December 12, 2014 Meeting



Governance Council

December 12, 2014

 (Special Time due to Staff Holiday Celebration)

10:10 am – 12:00 pm – Cougar Room




Facilitator:           Brock McMurray

Timekeeper:      Velda Pena

Recorder:            Darcy Bogle

Minutes:              Melissa Blanco




  1. Approval of Minutes from November 11, 2014 Meeting                                                         5 Minutes
  2. Committee Reports                                                                                                                       15 Minutes
    1. Access Committee (Mark Williams)
    2. Success Committee (Darcy Bogle)
    3. Budget Committee (Brock McMurray)
    4. Strategic Planning Committee (Eric Berube)
  3. Information Technology Committee Charter (Adrian Agundez)                                          15 Minutes
  4. Student Equity Plan Presentation (Mark Williams)                                                               20 Minutes
  5. 2015/16 – 2017/18 Strategic Plan Presentation (Eric Berube/ Dena Maloney)               20 Minutes
  6. Hall of Fame Proposal (Kanoe Bandy/Darcy Bogle)                                                               15 Minutes
  7. Governance Council Retreat Ideas (Tony Thompson/Dena Maloney)                               20 Minutes


Next Meeting:  TBD – In-Service

Call for Facilitator, Recorder and Timekeeper



December 12, 2014


Members Present:      Kanoe Bandy, Sheri Black, Eric Bérubé, Darcy Bogle, Bill Devine, Sharyn Eveland, Bruce Ferguson, Greg Golling, Adam Hightower, Vicki Jacobi, Dena Maloney, Brock McMurray, Laura Riss, Tony Thompson, Brandy Young, and Mark Williams.


Members Absent:       Kamala Carlson and Velda Pena


Guest:                              Adrian Agundez


Facilitator:                       Brock McMurray

Recorder:                        Darcy Bogle

Timekeeper:                  Tony Thompson

Minutes:                          Melissa Blanco




  • The minutes of the meeting held November 11, 2014 were approved by consensus.


    • Darcy stated the committee met yesterday and reviewed the responsibilities and goals for Spring 2015. Currently the committee is focusing on aligning the Student Success Plan with the Equity Plan along with developing a research agenda to provide the committee with data.
  • ACCESS COMMITTEE (Mark Williams)


Mark Williams distributed a handout, “Student Equity Overview” (copy attached to official minutes), which outlined and highlighted the committee’s planned goals and objectives to directly address the disproportionately impacted cohorts.



Eric distributed the minutes of the October 24, 2014 meeting of the SPC along with the SPC’s plans/goals for Spring 2015 (copy attached to official minutes). Eric also shared with the Governance Council that the IR Office has published its new website and shared some of the features with the GC members.

    • BUDGET COMMITTEE (Brock McMurray)
    • Brock indicated the committee met yesterday and discussed increased allocations in specific areas such as DSPS and 3SP, along with accreditation and financial resource section discussion. Brock stated he will be attending a Budget Workshop in mid-January to review the Governor’s proposed budget and the status of the state’s economy.
  • FACILITIES (Brock McMurray)


  • Brock updated the GC members on the work of the Facilities Committee. They are focusing on identifying future needs addressed in the Educational Master Plan. Currently, the Student Union Project is awaiting DSA review and approval. The Vocational Building Project is contingent upon a state bond passing. Future work is planned for the gym to repair the roof.





Governance Council

December 12, 2014

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(Led by Adrian Agundez, Director of Information Technology)

  • Adrian distributed a draft of a proposed committee charter for the Information Technology Committee (copy attached to official minutes).
  • The ITC has been around for long time and meets routinely to identify and review technology needs of students, faculty, and staff.
  • The creation of the committee charter will solidify its role and purpose for TC.
  • CONSENSUS: The GC approved the presented draft of the Information Technology Committee Charter as is.
  • PROPOSED AGENDA ITEM: The committee also agreed to review the process of developing committees and the specifics in charters such as reporting, accountability and evaluations.


(Led by Mark Williams, Vice President of Instruction)

  • Mark Williams distributed a handout, “Student Equity Overview” (copy attached to official minutes) to the GC members for review.
  • Mark discussed the funding philosophy, and the relationship with the allocation.
  • In building the plan, the Access Committee looked at and will continue to be looking at several different aspects to directly address disproportionately impacted student populations/cohorts.
  • Mark stated this process is data driven and the goal is to arrive at solutions that create equity in student success through existing services and programs and possibly new ones if needed.
  • GC members would like to know when this data will be shared as to who are the “disadvantaged”, along with ideas of why and how to address this issue.



(Led by Dr. Eric Bérubé, Coordinator of Institutional Assessment, Research, & Planning and Dr. Dena Maloney, Superintendent/President)

  • The Educational Master Plan (EMP) was completed last year, and is a ten year plan.
  • The Strategic Action Plan (SAP) is an action plan for the five recommendations from the Educational Master Plan, which were ranked and ordered, along with goals, actions steps, due dates, expected outcomes, and champions of those goals.
  • A presentation was provided to review the Strategic Action Plan and its five key areas:
    • Student Learning/Success
    • Access
    • Business, Industry, and Community
    • Facilities and Infrastructure
    • Institutional Planning and Effectiveness
  • Dena then asked the committee members to approve the SAP, with final approval by the Board of Trustees.
  • CONSENSUS:   The GC members approved the final draft of the 2015/16-2017/18 Strategic Action Plan. It will now go to the Board of Trustees for approval.





Governance Council

December 12, 2014

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(Led by Darcy Bogle, VP of Student Services and Kanoe Bandy, Director of Athletics)

  • Darcy distributed a draft of the Taft College Hall of Fame Constitution and Bylaws for review (copy attached to official minutes).
  • Kanoe expressed her concern of the word “each” used in the 3rd paragraph under the section titled ‘Induction Selection Process’ which states “A nominee receiving a majority of votes in each category will be recommended to the Board of Trustees for election into the Taft College Hall of Fame”.
  • It was recommended to remove the word “each” because there may not be any nominees or there could be more than one for these specific categories.
  • There was also concern how records will be collected and housed/stored supporting the nominees over the years.
  • The GC members would also like a budget for the dinner, the plagues, and other expenses associated with this proposal.
  • Darcy stated she would develop a proposed budget for this proposal before presenting this to the Board of Trustees.
  • CONSENSUS: The GC members approved the HOF Proposal with the provision that Darcy make the change recommended by Kanoe Bandy and include a budget for the expenses.



(Led by Tony Thompson, Co-Chair and Academic Advisor/Instructor and Dr. Dena Maloney, Superintendent/President)

  • Tony and Dena asked the group to help with the agenda for the next GC retreat which is scheduled for Friday, February 27, 2015.
  • Last year the focus was on Student Success.
  • GC members were asked to suggest some elements they would like to see for the retreat. They are listed as follows:
  • Off-Campus Setting
  • High engagement/energy
  • Visible product which can be built on
  • Work groups
  • Opportunity for brainstorming
  • Prioritize what is do-able
  • Invite targeted guest resource experts
  • It was also suggested to revisit the outcomes/content from the last retreat and see what has been accomplished or what has not.

Next Meeting:  Friday, January 9, 2015, Spring In-Service

Facilitator:          Vicki Jacobi         Recorder:            Brandy Young                    Timekeeper:      Laura Riss


Meeting Adjourned:      12 pm


Respectfully submitted by:

Melissa Blanco
