September 15, 2017 Meeting


Strategic Planning Committee
Special Meeting
Friday, September 15, 2017

Initial discussion on the development of the 2018/19-2020/21 Strategic Action Plan.


Minutes of the Strategic Planning Committee

Special Meeting – Strategic Action Plan Development

10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.

Friday, September 15, 2017

Counseling Center Conference Room

Present: Severo Balason, Amanda Bauer, Oleg Bespalov, Sharyn Eveland, Greg Golling,
Vicki Jacobi, and Mark Williams

 Secretary: Brandy Young
The Governance Council voted on and approved the recommendation that the Strategic Planning Committee should develop the 2018/19-2020/21 Strategic Action Plan. The SPC agreed to hold special meetings to begin the development of the new plan. Today the committee agreed on a timeline of development to completion. The timeline is as follows to date. Items may be added in the future as development continues.

September 2017 October 2017 November 2017 December 2017 January 2018 February 2018 March 2018

Meeting #1


Brainstorm features of the plan

Meetings #3 and #4

Dates TBD
Environmental Scan

TC Employee Survey
Establish Goals


Ensure integration with other planning documents – Educational Master Plan, Equity/SSSP/BSI, Technology Master Plan, etc.



Finalize draft


Send out to campus community for feedback Present document to Governance Council and Academic Senate Board Approval March 14, 2018

Meeting #2


Brainstorm metrics of the plan


The committee conducted a whiteboard brainstorm on the features of the old plan, the 2015/16-2017/18 Strategic Action Plan. The exercise focused on what features of the old plan should be kept and what features should be changed/improved upon or added to the new plan.

The committee will conduct a similar exercise at the September 22nd special meeting to review the metrics of the old plan and add to the new. The results of today’s exercise are summarized as follows.

The areas highlighted in black are features agreed upon by the group as a whole.

  • Use the current Educational Master Plan as a framework for areas

·        Replace the Strategic Action Plan Objective form with a dashboard that will be updated on a 6 month to 12 month basis highlighting and reporting on outcomes and mile stones

·        Include in the SAP a visual chart of the Integrated Planning Model as well as the SAP timeline

·        The development of the new SAP will provide an opportunity for community feedback

·        The SAP will have approvals from Governance Council and Academic Senate

·        The Educational Master Plan Survey will not be conducted for this SAP development cycle

·        The SAP will be less operational in structure and more strategic with fewer goals for meaningful integration

·        There will be no redundant goals

·        Add a few months to the timeline for development. Board approval in March

·        Link to accreditation

·        Ensure integration of all District plans

·        Anticipate state initiatives and base SAP on these performance metrics

·        All goals are measureable

·        All areas of the college are included i.e., Administrative Services, Student Services and Instruction

·        Include data infrastructure development as a goal


The areas highlighted in blue are features that will be future discussion items to ensure full committee agreement.


·        There will be a specific responsible party for outcomes– possibly a committee for shared governance purposes. Define the roles of the committee pertaining to the SAP; this may be a future component of the committee evaluation process. There will be no “Champions” or individuals responsible for outcomes as stated in the old SAP

·        Remove all activities – capture in APR process

·        The new SAP will be a 3 year plan

·        The new SAP will have specific dates (chronological) and outcomes with annual milestones for evaluation to track effectiveness


The item highlighted in purple was voted upon. Six participants voted in agreement. Two voted against.


·        No consultants for development



Next Meeting Date: Friday, September 22th at 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.


Respectfully Submitted by Brandy Young
Attachment: Photo of whiteboard brainstorm exercise

Supporting Docs
