May 01, 2017 Meeting


Taft College Academic Senate Minutes

Monday, May 1, 2017

Cougar Conference Room


Members Present: President, Geoffrey Dyer, Vice President Vicki Jacobi, Secretary, Candace Duron, Kristi Richards, Tina Mendoza, April Hanawalt, Victoria Waugh, Jennifer Altenhofel, Darcy Bogle, Isaias Hernandez, Diane Jones, Dan Hall, Don Thornsberry, Stephanie Salomon, Adam Bledsoe, Juana Escobedo, Janis Mendenhall, Michelle Oja, Jill Brown, Lourdes Gonzalez, Ruby Payne, Shelley Getty, Kanoe Bandy, Sharyn Eveland, Brian Jean, Carly Flowers, Gary Graupman, Mariza Martinez, Michael Jiles, Amar Abbott, Kamala Carlson, Debora Rodenhauser, David Mitchell, Steve Lytle, Julian Martinez, Greg Golling, Wendy Berry, David Reynolds, Joy Reynolds, James May, Abbas Jarrahian, Leigh Golling, Tori Furman, Veronica Van Ry, Joe’ll Chaidez, and Chris Flachmann.


The meeting was called to order at 12:10 PM.


Public Commentary



Approval of April 3, 2017 Senate Minutes

  • No corrections, minutes approved.


ASCCC Spring 2017 Plenary Highlights – Dyer & Jacobi

  • All resolutions were voted up, some with amendments.
  • There is an emphasis on serving marginalized student populations including students formerly incarcerated.
  • The legislative update session asked to consider having a legislative liaison/committee to read over the bills; there are a lot of them.
  • A non-credit liaison was recommended.
  • A statement or a board policy regarding social media and class recordings should be considered.


Health and Wellness Counseling – Primavera Arvizu & Isaias Hernandez

  • Isaias Hernandez is the adjunct mental health and wellness Counselor. He will provide short term solution focused personal counseling.
  • A presentation on how to recognize students who may need a referral, when to refer, and guidelines on referrals was provided.
  • An online form for faculty and staff to make a referral, as well as a student self-referral form, is available. Although any follow-up is confidential, there will be a system in place to notify the sender that the referral was received.
  • Participating in counseling services is up to the student; it cannot be required.


Integrated Plan- Primavera Arvisu

  • The integrated plan for Student Success, Basic Skills Initiative, and Student Equity is due to the Chancellor’s office in December.
  • This is an effort to reduce duplication of services, to have a common goal, outcomes, and indicators.
  • There will be a team selected to participate this summer in the integration and the development of aligned goals, activities, and the tracking of data for reporting.


Common Assessment Initiative – Chaidez

  • The Accuplacer common assessment will not be available until fall 2018.
  • CAI work group is working on multiple measures and the use of the high school Early Assessment Placement exam (EAP).
  • Mapping of banner scores to include not only placement test scores but high school transcript information such as grade point average is being considered.
  • There seems to be a push across the state to place students in transfer level coursework and to utilize support services to increase completion in two years with the development of pathways and the 15 to finish where the student registered for 15 units each term.
  • Joe’ll expressed a concern that basic skills classes may be being overlooked and there needs to be a place for students who need basic skills to go.


Dual Enrollment Update – Furman & Richards

  • The CCAP agreement with TUHS was approved by the board.
  • The Dual Enrollment Advisory Committee has met to discuss outreach. This is a CCAP advisory group and is different from the Joint Dual Enrollment Committee which is an Academic Senate sub-committee on dual enrollment.
  • Krisi Richards has created an information packet and a dual enrollment handbook for students and parents who participate in CCAP.
  • 12 students are participating and taking Welding 1500 on the TUHS campus.


Zero-Textbook-Cost Degree Planning Grant – Hall & Jiles

  • The Administration of Justice OER planning group (Dan Hall, Vicki Jacobi, Michael Jiles, Michelle Oja, Jill Brown, Candace Duron, Tabitha Raber, and Joe Pilkington) has met and looked at the OER options for courses in the ADMJ transfer degree.
  • OER options in general education coursework is realistic although some courses may have to use multiple OER materials to meet the COR specifications. Finding OER options for specific ADMJ courses is challenging.


Resolution Requesting Annual FON Data and Projected Number of New and Replacement Positions (second reading) – Dyer

  • On a motion by Diane Jones, seconded by Candace Duron, the second reading of the Resolution Requesting Annual FON Data and Projected Number of New and Replacement Faculty Positions was approved.


Resolution: New Faculty Position Recommendations and Faculty Replacement Positions (first reading) – Dyer

  • First reading of the resolution which was a compromise of the original drafted by Geoffrey Dyer and the most recent drafted by Bill Devine and the Division Chairs, voted out of Academic Senate Council 10:2.
  • This resolution states in the event of a retirement, division chairs work with their division and administration to determine an appropriate recommendation for replacement and bring the recommendation back to the Senate-of-the whole for a vote.
  • Veronica Van Ry questioned what the word promptly written in the resolution means. Dyer suggested a timeframe, possibly the words: promptly or a maximum of one year. Vicki Jacobi suggested a one term/semester timeframe.
  • After discussion regarding the measures used to evaluate positions, the use of the same measures for new faculty ranking and faculty replacement positions was suggested even if the two (new faculty and replacement faculty) rankings did not occur at the same time.
  • After discussion, a recommendation was made to make the language clearer that the recommendation for faculty positions is a linear process.
  • Kanoe Bandy provided insight on the division chair conversations that took place on this subject. The discussion between the Division Chair(s) and the administration is the evaluation measure. The idea was not to prioritize replacement faculty against/with new faculty position but to recommend equally to administration. Also – a request for feedback from the Administration on what decision was made and why it was made should be included in the resolution.
  • Geoffrey Dyer asked what happens if there is a need in a division but a greater need in another division and Administration has the right to choose. It would be harder for an administrator to go against the decision of the Senate when the entire Senate votes on the priority.
  • Mike Jiles thinks the resolution is not specific enough and wants to know what we are asking for in the resolution.
  • Darcy Bogle understands the division interest but larger conversations about what the greatest need for the college and the students should happen.
  • On a motion by Diane Jones, seconded by Mike Jiles, the Resolution: New Faculty Position Recommendation and Faculty Replacement Positions will be sent back to Academic Senate Council for further review and discussion.


Other/Open Forum



Meeting adjourned at 1:05 PM.

Submitted by Candace Duron, Secretary.

Approved August 17, 2017
