January 11, 2017 Meeting


Taft College Academic Senate
Senate-of-the-Whole Meeting

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

11:00am to 1:00pm, Cougar Room

Call to Order
Public Commentary
Approval of Minutes of the December 5, 2016 Meeting

Information/Discussion Items
1. SB 1379: Part Time, Temporary Employees Rehire Rights (Jones)—10 Minutes

  1. Innovation Grant (Williams)—10 Minutes
  2. Zero-Textbook-Cost Degree Planning Grant (Hall)—10 Minutes
  3. Completing Annual Program Review (Berube)—10 Minutes
  4. Accreditation Update (Berube)—5 Minutes
    6. Defining Critical Thinking ISLO (Jacobi)—10 Minutes
    7. Volunteers for Task Force to Review Strong Workforce Funding

Application (Furman)—10 Minutes

  1. Resolution Endorsing CCAP Agreement with TUHS for WELD 1500 and INTC 1000

(Second Reading; Dyer)—10 Minutes

  1. Resolution Encouraging Revitalization of Joint Dual Enrollment Committee (Second

Reading; Dyer)—10 Minutes

  1. Academic Senate Process for Assigning Screening Committee Representatives (Dyer)—

10 Minutes

  1. Academic Senate Faculty Excellence Awards (Dyer)—10 Minutes
  2. Nominations for Academic Senate Secretary and President (Dyer)—5 Minutes

Other/Open Forum


Next meeting of the Academic Senate-of-the-Whole is Monday, February 6, at noon in the Cougar Room. Next meeting of the Academic Senate Council is Wednesday, January 18 at noon in the Cafeteria Conference Room.


Monday, December 4, 2017

Cougar Conference Room

Members Present: President, Geoffrey Dyer, Vice President Vicki Jacobi, Secretary, Candace Duron, Ruby Payne, Diane Jones, Shelley Getty, Debora Rodenhauser, Dan Hall, Tony Thompson, Greg Golling, Mike Mayfield, Juana Escobedo, Jennifer Altenhofel, Michelle Oja, Robin Polski, Bill Devine, Mike Jiles, Janis Mendenhall, David Mitchell, David Layne, Adam Bledsoe, Kelly Kulzer-Reyes, Lourdes Gonzalez, Joy Reynolds, Julian Martinez.

Guests: Deb Daniels, Kayla Meyer, Joshua Sutton, Jordy Cazares, Devin Turner

The meeting was called to order at 1209 P.M.

Public Commentary

  • None

Approval of November 6, 2017 Senate Minutes

  • No corrections, minutes

Commentary on Electronic Committee Updates

  • None

General Obligation Bond – Debra Daniels

  • With the end of the Measure A bond and the completion of the Student Center anticipated fall 2018, the district is considering pursuing another bond
  • The $85M bond would finish the Master Plan and include a vocational center to house the Dental Hygiene This is the maximum amount allowed.
  • If it moves forward, the college will depend on the Academic Senate support to start working towards the June
  • Objections to the bond that one might hear include: it is a bad economic time and there are too many taxes
  • A political campaign survey company was hired to test the community; it was determined that the Taft community is very supportive of the
  • Some people who are concern with taxes may say there are high administrator salaries and the college can afford it BUT one can counter with TC has one of the lowest administration to staff ratios in the state of
  • Land acquisition would be part of the bond
  • If the bond passes, then the facilities Master Plan would be evaluated to look at the specific needs of each of the CTE programs. The state requirements are perplex with square footage allowed per student ect.
  • The request is $85M because CTE is a big-ticket item with specific regulations and expensive equipment
  • Modular replacement will be looked at but again, depends on the measure and the timing with state funding and The college will try to leverage the dollar to complete more projects but it is a matter of timing with the bond measure and state dollars; that is why the June election is important.
  • Part of the Master Plan includes athletic facilities.
  • The state of California does not limit where students go to community college like other states that have out of district All community colleges are bound by taxpayers within the district. TC has a lot of students from out of the district but these students help to keep the doors open.

Faculty Positions

  • The email went of from Superintendent/President Deb Daniels supporting the replacement of Gary Graupman’s position with a full-time tenured track Speech instructor. She was unable to comment on additional faculty positions because of growth
  • Dyer sent an email asking division chairs if they would like to continue with the presentations and rankings for January in-service.
  • It is important to go through the process and document what the needs are. Considering putting forward your most critical
  • It would be nice to have a prioritize list when money is available.
  • Two chairs already said yes while two others would rather call an emergency meeting if funding becomes available. It is difficult to hold an emergency meeting during the semester with everyone’s schedules.

Dual Enrollment

  • In October there was a special joint meeting with a presentation by Tony Cordova.
  • Ted Pendengrass from the Oil Tech Academy at TUHS would like to offer TC classes to his third year Oil Tech Academy
  • The conversation is occurring in several places: CTE Committee, Dual Enrollment Advisory Committee, and the Academic Senate Dual Enrollment sub-committee aka a
  • A draft five-year CCAP plan was puled from last month’s board meeting agenda as it had not come to the Academic Senate yet and the plan was drafted to roll out January
  • The board has adopted a goal this year to explore dual enrollment
  • With AB288 and CCAP, Early childhood Education faculty are interested in this
  • Motion from ASC reads: the recommendation for Academic Senate Dual Enrollment committee to develop a charter with membership to include the appropriate representation to address the board goal of exploring the expansion of dual enrollment was approved to move forward to Senate-of- the-Whole.
  • Discussion:
    • Dual enrollment procedures and forms need to be
    • Articulation such as CCAP but, also Tech Prep 2+2, efforts should be
    • With the support of Academic Senate, Diane Jones would volunteer to chair the Academic Senate Dual Enrollment committee.
    • TC and TUHS are too small to require a five-year plan; a one-year plan is more
    • The various groups will work together to get a process in place to inform the Academic Senate on the topic because we have been left out of the discussion, intentionally or
    • CCAP is a tool; it is just one means to increase dual There are multiple ways.
    • What is the difference between dual enrollment and concurrent enrollment? State uses the terms interchangeably. At TC dual enrollment are the classes offered at TUHS and concurrent enrollment is when a TUHS student is enrolled in TC classes on
    • There are multiple ways high school students can earn college credit; TUHS no longer offers Advance Placement classes/tests.
    • Meeting the minimum qualifications of adjunct-faculty using the faculty at the high school to offer the dual enrollment is a
    • Dual enrollment is a 10+1 issue still, Academic Senate cannot tell another committee, which is not a sub of Academic Senate, what to Right now, there isn’t a chair for the dual enrollment advisory committee since Tony Cordova’s resignation.

o There are CTE grants that required dual enrollment and without a process in place CTE has created their own processes in order to meet the grant requirements.

  • On a motion by Bill Devine, seconded by Tori Furman, abstained by Michelle Oja, the recommendation for Academic Senate Dual Enrollment committee to develop a charter with membership to include the appropriate representation to address the board goal of exploring the expansion of dual enrollment was approved

AP 7211: faculty service Areas, Minimum Qualifications, and Equivalencies

  • Faculty serving on screening committees would check the qualifications and equivalencies using the guidelines prior to the interview.
  • The league template has a clear definition on
  • The determination form is on the Taft College
  • Remember to reference the document when serving on a faculty hiring
  • The allowable equivalencies vary by
  • On a motion by Diane Jones, seconded by Tori Furman, abstained by Joy Reynolds, AP7211: faculty service area, minimum qualifications, and equivalencies was approved.

AP 4021: Program Discontinuance – Vicki Jacobi

  • Eliminate the Academic Senate Program Discontinuance Task Force and incorporate program discontinuance into the Curriculum Committee
  • This will close the loop and bring the information back through curriculum to Office of Instruction, Student Services, and the catalog working
  • On a motion by Mike Mayfield, seconded by Bill Devine, AP 4021: Program Discontinuance was approved.

Academic Senate Constitution & Bylaws Revisions (First Reading)

  1. Addition of CTE & Distance Education Committees; Screening Committee Appointment Process
    • Also include the Dual Enrollment
    • On a motion by Bill Devine, seconded by Mike Jiles, opposed by Michelle Oja, the addition of CTE, Distance Education, and Dual Enrollment Committees to the Academic Senate Constitution was approved.
  2. Resolutions Process: Simple Majority in ASC, One Reading at Senate-of-the-whole, Two-Thirds Required at Senate-of-the-whole
    • Other Academic Senates use resolution documents as a way of doing
    • TC Academic Senate bylaws require two readings of resolutions, which is time
    • Discussion to continue,
  3. Brown Act Requirement for AS Subcommittees
    • Tabled
  4. Compulsory Resignation If Opposed after six Years
    • Tabled

Other/Open Forum

  • None

Meeting adjourned at 1:01 PM. Submitted by Candace Duron, Secretary
