October 28, 2016 Meeting
Strategic Planning Committee Agenda
9:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.
Friday October 28, 2016
Café Conference Room
Review Minutes from the October 7th meeting
Review, finalize and approve SPC Charter (Mark/Prima)
Governance Council
- Review/approval of budget timeline (Mark)
Student Representative (?)
Review SLO Day/Planning Day – spring 2017 In-Service (Vicki)
Program Review Rubric priorities and reliability (Sharyn)
November Board Report on IEPI/Midterm report updates (Eric, Vicki, Prima)
College Futures Planning Grant (Prima, Mark, Velda)
- Nov 1, San Joaquin Delta in Stockton – planning grant workshop
- Planning grants awarded (~$10K) to help plan application for Innovation Grants
- Innovation Grant for success/promise -$25M in funding, ~10 grants to be awarded
PRT visit Nov 18 – arrangements (Mark/Danielle)
- Food/Room/Accommodations
- Purpose is to review progress (not to rate or assess)
- Who should be selected to meet with them
- Report Draft – to be submitted on Monday Oct 31
Minutes of the Strategic Planning Committee
9:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m., Friday, October 28, 2016
Cafe Conference Room
Members Present: Primavera Arvizu, Eric Bérubé, Jon Carrithers, Vicki Jacobi, and Mark Williams
Members Absent: Anthony Cordova, Greg Hawkins, and Michelle Oja
Guests: Sharyn Eveland
Secretary: Brandy Young
Review Minutes from the October 7th Meeting
Minutes approved without changes.
Review, Finalize, and Approve SPC Charter (Mark and Prima)
Mark distributed a draft of the SPC Charter with minor edits. After review and discussion, changes to the Charter are:
- Delete bulleted item #5
- Add “in alignment with accreditation requirements” at the end of the paragraph in bullet #2
- Add Strategic Action Plan to bullet #2
- Add “in alignment with accreditation requirements and institution set standards” to the end of the paragraph on bullet #3
- Change strategic plan indicators to institutional planning indicators in bullet #4
Updates to the Charter will be made and emailed back out to the SPC members for review. Once reviewed, the Charter will be taken to the Governance Council for approval.
Governance Council – Review/Approval of Budget Timeline (Mark)
- Resource allocation and outcomes (Mark) – tabled for future agenda item
- Program planning and viability (Mark) – tabled for future agenda item.
- Review/approval of budget timeline (Mark)
- Informational item – SPC has reviewed the Budget Development Calendar and agreed that the current timeline is in alignment with the APR process and will function with the new schedule of Administrative APR submissions in February.
- It was stated that since preliminary budget allocations are distributed to Vice Presidents in February, this time frame would be helpful.
- In regards to the Budget Committee and their role in the APR funding allocation process; it was stated that there is a lack of clarity of the direction of information flow. It was suggested that one way to address this issue would be for VPs to distribute their budget (sources) information to Governance Council, Professional Development Committee, and Budget Committee.
- The gap still remains between what was allocated, the evaluation of the effectiveness of the allocation, and documentation.
- It was stated that “closing the loop” should be in the Administrative Program Reviews.
Future Agenda Item: Budget allocation and closing the loop with Administrative APR – “meta review”.
Student Representative
A student will be selected to sit on the SPC. Sharyn (Phi Theta Kappa) will provide
a recommendation to Myisha. There should be a student representative available to
join the next SPC meeting.
Review SLO Day/Planning Day – spring 2017 In-service (Vicki)
At the last SLO/ASC meeting the committee reviewed the feedback evaluation from the SLO Day in fall. The feedback identified the fact that there are faculty in “different places” in the process. Some are advanced where others still feel the need for training on the basics of SLOs/assessment and eLumen. The SLO/ASC decided to offer different levels of professional development. It also suggested that Bob Pacheco be available for spring SLO Day either as a resource or to conduct one of the sessions. Items of discussion by SPC:
- Vicki distributed a draft schedule of activities for SLO Day – activities include:
- General opening session
- Bob Pacheco – Student Services
- Data entry – enter SLOs in to eLumen
- Geoffrey Dyer – Resource allocation and closing the assessment loop
- Brandy Young – Setting up assessments – assessment plans
- Vicki Jacobi – Assessing Critical Thinking
- Matt Coombs (eLumen) – Understanding eLumen reports
- Matt Coombs (eLumen) – eLumen reports for program leads
- Sharyn Eveland – Analyzing data for Student Services
- A suggestion was made that the Professional Development Committee not be the group that mandates attendance for SLO Day activities, but SPC will make the recommendation to Governance Council to make SLO Day activities a requirement.
- The idea of providing a session to present and discuss data was suggested. A non-structured session. This session could be held on the program review planning day.
- Adjuncts need to be made aware of the SLO Day activities.
Program Review Rubric – Priorities and Reliability (Sharyn)
Sharyn gave a brief history of what has taken place with the program review rubric. The rubric reliability study was shared with the Governance Council as an informational item. After reviewing the recommendations from the study, the Governance Council agreed to send the study back to the SPC to determine how to move forward. Mark proposed to replicate the study model using retroactive APRs and current APRs to perform an analysis. Mark has been working with Bob Pacheco to formulate the idea. The goal is as follows:
- In January – APRs are due – by March, we will have one full cycle retroactively and one full cycle projected
- By June – Budget cycle will be complete
- Provide an addendum to the ACCJC report with the analysis of the continuous assessment of the APR form and rubric for effectiveness
- SPC will continue this discussion when Bob Pacheco is in attendance
November Board Report on IEPI/Midterm Report Update
Eric distributed a handout outlining the progress that has been made in meeting the
recommendations from the ACCJC. (Copy of handout attached). Discussion was had regarding
the development of a systematic plan/process to evaluate budget allocations at the
institutional level.
College Futures Planning Grant (Prima and Mark)
Mark, Prima and Velda Pena will be attending a conference on November 1st. The conference will focus on the Futures Planning Grant, which is a small $5,000
to $10,000 planning grant that would lead to a larger innovation grant. Applications
are in due in March.
PRT Visit – November 18th – Arrangements (Mark and Danielle)
The IEPI PRT visit will take place on November 18th. Mark and Danielle will coordinate the arrangements for this day.
Next Meeting: Friday, December 2, 2016
Respectfully Submitted by Brandy Young