August 08, 2016 Meeting


Strategic Planning Committee
Special Meeting Sub-Committee Meeting
9 a.m. – 11:00 a.m., Monday, August 8, 2016
HR Conference Room

  1. APR Status
  2. IEPI Plan Implementation
  3. ACCJC March Report


Minutes of the Strategic Planning Committee
9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m., Monday, August 8, 2016
HR Conference Room

Members Present: Primavera Arvizu, Eric Bérubé, Darcy Bogle, Agnes JEguaras,
Vicki Jacobi, and Mark Williams

 Guests: Geoffrey Dyer, Dan Hall and Bob Pacheco

 Secretary: Brandy Young

The SPC held a special meeting today with guests Bob Pacheco, Geoffrey Dyer and Dan Hall. Bob Pacheco has been asked to provide consulting services to Taft College in order to implement the IEPI plan. Bob will be working with different individuals on campus for the next several months. Geoffrey Dyer as Academic Senate President has been attending the SPC meetings in order to stay abreast of the status of the IEPI plan and the progress made on the ACCJC recommendations. Dan Hall is the Distance Education Coordinator and was invited to join the conversation today so that he may contribute to the progress of meeting recommendations #2 and #3.

APR Status

The draft Scoring Rubric for APR has been finalized and is ready for approval by the Academic Senate and the Governance Council. There may be changes to the rubric once both bodies have reviewed the document. The new rubric will be introduced to Program Leads during inservice at the Annual Program Review Overview. Geoffrey Dyer has volunteered to pilot the rubric in an effort to gauge the extent to which the rubric possesses inter-rater reliability. The work would consist of applying the new rubric to a small number of budget requests from last year’s annual program reviews. A group of 5 to 8 people will participate.

At an earlier meeting it was suggested that Administrators complete their program reviews after all other program reviews have been submitted. The purpose of this would allow Administrators the time to review all program reviews within their area and report their findings in their own program reviews. Primavera and Mark met with Dr. Daniels and she agreed that this would be a good practice to start. Now all Administrators will submit their program reviews in late spring rather than January.

Dr. Daniels has also requested that all missing program reviews from the 15/16 cycle be completed. At this time there are 3 missing program reviews. Program Leads from these areas will be asked to complete their program reviews.

IEPI Plan Implementation

IEPI Review and Discussion of Priorities

APR Process – This item was discussed at length. The discussion was focused mainly on how to implement the process so that accountability is built in. Guidance and transparency are key.

Professional Development Funding/Priorities to give PDC –Future agenda item.

SLO Funding/Priorities for SLO/ASC – Future agenda item.

Data Funding/Priorities – Future agenda item.

In-Service Plan

Day 1 – SLO Day – Tuesday, August 16th will be the first SLO Day. The tentative schedule for this day is as follows:

8:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. – Opening by Bob Pacheco

9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. – Faculty SLO assessment time

11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. – Working lunch with Bob Pacheco – Data exercise

1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. – “I Wonder” exercise by department

3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. – Sharing out and evaluation of the day

The SLO Assessment Guide is still in draft form and will not be presented on SLO Day. This document will be reviewed by the Academic Senate and the Governance Council prior to distribution.

Day 2 – Program Review Overview – Wednesday, August 17th. Program Leads will gather for two hours in the morning to be updated on 2016/17 cycle of program review. Eric Bérubé will lead the discussion. The updated program review forms, How to Guide and rubric will be distributed. Faculty will be encouraged to ask questions and time will be dedicated to introducing the new concepts in the process.

Day 3 – Planning Day – This item was not discussed.

Fall Term Week 1

Communication – This item was not discussed specifically.

Training Strategy

Communication with PDC. Future agenda item.

Training Schedule – It was suggested that training for faculty be offered each Friday on various topics. Vicki Jacobi suggested the training start with aligning CSLOs to PSLOs the PSLOs to ISLOs. Another area of training would be offered on COR updates and the connection to SLOs and objectives.


APR goals – Future agenda item

PDC goals – Future agenda item

SLO goals – Future agenda item

Data goals – Future agenda item

Oct (APR/PDC/SLO/Data) – Future agenda item

Nov (APR/PDC/SLO/Data) – 90% of APR’s completed – Future agenda item

Dec (APR/PDC/SLO/Data) – Future agenda item

Jan (APR/PDC/SLO/Data) – Future agenda item


The SPC has started planning for the ACCJC report due in March 2017. A small group has been identified to lead the writing of the report. Integration of planning committees has been discussed but not developed. Eric Bérubé will draft a timeline showing key points in the report writing phase. The first draft of the report will be completed by November. This draft will be a template and outline of the report. So that the group can communicate and work on the document as a whole, Eric Bérubé will research different applications such as Microsoft SharePoint. Authors have been identified to address the specific recommendations from the ACCJC. They are as follows:

  • Recommendation #1 – Primavera Arvizu and Mark Williams
  • Recommendation #2 – Dan Hall
  • Recommendation #3 – Dan Hall
  • Recommendation #4 – Vicki Jacobi
  • Recommendation #5 – Eric Bérubé
  • Recommendation #6 – Vicki Jacobi and Mark Williams
  • Recommendation #7 – Office of Instruction

Next Meeting: TBD

Respectfully Submitted by Brandy Young

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