April 07, 2017 Meeting


Strategic Planning Committee Agenda

8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.

Friday, April 7, 2017

Café Conference Room

Program Review Status Update

  • Goal Prioritization
  • Timeline Check
  • Fall Inservice Training

 Continue Conversation on IEPI Indicators – Due June 15

  • Need to choose 8 indicators

Institution Set Standards for ACCJC Annual Report

  • Set for next year
  • Integration of IEPI Indicators/ISS/ and Strategic Action Plan



Minutes of the Strategic Planning Committee

8:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m.

Friday, April 7, 2017

Café Conference Room

 Members Present: Severo Balason, Eric Bérubé, Anthony Cordova, Vicki Jacobi, Michelle Oja
and Mark Williams

Members Absent: Jon Carrithers

Secretary: Brandy Young

Program Review Status Update
Points of discussion:

  • Program Review training will be provided during fall inservice. Since Wednesday morning is when the Program Review Overview update is usually held; training will be offered following that presentation. The training will cover each section of the APR form. Examples from submitted APRs will be incorporated in to the How to Guide. The Guide will be used as the tool for training.
  • Training will be mandatory for Division Chairs and offered to all program leads. Division Chairs will be able to manage further training within their own divisions.


Continue Conversation on IEPI Indicators – Due June 15
The SPC once again reviewed the Institutional Effectiveness Partnership Initiative Advisory Committee Framework of Indicators (Year 3) handout. The handout that was distributed in 2016 from the Board of Governors of the California Community Colleges provides a list of proposed optional goals as well as the original list of indicators. The areas highlighted in yellow depict the proposed optional goals. These are not mandated but are only options. As stated by the California Ed Code, the eight mandated indicators must be focused on a minimum from the following four areas:


  • Student performance and outcomes
  • Accreditation status
  • Fiscal viability
  • Programmatic compliance with state and federal guidelines


The IEPI Indicators will remain the same as those from last year. Eric will provide a table with the chosen goals and list the actuals (from the Scorecard) for comparison. The Indicators chosen for this year are:

  • Math Remedial Rate
  • English Remedial Rate
  • Successful Course Completion
  • Accreditation Status
  • Full Time Equivalent Students under Fiscal Liability
  • Fund Balance
    Audit Findings – All
  • College Choice – Spring Course Successful Completion – Self Identified Indicator

The final document will be compiled at the end of the semester and presented to the Board in June.


Institutional Set Standards for ACCJC Annual Report

Before the Institutional Set Standards (ISS) can be set, the data definitions must be consistent among all reports. For example, the ISS and IEPI Indicators overlap. SPC will take the time to discuss the variables and ensure that consistency in the terminology exists. The Data Standards Committee is currently working on establishing a data element dictionary and identifying variability in terminology usage. The Data Standards Committee will share out findings with the SPC as well as the Governance Council. The goal is to eliminate definitional differences in the way reporting numbers are computed. A tentative timeline of completion is fall 2017 around inservice week.


Action: At the next SPC meeting a complete list of variables will be reviewed and prioritized in order to expedite the data element dictionary and the work of the Data Standards Committee.

Next Meeting Date: Tuesday, May 2nd – 12:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m.

Future Agenda Items:
Data Elements – Definitions

IEPI Indicators – Finalization for Governance Council Presentation

Integrated Planning – Framework/Activities/Pathways


 Respectfully Submitted by Brandy Young
