April 19, 2017 Meeting


Taft College Academic Senate Council

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

12:00pm to 1:00pm,
Cafeteria Conference Room

Call to Order
Public Commentary
Approval of Minutes of March 15, 2017 Meeting


Discussion Items

  1. ACCJC Annual Report—Institution Set Standards (Jacobi/Bérubé)
  2. Feedback on Resolutions for the Spring, 2017 ASCCC Plenary (Dyer)

Action Items

  1. Replacing Retiring Faculty/Faculty Ranking Process (Dyer)
  2. Rubric for Evaluating Critical Thinking SLO (Jacobi)
  3. Evaluation of Senate Bylaws (Dyer)

Other/Open Forum


The next meeting of the Senate-of-the-whole is Monday, May 1, in the Cougar Room at 12:00pm.


Taft College Academic Senate Council Minutes

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Cafeteria Conference Room


Members Present: President Geoffrey Dyer, Vice President Vicki Jacobi, Tony Thompson, Candace Duron, Juana Rangel-Escobedo, Tori Furman, Vitoria Waugh, Mike Jiles, Greg Golling, Gary Graupman, Kamala Carlson, and Kanoe Bandy


Guests: Eric Berube and Sharyn Eveland.


The meeting was called to order at 12:00 p.m.


Public Commentary

  • None


Approval of March 15, 2017 Meeting Minutes

  • The March 15th minutes were approved.


ACCJC Annual Report – Institution Set Standards  (Jacobi/Berube)

  • The Institution Set Standards Required by ACCJC – 2017 document and The Board of Governors of the California Community Colleges memo on Institutional Effectiveness, Framework of Indicators were reviewed.
  • Strategic Planning Committee is working on melding the two above noted items together to ensure consistency in computations and agreed upon definitions.
  • Institutional set standards are due to the commission end of March and the effectiveness measures are due to the chancellor’s office in June.
  • Taft College does not currently pre-set standards; there is not a requirement to.
  • Strategic Planning Committee wants to develop a procedure.
  • The discrepancy that currently exists between the two documents may be because IEPI was initially thought of as aspirations.


Feedback on Resolutions for the Spring, 2017 ASCCC Plenary (Dyer)

  • Geoffrey Dyer asked for any input on the upcoming ASCCC resolutions to be voted on Saturday at Plenary.
  • Vicki Jacobi suggested Gary Graupman take a look at the possible changes to the discipline list and the minimum qualifications for communication.
  • There is a resolution that calls for more face-to-face programs for formally incarcerated students who have been released from prisons.


Replacing Retiring Faculty/Faculty Ranking Process  (Dyer)

  • The two resolutions to be considered were read:
    1. Integrated Retiring Faculty Replacements and New Faculty Positions Requests
    2. Academic Senate Policy for New Faculty Position Recommendations and Faculty Replacement Positions
  • The first, authored by Geoffrey Dyer, suggests that replacement positions be integrated into the existing faculty ranking process.
  • The second, authored by Bill Devine as a collaborative effort of all division chairs, suggests that request for new positions be made early, expects old positions to be replaced, replacement positions emerge from the division with discussions between divisions and with administration, and the Senate would vote on replacement positions only when changes are made.
  • Discussion
    • Administration is asking for an evaluation of the impact and need of replacement positions.
    • In the past, some Senate recommendations to the President for replacement positions have been honored, but some have not.
    • President Maloney verbally agreed to automatically refill retirement positions.
    • In the case of Linda West’s retirement, multiple replacement attempts were made to find a qualified candidate; all were unsuccessful.
    • There is no policy or documentation of auto-replacement of faculty. When Dr. Daniels was asked, she said no, she then requested the next position in the ranking. There needs to be an evaluation.
    • There used to be a history and past practice, but without the longevity Taft College once had in a president/superintendent, past practice becomes hard to stand by.
    • If the position was newly hired, say two-years ago, maybe the need is not so different; if the position was hired twenty-five-years ago, maybe the need is different and an evaluation is needed.
    • Perhaps there should be two concurrent but separate ranking lists.
    • The divisions would like an opportunity to make the evaluation and facilitate discussion.
    • The evaluation pieces are things division chairs look at anyways during division meetings, program review, and discussions with discipline faculty.
    • Eric Berube’s email supporting the resolution to integrate was read. He lists two reasons: 1) positions that have been filled for a long time may have changed over the years and 2) the decisions to hire/rehire should not be made in isolation.
    • Geoffey Dyer asked on the list serve for any other colleges who auto-replace retirement faculty positions – he received no response that any other college has such a procedure.
  • The ASCCC Local Senate Handbook section on “Adapting the Resolution Process for Local Use” was reviewed, as it provides instructions on how to write a resolution.
  • Geoffrey Dyer made several recommendations to the second resolution: change the title from a policy to a resolution, add a resolve making the evaluation more explicit, change the 2nd whereas to a resolve as it states action, add footnotes, and align with the suggestions in the ASCCC Local Senate Handbook.
  • On a motion by Kamala Carlson, seconded by Candace Duron, no votes from Vicki Jacobi and Mike Jiles, an abstention by Tori Furman, the resolution for new faculty position recommendations and faculty replacement positions written by Bill Devine in collaboration with Division Chairs, and with changes as suggested by Geoffrey Dyer, was approved to move forward to the senate-of-the-whole for first reading.




The meeting adjourned at 1:10 p.m.



Submitted by Candace Duron, Secretary.

Approved August 30, 2017
