April 22, 2020 Meeting




12:00PM TO 1:00PM Via ZOOM


Call to Order

 Public Commentary

Action Items

Approval of the Minutes

  1. Approval March 18, 2020 Minutes (3 minutes) ACTION

 Informational Items:

  1. Taft College COVID-19 Response Plans and Actions INFORMATION

A plan for identification and approval of courses offered through distance learning modality as a result of the emergency declaration and ‘stay-at-home’ order is being developed now. Summer courses will be offered via distance learning modalities. As many summer sections are traditionally offered in distance format, few courses will need quick approval for distance education. Fall courses are currently expected to be offered in traditional formats (on-campus and distance ed); however, contingency plans are being made for the possibility of continued campus closure.


  1. COVID-19 Driven Committee Work                                                           INFORMATION

Curr&GE and DLE committees are working on issues resulting directly from the pandemic and emergency declarations. Other committees may be asked to address issues arising from the pandemic and related to the charter of each committee. The process determinations for application/use of EW are currently unclear. Guidance on the appropriate committee or position to make these decisions is needed.

Reminder, recommendations from committees must come to the Academic Senate Council. The Academic Senate holds authority for recommendations The only exception is for the Curr&GE committee which, in addition to authority defined in California Education Code, is specifically identified in the Academic Senate Constitution as the designated body for recommendations on curriculum related matters.

Recommendation(s) related to curriculum go to the Curr&GE committee.

Old Business:

  1. Guided Pathways Progress, Institutionalization, and Academic Senate DISCUSSION TABLED

Tabled from the March 18, 2020 meeting – continue as TABLED

  1. Academic Senate: Emergency Responsiveness                                                 DISCUSSION

Discussion: If the timeline should be reduced during emergencies, what structure/process should be used?

  1. Recommendation of Committee or Position for decisions on Use of EW Grade DISCUSSION

New Business: Assignment of Responsibility for Development and/or Recommendation to Senate of the Whole for Action

  1. Recommendation of Modification to Senate Process Under Emergency Conditions ACTION

To be acted on if the discussion (Agenda Item #5) results in a recommendation/motion. Action requested: Forward to Academic Senate with recommendation for approval.

  1. Assignment of Tasks /Responsibility to Committees/Positions Under Emergency Conditions ACTION

To be acted on if the discussion (Agenda Item #6) results in a recommendation/motion.

Action requested: Recommendation authorizing the Academic Senate President to assign responsibility to committees or persons holds specific positions for actions necessitated by the emergency declaration and campus closure (see details noted in agenda item #6 and above).

  1. Recommendation of Addendum to the Constitution and Bylaws of the Taft College Academic Senate ACTION

Addendum to codify authorization and/or decision-making processes/procedures adopted under emergency conditions for use in the event of a future declaration of

To be acted on if actions are approved for agenda items #7 or #8 or both..

Action requested: Forward to Academic Senate with recommendation for approval for Addendum for Actions When Operating Under a Status of Declared Emergency with/without Campus Closure.

Discussion Items

  1. Other Questions Related to Emergency Status     NO ACTION
    1. Q&A





Minutes WEDNESDAY, APRIL 22, 2020

12:00PM TO 1:00PM Via ZOOM




Call to Order

Academic Senate Council Members present:

Sharyn Eveland, Kelly Kulzer-Reyes, Vicki Jacobi, Geoffrey Dyer, Kristi Richards, Juana Rangel-Escobedo, Kanoe Bandy, Mike Jiles, Bill Devine, Debora Rodenhauser


Guests present:

Amar Abbott

Public Commentary Action Items

Approval of the Minutes

  1. Approval March 18, 2020 Minutes (3 minutes) ACTION

Motion to table: M. Jiles

Second: K. Richards

Roll call vote: approved unanimously

Informational Items:

2.                                                                                                                                       Taft College

COVID-19 Response Plans and Actions         INFORMATION

A plan for identification and approval of courses offered through distance learning modality as a result of the emergency declaration and ‘stay-at-home’ order is being developed now. Summer courses will be offered via distance learning modalities. As many summer sections are traditionally offered in distance format, few courses will need quick approval for distance education. Fall courses are currently expected to be offered in traditional formats (on-campus and distance ed); however, contingency plans are being made for the possibility of continued campus closure.

  • All summer courses will be online.
  • Physical education (PE) 3CPE webinar call – colleges sharing course outlines of record to facilitate PE in online
  • Weightlifting has already been designed for
  • Local Distance Education approvals must be in place prior
  • Lists of approved courses must be submitted to the Chancellor’s Office by May 20th for Summer classes, July 1 for Fall offerings
  • Plan for Distance Education approval process due to the Chancellor’s office by December 30, 2020 unless it is actually also due by July


3.COVID-19 Driven Committee Work                                                                        INFORMATION

Curr&GE, DLE, and AP&P committee are working on issues resulting directly from the pandemic and emergency declarations. Other committees may be asked to address issues arising from the pandemic and related to the charter of each committee.

Reminder, recommendations from committees must come to the Academic Senate Council. The Academic Senate holds authority for recommendations The only exception is for the Curr&GE committee which, in


addition to authority defined in California Education Code, is specifically identified in the Academic Senate Constitution as the designated body for recommendations on curriculum related matters.

Recommendation(s) related to curriculum go to the Curr&GE committee.

  • Committee work will increase as we deal with emergency
  • Distance Learning and Education Committee will be creating an enhanced online approval process for the
  • AP&P has worked on the EW (Excused withdrawal) grade policies recently, but not for the
  • Chancellor’s office has stated that EWs can be awarded, but colleges must document how they
  • Taft College administration seems to have a few different views on EWs.
  • Academic Senate needs to weigh in on how grades, under the purview of the Academic
  • The Academic Senate will be using collegially consultation on grades both during the emergency situation and going forward, as it falls in the 10+1.
  • Lots of conversation around whether students would have to initiate the EW or if faculty could award using
  • Extreme leniency in order to best support students was mentioned multiple
  • Reference to the Academic Senate bylaws, Article VI — subcommittees act on behalf of the AS of the


Old Business: Assignment of Responsibility for Development and/or Recommendation to Senate of the Whole for Action

  1. Guided Pathways Progress, Institutionalization, and Academic Senate DISCUSSION TABLED

Tabled from the March 18, 2020 meeting – continue as TABLED


5.    Academic Senate: Emergency Responsiveness       DISCUSSION

Should the decision-making process be modified when the College is under emergency proclamation? Questions such as some asked about the use of EW grade notation require decisions made through recommendations of the Academic Senate.

Beginning with the positing of an agenda for the Academic Senate Council, the minimum timeline for action by the Academic Senate is 16 calendar days under the regular process. Completion of the recommendation process ends with action by vote of a quorum of the Academic Senate of the Whole. Discussion: If the timeline should be reduced during emergencies, what structure/process should be used? What, if any recommendation should be presented to the Academic Senate of the Whole for action?

  • Under the Brown Act
  • Special meetings require 24 hr notice
  • Emergency meetings require 1 hr notice
  • Dire emergencies require no notice
  • Multiple members of the council expressed that as such, there is no need to change the regular
  • Colleges were given the option use the EW at their discretion, as long as they document their

▪                 Request to AP&P through Juana Rangel-Escobedo will be communicated to create draft language for emergency use of the EW for Spring semester. (Thank you, Juana) A special meeting could be called with 24 hour notice. This item is urgent.



New Business: Assignment of Responsibility for Development and/or Recommendation to Senate of the Whole for Action

6.       Recommendation of Committee or Position for decisions on Use of EW Grade DISCUSSION


The process determinations for application/use of EW are currently unclear. Guidance on the appropriate committee or position to make these decisions is needed. The Academic Senate Council tasks committees to make recommendations or provide information on topics based on each committees chartered responsibilities. To speed up the process, I request that:

Academic Senate Council authorize the Academic Senate President to assign responsibilities/tasks directly to Academic Senate subcommittees and to authorize the Academic Senate President to further delegate such authority as deemed necessary to ensure timely responses to situations/challenges arising from the declaration of emergency status for COVID-19. This authorization, if passed, be in effect until the lifting of the emergency declaration or the Academic Senate Council takes action to rescind said authority, whichever comes first. In any event, the Academic Senate President shall report to the Academic Senate Council any delegations of responsibility during regular meetings of the Academic Senate Council. Further, any recommendations needing action by the Academic Senate-of-the-Whole shall go directly to the Academic Senate-of-the-Whole unless the Academic Senate of the Whole has also authorized direct action by the Academic Senate President under the emergency declaration (Items #5 and #7 of the April 22, 2020 agenda).


New Business: Assignment of Responsibility for Development and/or Recommendation to Senate of the Whole for Action


7.       Recommendation of Modification to Senate Process Under Emergency Conditions ACTION


To be acted on if the discussion (Agenda Item #5) results in a recommendation/motion.

Action requested: Forward to Academic Senate with recommendation for approval.

Motion to table: Jiles Second: Rodenhauser

Rollcall vote: passed unanimously


8.       Assignment of Tasks /Responsibility to Committees/Positions Under Emergency Conditions ACTION

To be acted on if the discussion (Agenda Item #6) results in a recommendation/motion. Academic Senate Council authorize the Academic Senate President to assign responsibilities/tasks directly to Academic Senate subcommittees and to authorize the Academic Senate President to further delegate such authority as deemed necessary to ensure timely responses to situations/challenges arising from the declaration of emergency status for COVID-19. This authorization shall be in effect until the lifting of the emergency declaration or the Academic Senate Council takes action to resend said authority, whichever comes first. In any event, the Academic Senate President shall report to the Academic Senate Council any delegations of responsibility during regular meetings of the Academic Senate Council.

Action requested: Recommendation authorizing the Academic Senate President to assign responsibility to committees or persons holds specific positions for actions necessitated by the emergency declaration and campus closure (see details noted in agenda item #6 and above).


Motion to recommend authorizing the Academic Senate President to assign responsibility to committees or persons holds specific positions for actions necessitated by the emergency declaration and campus closure.

Motion: Jiles

Second: Rodenhauser

Roll call vote: passed unanimously



9.       Recommendation of Addendum to the Constitution and Bylaws of the Taft College Academic Senate                                                                                                                                ACTION

Motion to table Rodenhauser Second: Jiles

Roll call vote: Passed unanimously


Addendum to codify authorization and/or decision-making processes/procedures adopted under emergency conditions for use in the event of a future declaration of emergency.

To be acted on if actions are approved for agenda items #7 or #8 or both..

Action requested: Forward to Academic Senate with recommendation for approval for Addendum for Actions When Operating Under a Status of Declared Emergency with/without Campus Closure.

Discussion Items



10.   Other Questions Related to Emergency Status                                                                 NO ACTION

  1. Q&A


Other? Adjournment


Motion to adjourn: Rodenhauser Second: Jiles

Motion passed unanimously


Respectfully submitted,

  1. Kulzer-Reyes