January 18, 2017 Meeting


Taft College Academic Senate Council Meeting

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

12:00pm to 1:00pm,
Cafeteria Conference Room

Call to Order
Public Commentary
Approval of Minutes of November 16, 2016 Meeting


Action Items

  1. Criteria for Ranking Faculty Position Requests (Altenhofel, Oja)
    2. Academic Development Committee Charter (Sundgren)
    3. Curriculum and General Education Committee Charter (Jacobi)
  2. CTE Committee Charter (Furman)
  3. Nominations for Academic Senate Secretary and President
  4. Critical Thinking Institutional Student Learning Outcome (Jacobi)

Other/Open Forum


Next meeting of the Academic Senate-of-the-whole is Monday, February 6, at 12:00pm in the Cougar Room. Next meeting of the Academic Senate Council is Wednesday, February 15.


Taft College Academic Senate Council Minutes

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Cafeteria Conference Room

Members Present: President Geoffrey Dyer, Vice President Vicki Jacobi, Greg Golling, Gary Graupman, Dan Hall, Mike Jiles, Danielle Kerr, Don Thornsberry, Tony Thompson, Juana Rangel-Escobedo and Victoria Waugh.

Guests: Jennifer Altenhofel, Michelle Oja, Lori Sundgren, and Candace Duron.

The meeting was called to order at 12:04 PM.

Public Commentary

  • None

Approval of Nov. 16, 2016 Meeting Minutes

  • There were no corrections to the minutes. The Nov. 16 meeting minutes were approved.

Criteria for Ranking Faculty Position Requests (Altenhofel, Oja)

  • Jennifer Altenhofel and Michelle Oja proposed that the ranking of faculty position requests be based a list of criteria that would change from year to year, per the needs of the college. This list would help to initiate discussions about what we value as a college before we submit any faculty position requests.
  • Geoffrey Dyer is concerned that once the criteria list is established for the next year, it would then need to get approved by the senate, which impacts the timeline of the ranking process.
  • After further discussion, Vicki Jacobi made a motion to move this proposal to the senate-of-the-whole. Mike seconded the motion and the motion carried. Geoffrey, Don Thornsberry, Greg Golling, and Juana Escobedo voted “No”.

Academic Development Committee Charter (Sundgren)

  • Lori Sundgren introduced a charter for the Academic Development Committee.
  • The Basic Skills Initiative is sun setting and so too is the funding model for basic skills students.
  • The funding model will be based on what the colleges are doing to get students to complete.
  • Vicki recommended adding the voting policies of the committee. Since it is a subcommittee of the Academic Senate, only faculty can vote.
  • The charter also needs to address its relationship to other committees and to also include a self-evaluation process.
  • Vicki motioned to move this charter forward to the senate-of-the-whole. Geoffrey seconded the motion and the motion carried.

Curriculum and General Education Committee Charter (Jacobi)

  • Vicki summarized some of the changes made to the charter. The Dental Hygiene Director was taken off the list of voting members. Student representatives were added to the committee.
  • Geoffrey made the motion to move the Curriculum and General Education Committee charter forward to the senate-of-the-whole, with a second from Greg Golling. The motion passed.

CTE Committee Charter (Furman)

  • The AS Council reviewed the CTE Committee charter.
  • Vicki point out that if this is a standing committee, then the recommendations from the committee go to Governance instead of to Management and Administration. Geoffrey did not see any harm to it.
  • Mike Jiles saw a problem with the membership of the committee. If the program leads and up to 6 faculty make up the committee, it is going to be a large committee with 17 members.
  • Geoffrey suggested removing the “up to six faculty” statement.
  • Vicki asked about committee involvement from West Tec.
  • Mike made the motion to table this charter until Tori can be meet with the council. Juana seconded the motion and the motion passed.

Nominations for Academic Senate Secretary and President

  • As it stands now, Jon Carrithers and Candace Duron have been nominated for the AS Secretary position. Geoffrey has been nominated for the AS President position.

Critical Thinking Institutional Student Learning Outcome (Jacobi)

  • The Educational Master Plan says that we annually look at the definition of one of our ISLOs.
  • Vicki says that this change of the definition of Critical Thinking is ready to move forward.
  • Geoffrey moved to approve this change in the definition of the Critical Thinking ISLO. Don seconded and the motion carried.

The meeting adjourned at 12:57.

Respectfully submitted by Dan Hall.

Approved as corrected 02.15.2017

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