January 20, 2017 Meeting


See Attached


Members Present:

Adrian Agundez, John Eigenauer, Mark Gibson, Dana Hicks, Richard Hudson, James May, David Mitchell, David Reynolds,

Members Absent:   

Dan Hall, Nicole Avina, Bill Devine, John Dodson, Shelley Getty, Richard Hudson, Aldrin Luben, Brock McMurray, Robert Meteau, Tiffany Rowden


There were no guests.


Adrian Agundez


Dana Hicks was meeting recorder.

Meeting Called to Order:

The meeting was called to order at 10:10 am.

Tech Update and Email

Starting off the meeting, Adrian asked the group to acknowledge the minutes that were distributed from prior meeting. Please let Dana know if there are any corrections, adjustments, etc.

  • Adrian distributed the most recent version of the Data Recovery Plan during last meeting and wanted to be sure everyone has received the copy. He will also be sending out a copy to additional staff members to look over before he submits it to Dr. Daniels.  The plan was borrowed from Palomar College with Adrian’s additional information. Adrian asked everyone to look over the plan again and prepare to discuss at February’s meeting.
  • Over the Fall semester, Adrian, Dan, and one of the programmers have been working together to automate the Canvas upload. So far, the automation has been successful.    There was only one issue where a document was moved out of Canvas and back into Etudes.  Being that the record was no longer sent to canvas, the record was actually “hidden” and Adrian was able to work with Canvas and resolved the issue.
  • During in-service, Adrian went over some Microsoft products, one of which is called MS Forms. Tiffany Rowden had a chance to play around with the product and distributed a brief survey about Taft Alumni.  She has recorded about 75 responses.  MS Forms was very simple to use.  Since then, there were a few more products added, such as Sway (presentation), MS Team, and some programming tools. Unfortunately IT does not have enough time to research these new products.
  • The email auto archive has officially been changed from a 30 day archive to a one year archive. So far the auto archive is going fine.   A question was asked if emails in trash is archived and if it can be retrieved. Adrian responded, yes, emails in trash are also archived and can be retrieved unless it is deleted completely.

Tips for Limiting Exposure to Ransomeware

  • Adrian’s main focus of the meeting was to make sure everyone understands information security. He distributed a handout to help everyone understand what to look out for when it comes to Malware/Ransomware.  Some of the tips he covered were scrutinizing links included in emails and attachments.  Make sure you recognize who sends the email and make sure links sent are safe.  Sometimes you can identify fake emails by the sender’s address.
  • Periodically run security scans and Malwarebytes.
  • Make sure your computer is up to date with application patches for operating system, software, and firmware.
  • He informed the group of what happened with L.A. Valley College in December. They were hit with ransomware that hit file servers, voicemails, and took down parts of their buildings managed by certain servers; practically crippled the campus.  The college paid the ransom to obtain a key to be able to restore their systems.

Taft College Website

  • Adrian informed the group the new Taft College website is going live on tomorrow morning (Friday, January 21). A lot of progress and changes have been made over the last month.  A couple workshops was held back in December for other departments to learn how to make changes to specific pages of the website.  Adrian is looking forward to learn what pages need to be fixed once the new site goes live.  Notices will also be sent to students informing them of the change.


 The meeting was adjourned at 10:45 a.m.
