May 06, 2016 Meeting


Strategic Planning Committee Agenda

8:30 a.m. – 10:00 p.m., Friday, May 6, 2016

Café Conference Room


  1.  Annual Program Review Program Consolidation


  1. Annual Program Review templates – Final Changes


  1. Institution Set Standards – Identify 8th measure and details


  1. IEPI Plan Implementation –Training and timelines


  1. Strategic Action Plan Quarterly Reporting – Template language and start date


Minutes of the Strategic Planning Committee
8:30 a.m. – 10:00 a.m., Friday, May 6, 2016
Café Conference Room

Members Present: Eric Bérubé, Darcy Bogle, Agnes JEguaras, Greg Hawkins and Mark Williams

Members Absent: Vicki Jacobi, Anthony Cordova and Jon Carrithers
Guest: Primavera Arvizu
Secretary: Brandy Young

Annual Program Review Program Consolidation
Each year the Governance Council reviews the list of programs that participate in the Annual Program Review process. At the April 22nd Governance Council meeting, it was decided that the SPC would work with Division Chairs to consolidate the list of programs in order to lessen the number of programs under review. For example, the Accounting, Business Administration, General Business and Business & Technology degrees have all been combined in to one program titled Business and Accounting. This consolidation will help to alleviate redundancies within the Annual Program Review reports. The Academic Senate reviewed the recommended changes and approved the list at their May 2nd meeting. The SPC agreed to the modifications and will forward the list to the Governance Council for final approval on May 13th.
Action Item: Eric will add instructions to the How to Guide for Program Review regarding General Education and Basic Skills and how to address these areas.
Action Item: Look in to the possibility of a Substantive Change for the Golf program. Submit a Step 1 form.
Action Item: Add STEM, CEED, Pathways to Office of Dean of Instruction
Annual Program Review Templates – Final Changes
There were no other changes to the Annual Program Review forms. The updated forms will be used in the fall for the 2016/2017 cycle of program review.

Institutional Effectiveness Partnership Initiative Indicators – Identify 8th Indicator and Details
At the April 1st meeting, the SPC reviewed the IEPI Year Two framework of indicators and selected what they thought was 8 metrics. After further review it was discovered that one more metric needed to be chosen. The Committee selected Student Performance Outcomes – Math as the eighth indicator. These eight will be forwarded to the Board for approval and submitted to the Institutional Effectiveness division of the Chancellor’s Office in June to meet the deadline of June 15th.

IEPI Plan Implementation – Training and Timelines
The Committee continued the conversation regarding implementing the IEPI plan. The idea of working with Bob Pacheco is still positive. It was stated that Bob has reviewed the plan and he is available to work with Taft College. An agreement to finalize the details of the collaboration will be formulated and presented to the Board.
Action Item: Mark and Darcy will address the Professional Development Committee regarding the IEPI Plan on Wednesday, May 11th.

Next Meeting: June 2nd at 8:30 a.m. in the Café Conference room
Respectfully submitted by Brandy Young
