November 17, 2017 Meeting


West Kern Community College District

ITC Meeting Agenda

Friday, November 17, 2017

HR Conference Room, 10:00—11:00 a.m.

  1. Approval of Minutes
  2. Items from Prior Meeting
    1. 10Gb Circuit
    2. Login Banner (Information Item)
    3. Banner 9 Upgrade
    4. Retiree E-mail
    5. E-mail Retention Policy
    6. Password Guidelines
  3. Technology Master Plan Update
  4. Annual Committee Review
  5. Instructional Technology Update
  6. Classroom and Instructional Technology
    1. Issues / Problems / Suggestions


Members Present:

Andy Prestage, Bill Devine, Shelly Getty, Mark Gibson, Gustavo Gonzalez, Dana Hicks, Aldrin Luben, David Mitchell, David Reynolds,

Members Absent:   

Dan Hall, Dan Hall, Nicole Avina, John Dodson, John Eigenauer, Richard Hudson, Abbas Jarrahian, James May, Brock McMurray, Tiffany Rowden, Mark Williams


Oleg Bespalov


Andy Prestage facilitated the meeting.


Dana Hicks was meeting recorder.

Meeting Called to Order:

Andy Prestage called the meeting to order at 10:07 am.

  1. Approval of Minutes:
  • The committee reviewed and approved the minutes from October’s meeting.
  1. Technology Master Plan Update (formally discussion item #3)
  • Andy questioned the matter of how new IT equipment has been and currently is funded for projects.
  • Per Bill Devine, if equipment is/was used campus wide, IT would pay out of own budget. If the equipment is/was for personal use, (faculty) equipment is/was purchased from the faculty’s own budget.
  • Per David Reynolds, some equipment was grant funded since the same equipment was used for special tech. needs. For other tech needs, Instruction likes the idea of a written process to help spell out future funding needs/resources.
  • Andy will look into increasing awareness for Dr. Daniel, Amanda, and Mark W. to provide more funds for technology replacement every five years.
  • David Reynolds interjected that faculty should not have to need to worry about new equipment purchases, especially if a faculty member is new. Technology purchases should be made by Instruction, not faculty’s own budget.  All faculty technology tools should be on same level too, not specialized.
  • Andy will follow-up with Mark W. on funding topic and report back at next ITC meeting. in December.
  • Andy asked the committee members for ideas of the new Tech. Master Plan.
  • Bill Devine advised Andy to obtain input from Division Chairs.
  • Oleg mentioned the Strategic Planning Committee as a good source of input.
  • Andy will give/send committee members copies of the master plan to review. There will be a one-time, half hour meeting to discuss the plan at a later date.
  • David Reynolds questioned proper representation of IT at the Strategic Planning Committee.
  1. Annual Committee Review (formally discussion item #4)
  • There was a lengthy discussion about the Annual Committee Review, led by Oleg.
  • Oleg wrote out a table of various goals for the committee to meet. See picture below;


  • Items from Prior Meeting
  1. 10Gb Circuit
  • This topic was not discussed
  1. Login Banner (Information Item) (Handout)
  • Andy asked committee to review the handout, especially both examples. Most people agreed to the idea, however, a few faculty members members abstained from the decision to implement.
  • Andy will present the idea of the login to the Governance Council.
  1. Banner 9 Upgrade
  • Due to time constraints, this topic was not discussed.
  1. Retiree E-mail
  • There will be no changes. The current policy/procedure will remain in place,
  1. E-mail Retention Policy
  • Due to time constraints, this topic was not discussed.
  1. Password Guidelines
  • Due to time constraints, this topic was not discussed.
  1. Instructional Technology Update
  • Due to time constraints, this topic was not discussed.
  1. Classroom and Instructional Technology
  • Issues / Problems / Suggestions
  • Due to time constraints, this topic was not discussed


The meeting adjourned at 11:04 a.m.
