September 02, 2016 Meeting


Strategic Planning Committee
8:30 a.m. – 10:00 a.m., September 2, 2016

Summer Review (all)

June 2nd

IEPI data – 8 indicators selected
Program Review Criteria, Planning Committee Review and Progress Reports
IEPI Plan updates, SAP updates
Substantive change for golf program
Integrated Planning (web) Model update

June 8th

Program Review Criteria and Feedback Loops
Program Review (web) Feedback Matrix – pilot in parallel
Make changes to new rubric

July 6th – special meeting

ACCJC timeline
IEPI plan implementation (SLO Day, SLO Manual, Program Review Guide, Engaging Bob Pacheco as a consultant)
Updated Rubric – 0,1,5,8,13 point scale

Aug 8th
APR Status – scoring rubric finalized, reliability testing, missing reviews need completing
IEPI Priorities (APR Process, PDC funding, SLO funding, Data Funding)
In-Service Planning, SLO Day, Days 2/3, Communication and Training Strategies
Midterm Report Writing responsibilities

Fall In-Service Review (all)

SLO Day (What worked? What got done? What’s next? What barriers?)
Day 2, 3 (APR process review: Eric, Vicki; Dept/Div work: all)

SLO “situation room” – Recommendation 6
SLO assessment completion report – courses and faculty – completion timeline (vicki)
Faculty Fridays (Vicki)
Student Services SLO and Program Review Trainings
Intersession Trainings (Vicki)
SLO Syllabus review and timelines (Mark)

ACCJC Midterm Report Writing Leads
Sharepoint implementation (Eric, Adrian)
Working draft by Oct 1; Nov Board Report by Nov 1
Implementation of regular, ongoing planning committee accreditation reporting

APR Process
APRs for 2016-17 that have been received without mention of SLOs – committee return
Piloting Feedback Matrix (Jason) for reliability testing (Geoffrey)One missing 2015-16 report (CTE) being completed
2016-17 Administrative program reviews to be sequenced after planning committee reviews


Strategic Planning Committee
8:30 a.m. – 10:00 a.m., September 2, 2016

Summer Review (all)

June 2nd

IEPI data – 8 indicators selected
Program Review Criteria, Planning Committee Review and Progress Reports
IEPI Plan updates, SAP updates
Substantive change for golf program
Integrated Planning (web) Model update

June 8th

Program Review Criteria and Feedback Loops
Program Review (web) Feedback Matrix – pilot in parallel
Make changes to new rubric

July 6th – special meeting

ACCJC timeline
IEPI plan implementation (SLO Day, SLO Manual, Program Review Guide, Engaging Bob Pacheco as a consultant)
Updated Rubric – 0,1,5,8,13 point scale

Aug 8th
APR Status – scoring rubric finalized, reliability testing, missing reviews need completing
IEPI Priorities (APR Process, PDC funding, SLO funding, Data Funding)
In-Service Planning, SLO Day, Days 2/3, Communication and Training Strategies
Midterm Report Writing responsibilities

Fall In-Service Review (all)

SLO Day (What worked? What got done? What’s next? What barriers?)
Day 2, 3 (APR process review: Eric, Vicki; Dept/Div work: all)

SLO “situation room” – Recommendation 6
SLO assessment completion report – courses and faculty – completion timeline (vicki)
Faculty Fridays (Vicki)
Student Services SLO and Program Review Trainings
Intersession Trainings (Vicki)
SLO Syllabus review and timelines (Mark)

ACCJC Midterm Report Writing Leads
Sharepoint implementation (Eric, Adrian)
Working draft by Oct 1; Nov Board Report by Nov 1
Implementation of regular, ongoing planning committee accreditation reporting

APR Process
APRs for 2016-17 that have been received without mention of SLOs – committee return
Piloting Feedback Matrix (Jason) for reliability testing (Geoffrey)One missing 2015-16 report (CTE) being completed
2016-17 Administrative program reviews to be sequenced after planning committee reviews
