September 26, 2014 Meeting


Governance Council
September 26, 2014
12:10 pm – 2:00 pm – Cougar Room

Facilitator: Bill Devine
Timekeeper: Mark Williams
Recorder: Greg Golling
Minutes: Debbie Hegeman

1. Approval of Minutes from September 12, 2014 Meeting 5 Minutes
2. Strategic Plan Development – College-Wide Survey 15 Minutes
(led by Eric Berube)
3. Continuation of Mission, Vision and Values Statement (led by Eric Berube) 45 Minutes
4. Update on Governance Guide and Administrative Procedures Project 10 Minutes
(led by Dena Maloney)
5. Re-Launch of Welding Program and Lease of Instructional Space 30 Minutes

(led by Mark Williams)
Next Meeting: October 10, 2014
Call for Facilitator, Recorder and Timekeeper


Governance Council Minutes September 26, 2014

Members Present: Eric Bérubé, Sheri Black, Darcy Bogle, Kamala Carlson, Bill Devine, Sharyn Eveland, Greg Golling, Adam Hightower, Victoria Jacobi, Dr. Dena Maloney, Velda Peña, Laura Riss, Tony Thompson, Brandy Young and Mark Williams.

Members Absent: Kanoe Bandy, Bruce Ferguson and Brock McMurray

Facilitator: Bill Devine Recorder: Greg Golling Timekeeper: Mark Williams Minutes: Debbie Hegeman



The minutes of the meeting held September 12, 2014 were approved by consensus.



Eric distributed a document entitled Timeline for Development of the 2015-16 to 2017-18 Strategic Action Plan and Vision, Mission and Values (copy attached to official minutes and available on the Intranet). The document lists the process for the Strategic Action Plan Committee to complete the Strategic Action Plan (SAP) and outlines each portion of the process and dates for completion. Eric confirmed the survey was already out and results had begun to come in. The target date to present the SAP to the Board of Trustees is during the January 14, 2015 meeting.


Vision, Mission and Values

Eric discussed the timeline for the Vision, Mission and Values included in the above document. The project to update the Vision, Mission and Value Statement began at the Welcome Breakfast on August 22, 2014. He said the standard process to update this statement is every three years.

  • Access Committee Report (led by Mark Williams)
    Mark reported the committee hasn’t met yet however their committee membership is almost complete. He distributed a document (included with the official minutes and on the Intranet) outlining the next steps the committee hopes to achieve.
  • Student Success Committee Report (let by Darcy Bogle)
    Darcy reported due to scheduling issues the committee had not met since the last GC meeting. She and Karen Ziegler will be attending a Student Success Conference and Darcy is looking forward to returning with valuable information for the committee.


Draft Mission, Vision and Values Statement (led by Eric Bérubé)

Eric distributed the draft for the Vision, Mission and Values (copy attached to the official minutes and located on the Intranet). There was quite a lengthy spirited discussion. At the end of the discussion an updated Vision, Mission and Value statement was created. The committee recommended since there wasn’t time to finalize the value statements we give it as is to Eric so the SPC can finish them and finalize the draft.

Please see the final draft from the GC.


Taft College instills a passion for learning leading to success for all.



Taft College is committed to creating a community of learners by enriching the lives of all students we serve through Career Technical Education and transfer programs supported by foundational skills and student support services. Taft College’s learning environment is defined by equity in the application of knowledge, leading to student success.


Our Values:

  • Passion for learning and the evidence of its success.
  • A learning community with teaching excellence.
  • An environment conducive to learning, fairness, dialogue, and continuous improvement.
  • A communicative, collaborative, collegial, and respectful culture.
  • A partnership of students, faculty, support services, and community.
  • Innovation, diversity, creativity, and critical thinking.
  • Academic, financial, personal and professional integrity.
  • Employee success.
    • Suggestions from the meeting are:
      • Employees and their professional development
      • Professional development of employees
      • Employees and students of Taft College
      • Employees
  • A transparent, accessible, participative governance structure.


Governance Guide and Administrative Procedures Project (led by Dena Maloney)

Dena reported the committee met on September 24th to review their purpose. They reviewed other guides online and have created a draft. Brandy will prepare the draft for review.


Re-Launch of Welding Program and Lease of Instructional Space (led by Mark Williams)

Mark shared a document outlining the history of the welding program at Taft College and the necessity of ending the program due to poor facilities in May 2012. Dena commented it was a great loss to the community when we left the WESTEC facility. Since that time we have been working with community partners in the industry to find a building that would support the program, and feel we have done that. The building is located in the Taft Industrial Park and has the right type of power, parking, classroom space and they are willing to commit to a three-year lease.

We want our decisions related to this project to follow the master plan and take in consideration of our

local community. Below are some points of interest:

  • We would have access to internships being in the heart of the industry.
  • Possibly some offerings in spring of 2015.
  • Class size – 20 stations
  • Work actively with community partners
  • Possible grant funding for facilities – we’ll know more in a month or so.
  • Instructors – possibly adjunct (bilingual) if no grant funding
  • Want to have a presence in the community – discuss staffing for the building. Possibly WESTEC could help in this area.

Dena said she had worked with several businesses in the past but felt they wanted to see a commitment on our part. She feels if we do the three-year lease and the community sees our intention to support this program that we could develop additional support from them in the future.

Mark asked for a recommendation from the committee to proceed with the re-launching of the welding program in leased space in the Industrial Park. The GC feels it’s not a new program since it was on-going and voted unanimously in support of the proposal.

NEXT MEETING: October 10, 2014 – 12:10 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.

Facilitator: open Recorder: Brandy Young Timekeeper: Tony Thompson

Respectfully Submitted:

Debbie Hegeman
