March 29, 2019 Meeting


Strategic Planning Committee

Friday, March 29, 2019

10:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

Cougar Room


  1. Approval of Minutes – March 8, 2019


  1. Governance Council Sub-Committee Annual Review (5 min)


  1. Brief Update – Marty Morales and Severo Balason
    * SEA Program data/Local Vision for Success Goal #5/NOVA


  1. Mind View Presentation – Amar Abbott (11:15 a.m.)


  1. Accreditation Steering Committee – Retreat?
    * Roles and Responsibilities Activity – Sharyn Eveland


  1. Next Meeting – May 3rd at 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
    * The committee may meet over the month of April as needed.


Minutes of the Strategic Planning Committee

10:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

Friday, March 29, 2019

Cougar Room



Members present: Vicki Jacobi, Sharyn Eveland, Marty Morales, Tori Furman, Greg Golling, Jessica Grimes, Amanda Bauer, and Severo Balason


Members absent: Windy Martinez

Guest: Leslie Minor, Amar Abbott and Geoffrey Dyer


Secretary: Brandy Young

Approval of Minutes – March 8, 2019
Minutes were approved without changes.

Governance Council Sub-Committee Annual Review
Brandy gave an update on the review process. Each year sub-committees of the Governance Council perform a self-evaluation. A peer review also takes place. Brandy will reach out for volunteers of sub-committee members to perform the peer review. This will take place during the month of April and be shared out with the sub-committees in May prior to the end of the semester.


Brief Update – SEA Program Data/Local Vision for Success Goal #5 and NOVA
Severo attended a conference where he learned many colleges are complaining to the Chancellor’s Office regarding the Student Success Metrics data and the SEA data. Colleges have been told to not use the SSM data but to instead use the reports from Data on Demand (SEA data). Severo expressed concern over the upcoming deadline to submit the Student Equity Report. He stated that many colleges are still unsure of which data to use to identify the disproportionally impacted students that will drive the goal setting process for the Student Equity Plan and the Local Vision for Success Goal #5. Marty reviewed the SEA report that the Chancellor’s office has provided via Data on Demand. Marty pointed out the inconsistencies within the data set. Severo stated that a letter was sent from the Chief Student Services Officers Executive Board to the Chancellor’s office that will hopefully prompt an updated data file and explanations of how the data were calculated to provide clarity.


Mind View Presentation – Amar Abbott

Amar provided a demonstration to the committee. This tool will be used to form the sub-structure of the work to be done by the ASC and the subcommittees. The tool has the capability to house evidence and document work.


Accreditation Steering Committee – Retreat – Sharyn Eveland

The SPC accreditation themed retreat was rescheduled in order to provide more time for planning. The focus of the retreat will be to establish the roles and responsibilities of the Steering Committee members and their sub-committees and to design the process behind adding and storing evidence.  Sub-committees will be formed in August. Sharyn shared a couple of ideas on how to structure the retreat. One way would be to have the retreat first and do the framing, organization and general vision. From that – piece out the writing of the document to individual members and provide a common storage site for evidence and identify who will be responsible for this site. Someone will need to write up a comprehensive format of the roles and responsibilities after they have been identified (a note taker).


Key points for structure – prep work discussion for retreat


Phases of this process:

  1. SPC would identify locations and sources of evidence and create a holding space for anything related to the ISER.
  2. Provide access to Chairs of the sub-committees so that they don’t have to find evidence during the writing
  3. Provide evidence first, provide training on how to “look at” evidence and then write the “story”
  4. Sharyn will provide the NVivo data – identify themes
  5. MindView will be used along with creating a large repository for all evidence; possibly OneDrive combined with MindMap
  6. The retreat is scheduled for May 10th from 9:30 to 12 and can reconvene after Governance Council if needed.
  7. Planning to Plan – make decision on how to identify and label the data elements that will be used in the ISER
  8. Make decisions about what types of storage or access information will be provided to the sub-committees
  9. Decide if we want to use the NVivo data for the sub-committees to do their work so that there is consistency
  10. Decide what the specific roles of the Chairs will be and give them guidance on what the rules will be for their members. For example, how to label evidence
  11. The training will happen in August for the subcommittee Chairs and the ASC
  12. Decide if we are going to provide incremental training or do it all at once



The next SPC meeting will be on May 3rd at 10:30 a.m. in the Cougar Room.


Respectfully submitted by:  Brandy Young
