January 10, 2019 Meeting


Strategic Planning Committee

Thursday, January 10, 2019

9:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.

Counseling Center Conference Room


  1. Approval of Minutes – December 7, 2018


  1. Planning Guide – Brief update on completion of final draft
    • Sharyn’s edits
    • Vicki – Instructional Plan
    • Governance Council review date – February?


  1. Accreditation Steering Committee Membership
    • Review 2015 ASC and subcommittee membership lists
    • Review old timeline in preparation for ISER training on January 25


  1. February 7th meeting agenda


Minutes of the Strategic Planning Committee

9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.

Thursday, January 10, 2019

Counseling Center Conference Room


Members present:  Severo Balason, Amanda Bauer, Deb Daniels, Sharyn Eveland, Vicki Jacobi, Tori Furman, Greg Golling, Jessica Grimes, and Windy Martinez


Members absent: Julie Marty-Pearson


Guest: Curt Belcher and Geoffrey Dyer


Secretary and Classified Representative: Brandy Young


Approval of Minutes – December 7, 2018 – Minutes approved without changes.


Planning Guide

The Planning Guide is nearing completion. Severo will provide Sharyn with the new SEA Plan. Vicki is still working on the Instruction Plan. The committee will review the completed Guide at the February meeting and send forward to the Governance Council for review and approval. This conversation revealed that we should have a Board Policy and Administrative Procedure for updating the Mission and Vision statements. This will be an item suggested at the January Governance Council committee updates.



Accreditation Steering Committee Membership

  • Review 2015 ASC and subcommittee membership lists
    • The Committee reviewed the old membership lists. The ASC membership will be finalized after the January 25th The training participants invited are as follows:


  • Julie Marty-Pearson Executive Dir. IR
  • Brandy Young Learning Outcomes Tech/CSEA
  • Vicki Jacobi Academic Senate VP/SLO Coord./Faculty
  • Geoffrey Dyer Academic Senate Pres./Faculty
  • Windy Martinez Dean of SS
  • Greg Golling Faculty/Science Department
  • Severo Balason             VPSS
  • Deb Daniels Superintendent/Pres
  • Tori Furman Career Development Counselor/Faculty
  • Jessica Grimes Interim Dean of Instruction/CTE
  • Sharyn Eveland Faculty/Social Services Department
  • Brock McMurray EVP Admin Services
  • Heather Meason Executive Dir. HR
  • Andy Prestage Executive Dir. IT
  • Amar Abbot                           High Tech Center Access Specialist
  • Amanda Bauer Executive Dir. Fiscal Services
  • Adam Bledsoe Director Distance Learning
  • CSEA Rep. Possibly Greg Hawkins or Jeanene Robertson



  • Review old timeline in preparation for ISER training – Jan. 25
    • The committee discussed the direction and emphasis ACCJC will focus on. We will need to focus on providing evidence that we are actually doing what we say we are doing; following Board Policies and Administrative Procedures.
    • Sharyn stated that we are going to focus on gathering evidence and keep our story short.
    • Vicki suggested that we research other schools who have recently gone through their ISER. ACCJC actions are posted in mid-January. We should look at schools who were re-accredited without negative recommendations.
    • The Committee will be able to devise a clear plan after the January 25th training agenda has been made available.



  • Annual Program Review
    • Geoffrey briefly discussed the newly adopted practice (two years in a row) of reviewing APRs and goal forms at Governance Council during the month of February. The purpose of this practice is to evaluate and ensure goals, which are funded at some level, are actually improving the metrics outlined in the APR. This practice was developed in order to meet the ACCJC recommendation.
    • Sharyn pointed out the process or analysis is broken up into two parts: 1. Metrics – tying it back and 2. Process – does it work? The timeline seems to be the issue.
    • This process will be discussed at the January 18th Governance Council meeting
  • Chancellor’s Office Vision for Success
    • Geoffrey asked the Committee to please keep in mind the Chancellor’s Office Vision for Success. This topic will be a future agenda item for discussion to ensure we are following all guidelines and meeting all deadlines.



The next SPC meeting will be on February 8th at 9:30 a.m. in the Counseling Center Conference Room.


Respectfully submitted by:  Brandy Young
