March 08, 2019 Meeting


Strategic Planning Committee

Friday, March 8, 2019

9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.

Counseling Center Conference Room


  1. Approval of Minutes – February 8, 2019


  1. Vision for Success – Process


  1. Accreditation Steering Committee – Roles and Responsibilities


  1. Next Meeting – April 5th at 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.


Minutes of the Strategic Planning Committee
9:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.
Friday, March 8, 2019
Counseling Center Conference Room
Members present: Deb Daniels, Vicki Jacobi, Sharyn Eveland, Marty Morales, Tori Furman, Greg Golling, Jessica Grimes, and Julie Marty-Pearson, Amanda Bauer, Windy Martinez and Severo Balason
Members absent: None
Secretary: Brandy Young
Approval of Minutes – February 8, 2019 Minutes were approved without changes.
Vision for Success Brandy distributed two handouts: February 13th Chancellor’s Office memo and the Vision for Success Local Goal Reporting form template. Julie began the discussion with an overview of the Chancellor’s memo and went over the timeline. She explained the process of entering the goals into NOVA; the online application for the Vision for Success (VfS) goals. Julie reviewed the Local Goal template. She stated that most of the goals are already aligned with our current Strategic Action Plan (SAP. SPC will review the local goal setting requirements and our SAP goals and confirm where they align and identify any gaps where additional goals may need to be set. When the SAP was developed the Student Success Metrics (SSM) were not available. The Chancellor’s Office is requesting the SSM be used to set the SfV goals. The Committee discussed the various goals and how they overlap with our other projects, the Equity Plan and the ACCJC Annual Report. Julie reminded the committee about the ACCJC webinar on the Annual Report in two weeks.
The VfS Local Goal template will be Board approved prior to May 31st. The Strategic Action Plan may need to be amended in order for the metrics to align correctly with the VfS goals. This can be Board approved at a later date.
The Committee discussed the methodology in setting the SAP goals ( using cohort data) versus the SSM data. Should we use the model we currently have in the SAP and update the data or do we go with a completely different system and compare the two. The committee agreed to use what we currently have. We will assess the goals and update as needed.
A special meeting with a few key SPC members will be scheduled to review our current data set from the SAP and bring it back to the larger group in the format of the Local Goal template. Key points of discussion on the differences in the metrics:
 Goal 5 – Equity – disproportionate impact to be eliminated in 10 years
 Goal 1 – our SAP completion goal was modest compared to the system wide goal of 20%
 Our Goals 1 through 4 should be modest – this will help us achieve goal 5
 We could stay with the modest percentages for increase we have now and decide at a later date if we want to increase them later
 We want to remain as consistent as possible with what is in our current SAP
Strategic Planning Committee
March 8, 2019
 The draft VsF template will be reviewed at Governance Council on March 22
 The completed draft will be sent out the all SPC members prior to March 22 for review and
 April 5th SPC meeting the draft will be finalized
 The completed template will go to the Board in May and will need to be completed by April
 Faculty will be gone April 15th thru 19th and Sharyn, Vicki and Geoffrey will be gone April
10, 11 and 12th
 The draft template should circulated back out to SPC by March 18
Accreditation Steering Committee – Roles and Responsibilities
Key points of discussion:
 A retreat has been scheduled for March 29th for the SPC members to identify roles and
responsibilities of the ASC members and their subcommittees
 Amar Abbott will demonstrate MindView as a possible tool for the evidence repository
 Themes will be identified at the retreat and phases will be created for steps and processes
align with the accreditation timeline
 It is important to provide a strong visual of the process to the subcommittees
 Locate Charter for the ASC (was one created?)
 The committee discussed possible editing tools – Office 365- Sharepoint – we want to be
mindful of overwriting controls
 Provide packets to the subcommittees- major areas and themes/checklist for gap analysis
The next SPC regular meeting will be on April 5th at 10:30 a.m. in the Counseling Center
Conference Room.
Respectfully submitted by: Brandy Young
