May 17, 2017 Meeting


See Attached


Members Present:

Adrian Agundez, Dan Hall, Bill Devine, John Eigenauer, Mark Gibson, Dana Hicks, Richard Hudson, Abbas Jarrahian, David Mitchell, David Reynolds, Tiffany Rowden

Members Absent:   

Nicole Avina, John Dodson, Shelley Getty, Aldrin Luben, Brock McMurray, Robert Meteau, Mark Williams


There were no guests.


Adrian Agundez


Dana Hicks was meeting recorder.

Meeting Called to Order:

The meeting was called to order at 10:06 am.

March and April Minutes Approval:

  • The committee reviewed and approved the minutes from March’s and April’s meeting.

Quick Summer Future Project Tech Updates

  • The members initiated a brief conversation about projects that would occur over summer. Adrian stated that the tablets will have Office 2016 installed.  The installation would possibly start in June.
  • Melissa Thornberry purchased 35 new X230 tablets for CIL 730. Ruby will be moved from Sci-4 to CIL and will use these new tablets.  Classroom Presenter will also be installed on the tablets.
  • David Mitchell asked what will happen to the cart in S-4. Adrian stated that the cart in S-4 will be cleaned out with older x60/x61 tablets removed.  Once the cart is cleaned out, it will be placed in the back of S-4 where Jennifer is located.
  • David also asked the possibility of the Grant funding the remodeling also funding the purchase of new computers. Adrian informed David that he (Adrian) was instructed to purchase 24 MacBook Pros no later than Friday next week.
  • For members who didn’t know about the S-4 remodel, David R. informed the group about the remodel of the physics classroom. This classroom is being remodeled to another Chemistry classroom due to the demands of more intro. to Chemistry sections.
  • Adrian informed the committee that all classroom tablets and laptops will be updated to Windows 10, and will have Office 2016 and classroom presenter installed. Rich will need to be notified of any Pearson products needing to be installed.
  • IT will work on confirming any installs with faculty before any installs are performed.
  • At this point in time, Adrian was not informed of any special installs for any of the “G” classrooms.

Strong Password Procedure 2nd Discussion

  • As discussed at the prior meeting, the college will be moving forward with the implementation of stronger passwords consisting of eight characters and a combination of items. The items include numbers and letters both capitals and lowercase.  Password phrases consisting of 23 characters (minimum) will also be allowed.
  • The password procedure will mostly apply to administrative and staff personnel.
  • Banner and email passwords will change a minimum of once a year for security measures.
  • The reason for the new procedure was due to the campus being a part of the Chancellor’s office security group. This group was presented with CIS-20 which were options that were recommended to the community colleges on everything. Strong passwords were one of the options Mark and Adrian grabbed for Taft College to perform.
  • Mark discussed the Strong Password Procedure and reviewed at length the written procedure that was distributed to the committee in a prior email. This procedure covered its scope, definitions, an overview, the purpose, and details of the actual procedure.
  • Adrian let the group know, as in prior meetings, the Chancellor’s office sent him a pre-made form/check list to follow in the case of ransomware. This document is very detailed and is very much an investigation into the case when and if ransomware ever happens to TC.
  • Adrian also shared this procedure with Severo, VP of Student Services who vows to also help enforce the policy.
  • Classroom computers will be exempt from this policy.
  • Students will also be exempt from this policy due to their email product’s own unique password program.
  • Per Mark, this password procedure needs to be in place in order for any future plans to proceed.

Other Updates

Dan Hall

  • Dan was given permission to place 15 more computers at TCI.
  • A new printer/scanner was also installed at TCI to help distribute student work to instructors, and vice versa.
  • Moodle will be going away at the end of the Spring Semester. David R. stated there’s a brief tutorial available on how to transfer documents from Moodle to a file that can be imported into Canvas.  The tutorial is very user friendly.
  • Cranium Café is also in the works of being available soon. The tutors are in the process of training on how to use the program.

Adrian Agundez

  • There were about 8 individuals who applied to the Web Designer position. Adrian will be proceeding with interviews in the coming weeks.
  • Adrian’s last day at Taft College is July 31, 2017.


The meeting was adjourned at 10:39 a.m.
