1. Devine agreed to compose the resolution recognizing EOPS.
Motion passed unanimously. 
  1. Guided Pathways Progress, Institutionalization, and Academic Senate ACTION
Discussion: Action requested: 

Discussion Items

9.      Upcoming Items

  1. Committee Membership – having enough representatives to be effective or at least meet the charter numbers (i.e. 3 identified faculty positions, 1 person with 3 hats)
  1. Meeting Committee Responsibilities in relation to 10+1 – effectiveness and member knowledge?
Other?Future meeting topics:
  1. Guided Self-placement updates
  2. Technology-related AP/BP 10+1 concerns
  3. Intellectual Property AP/BP likely needed soon.


Adjournment 12:58 pm
